
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter Twenty-two

[???? POV]

It has been rather amusing to watch the Old God, to watch the Liberator, both so different yet with a similar dangerous mindset. Yet at the same time their mindsets are so different its amusing to compare. One values life, one is indifferent to mainly all life, one wants to return, one has accepted his new life, both willing to create a blood river if needed. I couldn't well enough leave things be as the Old God came here, I needed something to keep him from breaking. Something to help him return to the mindset of a man on a mission, for his own and his families good interest.

A little partial white lie was said, but he's figured stuff put.

It was frankly easy to find such a thing because of one of the Old God's had temporarily given me that opening. That brief connection to Earth, to the Old God's body, to that locked away reminder of his. When my intentions had briefly touched the objects I was surprised by the phenomenon. An armors wish, a guns desire, a knifes belief, and a pair of dogtags quietly wanting to be worn again. Four blood soaked items, four items in which had the strongest connection to the Old God. So I gave them what they wanted, I erased merged them with their recreated counterparts.

Dead Man Walking modeled after armor, Dead Man's Momento modeled after dogtags, Dead Man's Claw modeled after a serrated knife bordering on a sword, and Dead Man's Crime modeled after a scorched blood soaked hand cannon.

It's truly a fascinating phenomenon to see four soul bound items in a magicless world. Yet a world without magic managed to design then unintentionally create a new living world. All because one Old God started the Death Game, they didn't particularly mind the things which would happen, no they wanted to cull the population of Earth and enjoy the blood bath. However, they didn't like that a colleague had been stuck in the game so they restricted his actions. Yet now that's becoming something that was a very good move.

To think betrayal leads to a good outcome for a broken man, yet can it last? No clue that's to be seen. Oh? Well seems a PARASITE knows where the Old God is roughly and sent a few playmates. I wonder will Balmel live? Or will the Old God decide it's not his problem?

I'm betting he slaughters everything, after all it's only a flood of a million monsters. Nothing he hasn't killed before.


— — — — — — —

[Stranger POV]

My day was fine I was just watching the Watcher like a good little cultist. Then I feel as if God said fuck you specifically. I mean how can I not feel that way when fucking a sea of monsters come from nowhere wanting blood? Sad part is I'm very tempted to believe the Watcher did this but he's standing on the city walls amused. What's more he is wearing items that give me chills along my spine. Because those Equipment Screens aren't normal, its as if they are teasing me. Because I just get this feeling of being stared at.

[Dead Man's Claw (N/A)

Type: Trench Knife Sword

Description: ???







Carnage - KILL IT ALL! STRENGTHEN YOUR BLADE WITH THE LIVES OF YOUR VICTIMS! This blade is deranged and sentient to a degree, it requires sacrifices to fully awaken.]

[Dead Man's Crime (N/A)

Type: Modified Desert Eagle (WAR CRIME UPGRADE/.200 Cal)

Description: ????






Oblivion - Shots never miss, one shot one kill. Each kill strengthens this weapon by consuming the heart upon death.]

[Dead Man's Momento (N/A)

Type: Dog Tags

Description: ????




Obituary - All your kills are always up for review, even your own deaths. Note: Can consume records to strengthen a chosen item or creature. Souls: 34,654,342,890,643,100, Your a genocider.

Forsaken - Death can not hold you down. Rise and get revenge on all who stop you, after all they must die. These tags make the wearer forsaken by Death, stuck to revive instantly if killed.]

The worrying thing my Analyze picked up briefly on his back was an incomplete description. Got the name but nothing else before something felt like it stabbed my eyes. But there's nothing there on his back…..

[Reaper's Envoy]

The armor? It out right refused to be checked somehow which isn't possible really. Not even cursed items with semi-sentience can do that unless it's a hidden quest item. While in my thoughts the Watcher jumped into the sea of monsters with his shadow in a chest pouch. Honestly not sure it's a good idea to bring a child into that, they're dead weight. Never mind, runts making him hyper focused to keep it safe. Just why did I get chewed out for calling the runt it by Priestess Mockingbird?

I say it one time in chat and the War Priest Division jumps me. Like fuck. Seriously I did not need the equivalent of a three hundered paged, fucking ridiculous, cultist lecture on why the runt isn't an it.

Watching how it's going I sorta zone out watching that bastard essentially dance the dance of Death. Looking like something will really hurt him or the runt and he with sometimes no movement avoids it. When everything starts getting gassed is when I stop focusing on him solely. His pack doing the bare minimum to help as they watch him while exchanging grunts.

Just…. Why is there an Undead midget in armor holding a baguette?

[Gustavo LV 666 TROLL BOSS]

Oh… oh fuck its that midget who literally raped me to death with my own arm. Although, it was a unique way to die and reincarnate during the Death Game. Not many can claim you got raped by your own arm, by an armored midget, who bit your throat out, while impaling your heart with a baguette. Just who programmed that little fucker? It was not game friendly in any way.

Sighing I grab my Colt 1911 and jump off the wall, other Watchmen joining me. Guns and blades at the ready we dive into the flood as cyan green flames drop a completely armored duo into the monsters. The sound of a shred cannon coming to life is like a symphony to our ears. Though that other one is swapping and dominating with their weapons. The two have a flag I thought I'd never really see here on their armors. Feeling something use me as a spring board I watched with morbid fascination as a pure white armored dog. Launched into the air locking its jaws around a monsters throat and bringing it down with reckless abandon.

American's and their toys of destruction, amazing dog though.

