
Trying to Absorb

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wesley stopped a furious Saul. If his hammer had been a deterrent, Loki would have turned over a new leaf and this would not have happened. So all the problems remained unresolved.

In fact, Wesley should have moved out directly and intercepted them at Stark Tower, but he didn't want people to know that he could foresee the future. He had many secrets that he couldn't share, even with his best friends and family. He could only let things develop slowly. However, he believed that everything was under control, and it was this thought that made him suffer.

The fighter jet landed on the mothership and the group escorted Loki inside. Wesley held Loki's scepter in his hand as the Apple whirred. It was testing if the scepter's energy could be turned into its own.

"Apple, can you absorb the energy emitted by the scepter?" The first step was the absorption of energy. This was very important. Wesley did not expect to collect all six Infinity Stones. His biggest wish was to get one or two.

A man's heart is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. If he is not careful, his stomach will burst. Wesley was very self-aware about this. Even one is good, because there are only six in this universe, and all of them have unlimited energy. Infinity is relative, because energy cannot exist indefinitely. The law of energy conservation is not for nothing. The Tesseract also needs to draw energy from the outside world.

"It can be absorbed, and the quality is very good. This should be the top energy source in the universe, and there is a… I should say a magic presence." Apple's words stunned Wesley and he slowed down a little. Saul looked back at Wesley strangely. "What's wrong?"

"Saul, go in with them first. I'm going to store the armor, or I won't even have a place to sit," Wesley responded instantly.

"Oh, no problem. Go and come back quickly. I still have a lot to tell you." Saul's personality is carefree. Then he turned and followed Natasha Romanov in. Steve Rogers had no intention of changing his clothes. Sometimes Wesley really doesn't know why he likes tights.

Leaving the group, Wesley continued to communicate with Apple. "What does magic refer to?"

"The energy released by the scepter is a little weak, but if it is controlled by someone, the increase in release will affect the nervous system of human beings. As for the other abilities, we don't know yet. We need to experiment."

"Then can it be put into my internal space?" Wesley asked eagerly.

"No, it… refused." Apple's answer shocked Wesley. How could he refuse? Was it alive?

"Is it a living thing? Or intelligent?"

"No, or I'm not sure. Its code is different from the computer, but it can be referenced. It's even more different from my code. My data reserves are insufficient to analyze it, but we can use some things to help us perfect Elizabeth."

"There's no time. It seems that the smart gave up the wisdom gem this time. Loki is still controlling it, right?"

"Maybe it has something to do with me. My composition is unique at the moment. We guess it might be composed of elemental languages. This is too complicated for Marvel Universe, so we can't get its approval."

Wesley's heart turned cold at Apple's words. "So the space gem won't work either?"

"Not necessarily. Wisdom Protection needs to be connected to the brain if it wants to use it, but the space gem doesn't need it. Your internal space has a high chance of attracting it."

"Well, everything is unknown. I can only do my best." Wesley came to the equipment room prepared for him and took off his armor. Then he let Apple absorb as much energy as possible. The energy of the Wisdom Stone is a great supplement for Apple, but it is too short.

With the scepter in hand, Wesley went to the command center, where everyone was gathered. They were watching Nick Fury lock Loki up. Nick Fury's seemingly threatening words made Wesley speechless. He actually explained the operation. "If you move, you will fall nine thousand meters. I hope your body can take it. This was originally prepared for a guy more terrifying than you."

His words embarrassed those in the know, and Wesley covered his face speechlessly. The scepter had not been activated yet, because Loki needed to wait for someone, Miss Natasha Romanov.

Loki got a lot of information from Hawkeye, including from members of the Avengers. He relied on his intelligence to devise this charade of arrest, then waited for Black Widow to get the information and make the other party feel threatened by Bruce Banner in words. When everyone was drawn together, he activated the scepter and used that special ability to break up the unstable relationship within the Avengers.

Wesley was waiting. When the time came, Apple would be able to absorb a lot of this energy. Wesley wasn't sure to what extent, but it would be good to study it.

Nick Fury finally returned, but the atmosphere was a little strange. "What's wrong? Didn't anyone do any more research?"

"What should we study? How do you want to lock Bruce up?" Wesley said angrily. After all, he invited Bruce Banner. "You not only explained how to operate that cage, but you also embarrassed Bruce. Now we are immersed in an awkward atmosphere."

Nick Fury looked at Bruce Banner apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, Dr. Banner, but I think you can understand the preparations we made. There's no other way. There can't be another situation and we're helpless."

"Okay, let's change the subject and talk about Loki." Dr. Bruce Banner waved his hand. He didn't want to continue the topic.

Nick Fury didn't continue to dwell on it and instantly changed the subject. "Loki's behavior puzzles me. He doesn't act like a prisoner, and I feel that he's the person who would most like to stay on the mothership. What do you think?" Nick Fury looked at Saul after he finished speaking.

Saul shook his head. "No one can guess Loki's thoughts. I've never been able to see through him." Saul is too straightforward. Loki has always played him like a fiddle. It's ridiculous to let him analyze Loki's thoughts.

However, Sol was from the Divine Realm after all, and he still had some information. "Loki has an army under him, and the Chitari army is under his command, and the reward is the Tesseract."