
New Reality

As soon as I woke up, I was transferred to this weird place. It was so sudden that it made my mind couldn’t come up with any form of idea as this strange phenomenon was nothing I never heard or experienced, but I quickly gather my composure. Then, I realized, I was not the only one. To be honest, these are the things that I only read through novels and fantasy books but experiencing it myself wasn’t what I really wanted. Not even once. Reading was something I loved as it was fun. To others, it may be a time where they get out from harsh reality but that’s life, you face a lot of hardships. But strange. Why? Why am I here? No, why are we here? What’s our purpose for coming here? At least put a warning that I will get to go to another world! Just me is good! Questions formed which made me quite nervous but I calm myself down, as being nervous will be only a hinder to my thinking. I breathe. “First, let’s assume this is real.” After thinking so, I began to form a little plan inside my head. Preparing like a normal person would do when this kind of thing happens. I executed my plan in my head before waiting. As the timer was tickling down and thought that after its number’s hits zero, all of us are going back to our daily lives. [0:00] But it didn’t happen. After I saw what happened to that man with his head being sliced, the simple plan I had was crushed in an instant. Yet, that one act was enough for me to realize one simple thing. The thing is… it was a bitter pill to swallow. “This is real…” I was only assuming that it is but…it's just unfair. “There’s no going back…” … It doesn’t matter if you go back in time… It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or an outstanding fighter… It doesn’t matter what challenges I will encounter… I will succeed, find answers to everything, and survive… Until everything ends. *** : Cover not mine. Just edited small things on it. If you're the owner, just tell me if you wanted it removed. : Keeping the story's setting simple as this is my first book. : So yeah, everyone who had read the novel regressor instruction manual would notice the large similarity in the first few chapters of mine and it is because I'm a fan of that novel, but I would tell it now as I think it should be known to you guys. Informing should be the right thing to do. : Although I have a cliche setting, I'll at least try something original. : Hey, if you're reading this, try to read now! Maybe some of you love a mind-blowing chapter one but I don't have that in my novel, instead, I'll make it good for the future chapters I will be making. Anyway, thank you for taking your time, and go read it!

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
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172 Chs

Bloody Tutorial

"I-I don't know… Grey." Gin gulped down his saliva and also said in a shaky voice. 'F*ck… what is that? The aura that the monster is letting out is too strong to be in here... shit, seeing it, I don't know if the plan will still work.

Everyone remained frozen and just stared at the monster with frightful expression. Seeing it, they felt like the word demon they heard on Earth was now in front of them,

It's a monster with its skin that looks like it had been peeled off and burned. 2 horns are standing in its head. Eyes dark as a night and his hands are shadowy, but the shadow looked like a hand with claws intact. And, this monster is standing with its two feet.

'And… I can't see what that thing is… can I ask the system?' Gin then mumbled and thinks words he saw in novels. "Search what is that monster… Search—"

He knew that he looked like an idiot, mumbling to himself. After seeing it, he just wanted to know what it is. Any information is good even if it's a little.

But with no luck, nothing appeared or he didn't even hear the administrator's voice. He was just mumbling in the air

'Tsk. How unfair.'

Failing to know what is it, he called Grey who also remain frozen. "Grey focus. I don't know if this is the monster wave that the system told us but we need to— "


Suddenly, many footsteps could be heard running at the back of the monster. Even though it is faint, he knew what those are.

'I jinx it. F*ck! It's coming!' Gin cursed inwardly.


The people and the monster then started to stare at each other. Nobody move, nobody speaks. Not until they heard someone's laughter, "Pft, HAHAHAHA... Wow, I give a hundred points to whoever made this. This really got me first, not gonna lie.

The man laughs and clapped his hands after. Hearing it, the people still managed to turn their heads and see who the man is. It was the same man who told that this strange occurrence is VR.


