
New Order: Multiverse

Kinda got bored waiting for my fav authors on updating their fanfictions. So I thought why not my mine? So here you go! Synopsis: A young man died choking on a cinnamon bun, got three wishes and reincarnated. That's basically it! Don't expect regular updates though, in fact treat it as a miracle I updated in first place cause I'm a lazy ass man! Anyways love you guyz!!!✌️

Boob_Master15 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Ch 1

<1st >

Dying isn't fun. That's what I think, at least mine was.

The way I died was quite funny to be honest choking on cinnamon bread, but can you blame me? Those things are delicious.

Anyway enough with the distractions, I can't really ignore this screen in front of me anymore can I?

[ Finally done with your thoughts?]

Huh. Yes, sorry to keep you waiting, thanks for the patience though.

[ It's okay it's kinda amusing listening to your thoughts about dying.]

Thought so, of course a random floating screen in the middle of this eternal darkness or should I say void? Can read my mind.

[ Anyway back to business. You have three wishes, 1 counts for the world. And 2 must be for powers not the kind that instakills though, so no anykind of O's]

Okaay? Is it this kind of situation where I read in fanfiction and novels? Cool.

Okay so three wishes 1 for the and 2 for powers. Gotta think this through, the screen said not instakill powers and not overpowered seems easy enough, I kinda thought my powers when I was alive trust me you guys, boredom can do that to you.

Now the most important question. Do I keep my memories?

[ Of course, what's the point of reincarnation if you don't even remember you reincarnated in the first place?]

Fair enough. So let's go on to wishes then, for my world I choose One Piece cause why not? It's fun to sail around the seas exploring new island and tasting new foods and meeting all kinds of people, but not the kind of vanilla fun it's kinda dark to be honest it's just plainly covered in a thin veil cause were focusing on the main cast where their journey is all positive, not all the time though.

[Hmm, seems fair. What about your powers? Remember though no overpowered powers of any kind.]

Fine fine, I choose New Order for my first wish, cause why not? It's a budget reality warping. And for my second wish I choose the Essence of the Unlimited Potential.

[Smart choices, not to overpowered right of the bat. But you can be overpowered in the late game especially with the Essence. You really thought this through huh? Anyway all those can be granted off you go now.]

Thank you, Random Screen in the Void!!!

[He didn't really specify where and when in One Piece did he like to go through. Oh well let's just select at random but not unfavorably for him, since he was not that difficult to deal with, nice guy.]


<3rd >

In a forest we see a tear in space appearing and out comes a unconscious young man, about 17 years old with onyx colored hair and even if you don't see it cause his eyelids are closed he has onyx colored eyes too same as his hair.

He is also dressed in sleeveless turtleneck which black and shorts with sandals the color being? You guess it black!!!

[Image: just imagine kaneki]

As the light from the sun cascade pass through the leaves of the tree he was leaning on through his eyes, the young man stirs awake.


<1st >

Hmm, man the sun really is annoying in the morning huh? What the!!! Sun? And why is it breezy?

As I open my eyes I see I'm in a forest somehow huh, did someone abduct me or is the dream in the Void and the Screen real?

One way to find out, I pick a leaf that has off a tree and try out, New Order.

" The leaf catches on fire!!!"

As I watch the leaf burn in front of me, I realize that I'm really in an another world, not just any world The One Piece World. Money, Fame, Power, all those achievable if a put in enough work which I admit not enough work cause of two things, New Order and My Essence of the Unlimited Potential.

With new order it's fairy simple, I can set conditions on myself or those around me in a limited manner meaning bootleg reality warping but for now I'm feeling I'm limited to only two orders, but no problem that's why I have the Essence. Heres the description:

Essence of the Unlimited Potential

- You are the ultimate student, possessing limitless potential and can learn or develop any power, ability, discipline, or skill set you desire even if you shouldn't be capable of it. Once learned, you cannot forget them and can practice them all into mastery, no matter how many you may learn.

- You can, at will, enter into a state of hyper-concentration, enhancing your learning ability. If a power, ability, skillset, or discipline requires access to some energy source to function, you begin generating that energy source. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

- You do not need to rely on external factors for any of your powers, abilities, skillsets, or disciplines. From the ones that require energies drawn from the environment or from other planes or dimensions to the ones that rely on esoteric principles or strange metaphysical laws. None of your abilities will require anything outside of yourself.

- You have the power to harmonize any conflicting powers, abilities, skillsets, or disciplines. Using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time. Being evil won't stop you from using good-only abilities. This applies to everything you can do from magic, to super science, or just to simple training, you will always find a way no matter how impossible.

- You are also the perfect instructor, able to easily pass on your knowledge and skills to anyone who wants to learn from you. Even the most complex of systems, concepts and ideas can be easily communicated by you. You are capable of imparting any skills, abilities, or powers that are in your possession to your students, be it magic, chakra, ki or a special ability. Your students will naturally develop the necessary potentials and affinities for them as you instruct them in their intricacies.

Yeah, not overpowered at the start but it will be in the long term, with this the limitations of New Order will be forgotten with both combined I will be a genuine God. Through the passage of time of course.

Now, For the most important question. WHERE THE HECK AM I?!