
Capturing Loki

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the command center of the Sky Mothership, Wesley and Tony Stark took off their armor and everyone gathered around the round conference table. Wesley was greeted by Elizabeth as soon as he walked in.

"Welcome, Mr. Gibson." Elizabeth's unique electronic voice sounded, and everyone looked at Wesley strangely.

Wesley, on the other hand, said calmly, "As its designer, shouldn't I give myself some benefits? It's just a greeting."

Tony Stark laughed out loud and patted Wesley on the shoulder. "Haha… I like it. Wesley, you're amazing. You really have the same personality as me. Well done." Bruce Banner also laughed.

Steve Rogers, on the other hand, expressed his displeasure. "A show-off."

"Yes, I have the right to show off, don't I? It's just a greeting and it becomes showing off. Ha… it's hard for older people to understand," Wesley said without giving in. Part of the reason why he didn't get along with Steve Rogers was that there was a little misunderstanding when they met. If that was all, Wesley might have taken the initiative to ease their relationship.

But Wesley was more concerned about the plot of Captain America 2. Steve Rogers's insistence on disbanding S.H.I.E.L.D. made Wesley very unhappy, although he did not know if he would do so in the future. Wesley did not have much affection for him from his own point of view.

The dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a huge impact. The direct impact was that Hydra had no opponents. If it weren't for the fact that a group of people were still fighting, Hydra's development would have been very terrifying. Wesley himself also wanted the S.H.I.E.L.D. stage. Not only could he constantly obtain information and technology to strengthen himself, but he could also come into contact with more alien civilizations. This was very important to him now, especially the exploration of elemental languages.

"Well, enough is enough, you two. Now we have more important things to do." Nick Fury stepped in to stop the two of them. "I'm glad you came, Dr. Banner."

"My friend Wesley invited me here, and it seems that things are indeed a little big. So what do you need me to do now?" Bruce Banner asked.

Nick Fury pointed at Phil Coulson, and then Phil Coulson began to explain, "We monitor all wireless cameras on the planet, including laptops and cell phones. As long as they are connected to the Internet, they are our targets, but we still can't find them."

Bruce Banner said, "We should narrow it down. How many spectrometers can you find?"

Nick Fury responded confidently, "How much do you need?"

"Contact all the laboratories, set up the spectrometer on the roof, and then calibrate it to the frequency of the gamma rays. I will set up an algorithm to identify the source, which can be narrowed to a certain range, which can filter out most of the targets and find me a place to work."

Nick Fury nodded and then called out, "Miss Roman Grove, take the doctor to work. Mr. Stark, I think you can help Dr. Banner."

"No problem, but this mothership is really powerful. I didn't expect you to be able to do this." Tony Stark said as he walked to Nick Fury's command position. He clicked and operated it a few times, then left and followed Natasha Romanov.

Wesley shook his head, speechless. He could see clearly that the guy had installed a small object on the console. Wesley got up and said, "I'll help them too." Then he went after him.

Nick Fury didn't stop Wesley because Wesley could indeed help. He turned to Steve Rogers. "Captain Rogers, if we find Loki or Hawkeye, I hope you can bring them back."

"No problem." Steve Rogers was very confident.

Wesley caught up with Tony Stark and the others. They were taken to a lab, and then Natasha Romanov left. "Tony, what did you install on the console?"

"You saw it? Don't worry, I just asked JARVIS to crack it and see what SHIELD is hiding." Tony Stark said indifferently.

Wesley gave him a speechless look. "You need to know that I designed Elizabeth. You'll be found out. Terminate J.A.R.V.I.S. decryption immediately. I'll find a way to get the stuff back later."

"Don't worry, isn't your Elizabeth a simplified version? J.A.R.V.I.S can break through its defense… Oh, I'm not saying your design is bad."

"J.A.R.V.I.S. can indeed break through the defense, but then the alarm will sound. Although Elizabeth is a simplified version, the defense can't be bypassed quietly."

"Then let's see. You don't know their secret, right? It's not convenient for you to do it, so I'll do it. Don't worry, it's okay."

Just as Wesley was about to persuade him otherwise, the lab loudspeaker sounded. "Agent Gibson, please get ready to move immediately. We have discovered Loki's whereabouts and we need you and Captain America to bring him back." Phil Coulson's voice came through, and Wesley left helplessly. This Tony Stark is really stubborn.

Wesley put on his armor and boarded the Quinjet. Captain America was already in his new combat suit, with his shield behind him. Wesley actually wanted to try the power of the spinning throwing axe, but the story of the spear and shield told us that it was dangerous.

Wesley couldn't sit, so he stood in the back room. They didn't say a word until they were close to where Loki was. Steve Rogers said, "We have a fight that needs to be planned."

Wesley looked at him, which was indeed Captain America's style. "Not bad, but I don't think you know much about me, but I know your characteristics. You can fight him later. I'll take care of the rest. No problem?"

"No problem. As you said, you know me, and I don't know you. I think you can do it." With that, Steve Rogers got up and opened the back door. Below, Loki was giving a speech on his theory and preparing to kill his opponent.

Steve Rogers jumped straight down, and the two of them fought, but it was obvious that Steve Rogers was at a disadvantage. Wesley could not understand how a character like Captain America could stand side by side with other superheroes. His ability did not seem outstanding.