"Hey, why are you afraid of this thing? Can't you see this is just a costume? A costume! You hear me! They must be not contented by this prank. Sigh." The man sighs as he walks to the monster with a brave face.

'Oy Oy! Don't provoke it! What if it moves? You just said a while ago that this is VR and you're wrong, and now say it's a fucking costume? Wake up! We are not in a Halloween!' Gin said inwardly but he can't just shout.

He knew that he is not the only one who felt the monster's aura as it is emitting a disgusting one. They either think that the man is dumb or just didn't sense it, but they didn't dare to tell it.

The pressure was just so intense.

After walking for a couple of seconds, the man wore a confident smile as he was now in front of the monster, He look at the monster before glancing back at the people, "Come here everyone, and let's end this now!"

Although the man shouted with a brave and confident tone, not a single soul move. Hell, they even felt like an invisible glue had been stuck between their foot and the floor.

They covered their mouths with their shaking hands, to avoid any noise leaking out. They're just engrossed looking at it.

Either they're in awe looking at it... or terrified.

"Woah! This really looks real! But I'm already late for my work, so if you can just—"


The man stops from talking midway...

No, he was forcibly been stop.

In a few seconds, everyone present saw how the monster swiftly cut both hands of the man. Turning his head at the side, he saw his one hand at the ground not anymore connected in his body.


Before he could even shout in pain, the monster didn't let him be as it swiftly cut the neck on the man.

The blood was spurted on the man's body with the people near him being covered by his blood. It was then, the faces of the people inside became more terrified.







Different kinds of noises suddenly come out. Clamor, bewilderment, and shock have become rampant inside.

Screech! Roar!

As if it was not done, many monsters started to come out at the hole where the first monster appeared. They're running of fours. Their skin is also burned or peeled off with its face is unrecognizable, but they still have body parts like eyes, nose, mouth.

It was becoming crazier as the cries of the monster and people are mixing inside the gigantic cave.

"Grey… l-lets run." Gin said in a weak voice.

His legs were stuck but he slowly regained his senses. It's not like he was someone that had a strong heart after being transferred. He was also scared.

Many uncertainties and dubiety are entering his mind but he needed to remain his senses intact.

"Grey I know you're scared, me too. But if we don't… move we will be the same as that man." Gin said while peeking his eyes at and saw the monsters eating and tearing every human they could kill.

They're moving in waves, washing and devouring every human it could see. Gin knew that they're still far but it will become near, if they still didn't move.

Gin's voice felt deaf on Grey's ear as he keep watching the scene happening in his eyes. He could see blood on the ground, arms and legs being thrown out and scattered everywhere like toys.






It's chaos.

"Grey!" Gin, this time, shouted. Everyone is minding their own lives so who would even mind his shout?

It didn't matter who died as long as they live.

As Grey turned around, Gin looked at the big guy in front of him that felt so little this time.

Seeing it, Gin bit his lip and said with a calm tone."Let's go and sprint towards there, ok? We'll talk later."

Although it was calm, he was really scared on the inside but decided to hide it so that Grey's frightened feeling would be reduced, even if it's just a little.

Hearing the calm voice of Gin, Grey had calmed down a bit before running towards the other hole. Gin followed him but he glances back every time, to see if the monsters are chasing up.

He also knew that his plan had just shattered just now but he doesn't care as the plan was to survive from the start. His plan was just secondary.

'Let's escape first.' The two run forward as fast as possible to the other side of the cave.

Grey continued to run on his best while Gin continued to glance every time. Everything was good when all of a sudden, something hit Gin that made him fall over.

"Shit!" Gin cursed loudly and could see that Grey didn't notice him falling down. As he moved the something, his eyes were wide open when it was a man with both of his legs gone.

Calming himself quickly, he quickly put the body down. He holds his mouth that is close to vomiting. He felt hazy but still managed to stand before preparing himself to run.

And when he was about to do that, he felt something grabbing his legs. He looks back and it was the same man that had no legs.

