
New mirror

A man in his thirties has given up on life and decides to commit suicide but instead the heaven or hell he believed in, he was reborn as a poor girl

robus_duplobus · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

All the time that I wasted

A man came in and picked me up. As we walked out of the alley, I saw his appearance. His nose was angled up and he had pointy eyes. He was probably blonde with long hair tied in two pony tails. I looked at his clothes and he looked poor but no one else was around so crying wouldn't help. "What should I name you?" he asked himself. My mother said my name but I wasn't sure of my gender and I couldn't speak in front of someone even if I could. "I'll check your gender later and then decide" he said sprinting forwards. We ran down two streets and then into another alleyway which had a little tunnel at the end. I'd realised that there was a lot of junk and led lights around. It looked like some sci-fi world. We went in the tunnel and there were many other people. They all looked poor which meant I'd have to spend some time here until I could walk. He laid me down on a sleeping bag and got a poorly sown onesie to dress me in. "Oh so your a girl, how about Vida" he said lifting me up. Two other people then approached, a boy who looked about fifteen who had messy black hair and a ginger girl. "Who's that Novo?" asked the boy.

"A child I found in another alley" he said placing me back down, "Her name is Vida".

"How are you gonna care for it, we're homeless" asked the girl. That was the thing that worried me since I wanted to live my life out to accomplish my goals but this wasn't the greatest start. He smiled and exclaimed, "By stealing!". My heart dropped. If they got caught then I'd probably be sent to an orphanage which wasn't in my plans either because of what I'd experienced.

I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but the situation worried me too much. I didn't want to waste this. I somehow managed to fall asleep and woke up the next day being carried my the blonde guy Novo. The city was still dark for some reason. It looked like I really was in the future. There was probably more gas which blocked the sun. The population probably increased too since there was way more junk. They had probably made a device allowing areas to breath or else we'd be dead since there were few trees in sight. Times had really changed and now I was confused about how I'd make back all the time that I'd wasted.