

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wesley asked Phil to lead his men away from him. He was not so great that he would sacrifice himself. He was confident that he could avoid the other party's attack. Moreover, Wesley was not fighting like this to protect humans and the earth, but to take a step forward.

He had to get close to the Tesseract, which was the space gem. If possible, he would take it for himself. Even if things couldn't be done, he had to get close and see if the energy could be absorbed. His current idea was to constantly strengthen himself. How should he put it here? It should be considered a Marvel Universe world. He could only think of this name to distinguish his original parallel universe.

Strength is what is advocated here. If he wants to live well and comfortably, he needs strength, and SHIELD is the springboard for gaining strength. At the same time, he himself likes this mysterious life.

His heart began to beat rapidly. Now, his heart was beating more than 500 times per minute, which was the result of the last enhancement. The normal human heart rate varied from 60 to 100 beats per minute, while the strong people were likely to beat less than 60 times because their hearts were powerful.

Wesley's body was naturally much stronger than that of an ordinary person, and now that he had more than 500 beats, all his abilities were seven or eight times stronger than that of an ordinary person. He was different from Captain America. His state could only be maintained for a short time, and the energy consumption was huge. Captain America's drug-modified body could be maintained all the time, and Wesley had no way to analyze this.

Everything slowed down as Apple calculated the impact of the trajectory and the environment. Wesley stood and fired, his left hand supporting the guard under the barrel, his right index finger on the trigger, and pulled the trigger.

Bang! The 7.62mm bullet spun out of the chamber, carrying the airflow with it. Wesley watched the bullet fly through the scope. At this time, Destroyer had driven Miss Sif away and was about to attack them. The face armor opened, and when the energy inside was ready to launch, the bullet flew straight in and hit the inner wall of the helmet, then changed direction and went straight into Destroyer.

With a bang, there seemed to be a small problem inside the Destroyer. An internal explosion that was not serious did not cause much damage to it, but its attack paused, and then it looked up and noticed Wesley 800 meters away.

"It seems useful?" Wesley and Apple said.

"It is indeed useful. Through external observation, there is a small explosion inside the Destroyer, but the specific situation is still unknown. But what is certain is that the other party's energy is inside the body, but it is not easy to destroy."

"Are grenades okay?"

"I'm not sure, but the effect is definitely much stronger than a bullet, but it's not recommended to get close to each other. It's too dangerous."

"I have to try. It seems that I have a risk factor in my genes. Now I feel a little hot-blooded." Wesley put down the sniper rifle. Destroyer did not attack him here. He did not know if it was disdain or if the attack distance was not enough.

"Phil, I'm going over to support you. Don't go over here." Wesley got directly into a car. Destroyer is still moving forward, and Saul hasn't come forward to die. Wesley put the gear in gear and stepped on the gas. The front of the car began to move forward and continued to put the gear in gear. The speed kept increasing. Now he only has two pistols and a few grenades.

The car was moving faster and faster. Wesley was less than 800 meters from the center of town, and he was there in the blink of an eye. Saul suddenly stood up and tried to stop the car. His meaning was clear, but Wesley still wanted to try.

He quickly moved the steering wheel, stepped on the brake and the accelerator together, and pulled the brake. The car was centered on the front of Saul's car, and the back of the car swung over without touching Saul at all. Then he put down the hand brake and stepped on the accelerator again.

The metal on Destroyer's face fell again, and the energy in its body boiled again. Wesley's heart raced again, and he pulled out the Beretta 92F under his left armpit with his right hand, and then he fired bullets from the right window. Bang, bang, bang. He fired several times, and all the bullets went into Destroyer's head, and then they bounced back and hit its internal energy. The boiling energy began to explode on a small scale, and Destroyer's body twisted strangely.

The car sped past Destroyer, then braked to a stop, put the car in reverse gear, and stepped on the accelerator with the hand brake. Then he let go of the hand brake and the car quickly began to reverse. Wesley pushed open the driver's door and hit Destroyer's legs with the door.

With a bang, the door flew out, and Destroyer's body flew up and then fell to the ground. Wesley and Apple communicated, and two grenades appeared in his left hand. Without stopping with his right hand, he put the gearshift back on and stepped on the gas, and Wesley drove the car forward again. He used his teeth to bite off the grenade's ring, and then the car passed Destroyer again. With a light toss of his left hand, two grenades rolled into its body through the helmet, but Destroyer was lying on the ground at this time and waved its arms. The front of the car was hit by it, and inertia made the car roll directly.

Everything happened so slowly. Even as the car rolled, Wesley jumped out of the tumbling car and began to run forward. He didn't know if the detonation had any effect, but for now it was best to get as far away as possible.

Destroyer climbed to its feet. Then, with two loud booms, its body expanded rapidly, and the metal on its body began to expand, as if it were going to explode at any moment. Saul was touched by Wesley's efforts. This was never Wesley's business, but he still risked fighting.

Wesley had no time to observe, no time to worry about Saul's thoughts. Instead, he kept running, his heart beating fast, and he was fast. Destroyer looked like he was about to explode, and Saul's companion pulled him along and started to run out of town.

With a loud bang, Destroyer exploded. The huge explosion flattened the town, and then the energy shock of the explosion spread out in all directions. Although Wesley ran out of town, the huge energy shock quickly touched his body and his whole body flew up.

"Adjust the movements of the body and adjust it according to my instructions." Apple hurriedly calculated the coordination of the body. Wesley did as he was told and swung his arms and legs in the air. His body began to stretch in the air to the maximum extent and he balanced his body. Finally, Wesley's legs landed on the ground and he immediately rolled forward, removing the force of inertia and impact.

Dust flew everywhere, and Wesley looked as if he had been dug out of the ground. He got up and patted the dust off his head, and inside his mouth, too, which made him uncomfortable. He looked back at the disappearing town, and Wesley walked over again.