"Please save—"

Before the man could continue, Gin quickly removed the hands of the man and speak with a shaky voice.

"I-I'm sorry."

He then proceeded to run fast while still glancing back every time. It was then he realized the monster was near and also see the man earlier being eaten.

"Why?! AHH!—UGH…!"

Seeing the man being torn apart, Gin quickly turned his face forward. When there was already no noise, he glanced back again and saw the same monster that had eaten the man, looking at him,

Although he wanted to deny it, he knew that he had made eye contact with that monster.

'Fuck… just leave me alone!' Gin shouted inwardly.

He knew what would happen and tried to avoid the worse outcome. He tried to pick an arrow on his back but it had fallen off, due to his hands shaking violently.

'Pheww. Gin focus.' Gin breathes and clenches his fist tightly. He slowly gets an arrow on his back, but with ease this time. He nocks it on his bow and turned around.

He saw that this wolf monster really didn't leave him but he focuses his eyes, trying to aim for the best spot to shoot. Seeing Gin, the monster runs faster when it saw its prey was not moving.

Anticipating it, Gin waited and then he saw the monster jumps with its mouth wide open. Gin raises his bow up, focusing his arrow at the monster.


He let the string of his bow and shoots it at the monster's chest. He didn't hesitate and runs faster after. Glancing back, he saw the monster didn't move after he had shot the arrow.

[+1 Agility ]

[+1 Stamina]

[Occupation Available]

'Ahh! That scared the shit out of me! And what is this…? An occupation?' Gin said inwardly but decides to just ignore it now.

Glancing back once again, he saw that many humans are falling behind. It was probably due to realizing everything late.

And by glancing at his back, a monster looks like it was just running aimlessly but it was actually chasing.

Seeing it, Gin prepared himself and gets an arrow on his back. He was about to turn around when he stumbled at some rock.


Knowing that he will fall off, he just gripped the bow hard using his hand. He had fallen off but thanks to his grip, the bow and arrow are still in his hands. Not minding his injuries, he quickly readies himself to shoot the arrow.

Nocking the bow, Gin pulled the string hard after. He closed his one eye, concentrating his other on the monster. He repeats the same process, shooting the monster after.


But this time, the arrow didn't pierce through on the monster's body. Instead, it evaded the arrow that made the monster stopped, before it started to run again towards Gin.


With a little distance between each other, Gin knew that nocking an arrow and shooting it is futile. But as if he'll die and watch the monster running onto him while not doing anything. He nocks the arrow on the bow, targeting the monster that is almost close to him.

'I'll at least make you hurt so bad, you shit.' Gin threaten inwardly while concentrating his senses on the monster.

That's then when someone saw him and started to go in his direction.

"Fire Sword Art." A man muttered under his breath before it sprinted towards him,

He runs while holding his sword with a strong grip. The blade on his sword started to burn from below up into the tip.

Seeing that he can do it, the man leaps using the ground as his momentum. Closing the distance between him and the monster, the man raised his sword up before slashing the monster in half.


After doing it, he then noticed other 2 monsters coming at him but instead of running, he faced them off with a cold expression.

He fights them


With his blade burning, he used it to cut the monster from top to bottom. Looking at him, Gin felt like he was watching someone dancing along with fire. He quickly comes back to his senses and stands up.

While standing, Gin saw the man turning around with the same expression but seeing the face of the man, Gin remembers it really well.

'You are…'

In front of Gin, the man said with an expressionless face, " If you go there, a 10-minute break will be given. Go run."

Hearing him, Gin had planned that from the very beginning. It's just that many things happen that he failed to do so. Turning around, Gin then proceed to sprint at the other side while glancing at the man, who is saving people he could see.

'What is he doing? Well, he saves my life, so whatever.' Gin said inwardly before he saw that he was nearing the other side.

In front of the hole, its hole was really huge! Beyond, there are also ways to enter but the holes had become smaller.

