
New Order: Multiverse

Kinda got bored waiting for my fav authors on updating their fanfictions. So I thought why not my mine? So here you go! Synopsis: A young man died choking on a cinnamon bun, got three wishes and reincarnated. That's basically it! Don't expect regular updates though, in fact treat it as a miracle I updated in first place cause I'm a lazy ass man! Anyways love you guyz!!!✌️

Boob_Master15 · Anime & Comics
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New Order:

New Order allowed the user to set a rule onto their surroundings by touching the target and calling out their name, allowing them to manipulate and bestow new properties onto themselves and the world around them. This could range from simple descriptions to more conditional ones based on cause-and-effect.

Essence of the Unlimited Potential

- You are the ultimate student, possessing limitless potential and can learn or develop any power, ability, discipline, or skill set you desire even if you shouldn't be capable of it. Once learned, you cannot forget them and can practice them all into mastery, no matter how many you may learn.

- You can, at will, enter into a state of hyper-concentration, enhancing your learning ability. If a power, ability, skillset, or discipline requires access to some energy source to function, you begin generating that energy source. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

- You do not need to rely on external factors for any of your powers, abilities, skillsets, or disciplines. From the ones that require energies drawn from the environment or from other planes or dimensions to the ones that rely on esoteric principles or strange metaphysical laws. None of your abilities will require anything outside of yourself.

- You have the power to harmonize any conflicting powers, abilities, skillsets, or disciplines. Using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time. Being evil won't stop you from using good-only abilities. This applies to everything you can do from magic, to super science, or just to simple training, you will always find a way no matter how impossible.

- You are also the perfect instructor, able to easily pass on your knowledge and skills to anyone who wants to learn from you. Even the most complex of systems, concepts and ideas can be easily communicated by you. You are capable of imparting any skills, abilities, or powers that are in your possession to your students, be it magic, chakra, ki or a special ability. Your students will naturally develop the necessary potentials and affinities for them as you instruct them in their intricacies.