
Saul’s SOS

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Sky returned to the plane. She was in her room, carrying a bunch of things she had bought today. She felt unreal and looked at the dark glass on the sliding door before smiling.

Wesley, on the other hand, drove away from S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and returned to his apartment. Although he couldn't sleep alone, it would be nice to recall today's date. Skye was mixed race and had the Chinese characteristics Wesley liked. With recent training, she had maintained a good figure.

Thinking about it, he fell asleep directly. After all, apples could help him fall asleep.

In the distant universe, the Divine Realm was celebrating. They had just suppressed the rebellion of various countries under the leadership of Saul, and the nine countries protected by the Divine Realm had returned to peace. The nine countries they mentioned were actually nine planets according to the people on Earth, but the Divine Realm had always followed the ancient way of life, armor and cloaks, swords and shields.

Saul missed Jane Foster, who was far away on Earth. Even at the celebration party, he did not smile at all. He hesitated for a moment, then got up and left.

Miss Sif stopped Saul. "Have a drink with me!" A simple invitation. If it works, maybe the Realm will have their prince's wedding, but Saul didn't agree. He set himself a task.

Riding fast on his horse on a rainbow road, Saul reaches the Bifrost.

"You are late," Heimdall, the guardian of Bifrost, said.

"Sometimes banquets are more tiring than fighting," Saul said as he walked and then looked at the boundless universe.

And just as they were about to look at the earth, Jane Foster encountered a strange problem. A magical place had attracted her. It had been a magical place discovered by several children and finally found by her assistant, and Jane Foster had disappeared here.

Heimdall, the gatekeeper of the Realm of the Gods, could see anywhere in the Nine Worlds, but Jane Foster's sudden disappearance caught him off guard and Heimdall sent him to Earth.

However, he could not find the exact location of Jane Foster. Saul immediately thought of SHIELD. He reached into his armor and searched for a long time before finding a note. This was something he had to bring with him every day, even if he went out to fight.

On the top of the note was a set of phone numbers, which Wesley had given him. If he came to Earth, he could be contacted, but Saul did not have a phone. Looking around, he saw that he was in private territory. An unfinished building and a lot of containers were scattered nearby, but the containers all looked a little strange, not neatly stacked together.

Jane Foster's assistant, Daisy Louise, was talking to the police. Saul went straight to her and she exclaimed, "Oh, my God, Saul, you're here?"

"Where is Jane?" Saul asked.

"I don't know. She disappeared suddenly. It's been a few hours. I have to call the police," Daisy Louise said. The intern she was with was being searched by the police.

Saul's appearance attracted the attention of the police. A police officer came up. "Sir, please show your ID."

Saul looked at him strangely. "What's an ID card?" The police officer was stunned, then became alert and took out his baton.

"Sir, please put down the hammer in your hand. We need to examine you."

"Hammer? You want me to put down the hammer?" Saul cares about his hammer the most. Daisy Louise saw that the situation was not right and hurriedly said, "Oh, he is a foreigner and doesn't know much about Britain. Saul, you have to calm down. Oh, right, where is SHIELD? Let them come. We can't solve the problem here."

"That's right, this is Wesley's number, but I don't have your hand… hand what?" Saul handed over the note.

Daisy Louise hurriedly took out the phone and dialed. Wesley was still asleep when the phone at his bedside rang and he reached for it. Wesley answered lazily. "Hello?"

"Uh…" Daisy Louise was stunned at first. She didn't know Wesley's last name, but she immediately said, "Are you Wesley?"

Wesley felt very strange. Then he sat up and asked, "That's right. Who are you? Why do you have my number?"

"Hello, I'm Daisy Louise, Jane Foster's assistant. She's missing, and then Saul came. Saul asked me to call you. There are a lot of police here. They asked Saul to put down the hammer. Saul is angry…" Daisy Louise was talking out of nowhere, and her thoughts were in a mess, but Wesley had figured out that this was the plot of Thor 2. Saul came to earth, and Jane Foster had not come back.

"Understood. I'll be right there. Don't hang up. I'll search your location." Wesley jumped out of bed.

"What? That's it? What if I don't understand it myself? Okay… Okay, I won't hang up," Daisy Louise said in confusion.

Saul stared at the police officer and stared at him. Then he asked, "What did he say?"

"He said to come right away, Mr. Policeman, do you know S.H.I.E.L.D? Their people will be here soon. Please don't be impulsive. This big guy is very scary when he's angry." After responding to Saul, Daisy Louise immediately went to comfort the police.

"I don't know anything about S.H.I.E.L.D., but this is a private place. It's illegal for you to break in," the police said nervously, because Saul's appearance is very intimidating, but they are more convinced that this guy is either an actor or a lunatic.

Dressed in armor, with a huge red cape and a hammer in his hand, he looked very strange. Not everyone knew about the Battle of New York. Some people even thought that it was a movie made by the Americans and asked when it would be released. It was not a matter of intelligence, but they could not understand it. At the same time, because of the shooting distance, no one could see what the Avengers looked like, except for those who were familiar with them.

Wesley hurriedly changed his clothes and washed up. The armor appeared on his body, and he pushed open the window and flew out. "Apple contacted SHIELD headquarters."

"Understood, connecting…"

"This is SHIELD headquarters, Wesley, what's wrong?" Maria Hill's voice came.

"Maria, contact the U.S. military immediately. I'm flying at high speed to London, England, to get them to open the road," Wesley said.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. detected abnormal energy fluctuations in London, England, and is preparing to investigate. Do you know what happened?" Maria Hill asked.

"Saul is here. Something happened to Jane Foster. He got someone to call me. Also, contact the British military and the London police. Don't get into a conflict with Saul. He is very irritable now."

"Understood." Maria Hill immediately agreed with Wesley's request.