At the front, he saw many people resting but with shocked expressions on their faces. As he entered, he saw a screen appears with a timer on it.


Inside, Gin then started to find Grey in the crowd. As he look around, he saw many people had many different types of expression. Mostly, terrified.

Remembering what happened to the man and to the other people, the people began to cry but the majority keep vomiting at the side.

Gin just let them be and just continued to find Grey in here. He was big and tall but he just can't quickly find him. After a few seconds, Gin finally saw Grey standing like a frozen statue. Gin was walking towards him but he felt like Grey was not minding his surroundings.

"Grey..." Gin said in a low voice before smacking the big guy's body.

Feeling someone smacking him, Grey comes back to his senses. Looking at who it was, tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Hyung... I'm glad. I didn't know you're not following me anymore. If I had known—"

Before Grey could continue, Gin interjected, saying "What you did was right. You still have your own life, kid. You're not some hero who would sacrifice yourself for me. So, be glad because your choice is right."

Looking at him, Gin felt a little guilty inside, 'Shit... I'm starting to regret using him later on…'

Then, looking intently at him, Gin saw something missing on Grey, 'Uh... where's the bag?'

"About the food, Hyung..." Grey said weakly while wiping the tears on his eyes.

Hearing it, Gin was about to burst out and ready to shout at Grey when he continued,

"When I was running, I get whatever food I can get in my way..." Grey paused and turned his head at the side, "Now look."

Gin followed his gaze and quickly turned surprised when upon closer look, it was the bag! He thought it was a boulder that is placed beside Grey but it isn't!

"This bag was heavy because I already got many. Uhm, again I'm sor—"


Hearing a short laugh from Gin, Grey had a frown on his face and looked at him weirdly. Adding to his laugh was the wide smile on his face.

Gin then said, "Really Grey... I'm really glad that you survive! Don't mind the things that had happened and focus on the present. But really... you did a good job."

"Really...?" Grey said questionably as he could believe what the guy in front of him is saying.

As he knew Gin more, Grey felt like he was actually a good guy. From the first time he met Gin, he thought Gin was a bad person but it is slowly fading from his mind.

'I'm glad that I'm at your party, Hyung...' Grey said inwardly before joining Gin, who still had a smile on his face.

If only Grey knew what he was thinking...

Gin smile and said, "You did a good job..." ' At getting this food, Grey! We can survive for a month with this. Thank you!'


Suddenly, the two heard a rumbling sound and looks back. They saw that the entrance turned blue with people keep entering inside. Then, it turned red and the last person that Gin had become familiar, entered.

His expression was still the same. The one who saved his life. The one who is calm in this whole situation.

Seeing him, Gin looked at Grey and urgently speak at him, "Grey, let's go right away. You can bring the bag, right?"

"I can Hyung, but we don't we join—" As Grey was about to speak, he saw Gin quickly shake his head.

Seeing it, Grey nodded before they quietly pick the things they had. Finishing it, they walk silently away from the crowd but that's when they heard someone shouting at them.

"Ah wait! Please!"

Although Gin heard it, he didn't turn around and proceeded to walk with Grey away from it. That's when they heard the same shout, pleading at them to stay.

"Please wait for a second!"

Since the shout was getting more attention, Gin can't take it anymore and just turned around. He could see the man running towards him. But the closer the man gets, the more Gin could see his face.

He had a face of any actor Gin saw on Earth. A hair that is blond that is perfect for his handsome face. With a good build and perfect body proportions, he was near a peft human being. That's not all, as in a matter of seconds, he was now right in front of Gin.

Seeing his handsomeness made Gin terrified. Gin was surprised for a seconds as he said inwardly, 'Shit... this guy is too handsome but I'm more handsome, right? Let's not mind that because a handsome face would not help you survive. It's better to be a little smart."

With the man in front, he take it as a chance and said fast, "Would you like to come with me? I mean, to all of us?"