[Kaiser POV]

Swaying like a drunk on my feet from everything going on my knife finds a home in a Charger Orge's skull. My hand cannon going off, ten monsters in that direction become blood mist at once while a tankier monster loses its leg. From one of my chest pouches Cupcakes head sticks out, eyes barely open as she seems to take in everything I do. Which would be a big guess if I didn't hear her sometimes whine as if going "I see!"

Stepping backwards an inch a hatchet with heated plasma flies by Preston in hot pursuit of his hatchet. Anything in his path being violently crushed, shot up, or diced by the Phantom Soldier in his current state. Jumping slightly I land on the passing war axe of Williams before digging the heels of my boots into a Alpha Black Hound's skull. Letting out a pained whine below me its head comes off its neck with a crunch. Spinning into an angle while mid sprint along the carcass, blade meets undead's face with a fluid cleave through the skull.

Sashaying my hips in a circle a Strike Wasp hits the dirt, a monster trampled the already crippled monster.

"『 Forget 』『 Crimson Barrage 』『 Void Feast 』『 Execution: Spacial Rend』『 Execution: Sacrifical Chain 』"

Using Forget on a Field Boss class monster preparing an AOE skill for the walls, the monster was then met by condensed bullets of blood ripping through it. Stomping my right foot down hard with the ground cracking under the force, tendrils of the void shot from the ground around us ensaring monsters. The inky black tendrils chirping as the captured monsters became nothing. Cutting an arc behind me with my blade space is heard cracking and impolding with a hiss. In front of me a chain reaction of a single bullet hoping from one blood misty area to the next. The manifestations of thousands Snakes form following the bullet. The snakes keep growing in number though till it becomes on giant Blood Viper.

Tilting my head a spear passed by the Orc holding it looking fearful then a bark from my shadow came. Poor dumb bastard didn't even blink before plagued fire burnt its face off, Cupcake growling protectively. Which Preston heard in passing so the big guy cackled shouting something at us. His Remington blowing a hole through a Howler's chest while he ran off cackling.


People of Scottish descent are a rather vocal and interesting bunch, though Preston is seriously going to rib me over having kids. Bastard kept trying to literally steal my sperm to give to a sperm bank just to make sure I'd have kids! It was very fucked up but I never hated him for trying to give me something like family. In a fucked up way, but in a way to give your friend something to live for. So I never said anything about that weird shit he pulled, he's basically family and family does weird shit to each other.

Weaving around claws I eventually arrived in the center of the flood. Pulling Cupcake from my pouch I did what a reasonable father does, I threw her like a dart to her mother. Small Nukes dropping around me from my inventory, the cursed weapons blinking as my pup leaves the fall out area. Spreading my arms wide I give a deranged smile with my teeth showing.

"Nukes go boom, everything caught up die."

Hearing boom the eager WMD's went off swallowing me in their glorious light of death. Everything going white as monsters, Williams, Preston, Xane, dying Adventurer's, and dying Watchmen joined me in the destructive blast.

[Fenris POV]

Catching my little runt of a 'daddies girl' as some would call her. I watched light consume the flood and the dying my Lock in the heart of it smiling like a madman. Then all sound died temporarily as if the void consumed it with rolling shockwaves kicking up dust. With no real sight or sound for half an hour as every sound comes back I heard cackling with blood gurgling. The sight of a healing and laughing Lockhart coming into view as the dust settled, the destroyed land repairing itself.

Lockhart taking a step forward cackled still even as he looked like a walking undead he sang a jaunty like tune. Blood flying from his mouth all the while due to parts of his throat, chest, lungs, and heart from the looks of it. His gear is also visibly repairing itself as he trudges back to here.

"I'm a dead man walking the line~

I'm the madman dancing the dance face to face with Death!

I may die temporarily but I always come back~

Always killing, always marching on, always insane~

I'm a dead man walking the line~!

Oh I'm walking the line, dancing between both sides~

Oh I'm walking the line, dancing between both sides~

How I'm not dead? I don't know~ and I don't care~!

I'm not one to go quietly into the good night~

I'm one who shoves his fucking fist down the night's throat to rip its heart out~

Oh, oh, oh I'm a dead man walking yet I'm so hard to catch~

Because I flirt with the Reaper yet pull away from it's embrace~

I flirt with Gaia yet I pull away from her embrace to walk the line~




Because damn I'm so hard to kill like a cockroach~

Got a mission to see through to the end~ so I march onto the breach!

I may die but I'll claw my way out of my grave like an undead~

Because fuck you~ oh fuck you~ I'm not dying easy

Impede my mission you'll all die like the gnats you are~!"

He gave some disturbed people a sweet smile at the last bit, making them shiver. But our little pack was all snickers and cackles at how messed up our Alpha can be. He may be getting better but he's still crazy and murderous, he did just nuke himself after all.

Only Locky, my Eilífur Félagi, could be so ready to do so. It's worrying as I don't want that, but I trust him to come back eventually. Because I trust him to come back from suicidal moves like that the pups of the pack didn't cry about his suicide act. They may be young but they can tell things most would be blind to. Just Cupcake is gnawing my hand like a toy.

"Ugh, I swear this pup is going to be his pup alone with how she is."

"Kids love either parent Fenris dear, my older pups just all are basically devoted to me. The younger ones are split annoyingly so between me and their father. It's sad when your pup wants someone else more than you…."

"Hellspawn will cling to it bastard creator I guess."

"Kaede likes me and her mother equally."

"Oh dear… keep dreaming I'm the favorite."

"I like uncle Kaiser more currently, he's pretty fun, terrifying, but fun during training. Then there's this! Terrifying! But amazing like a real mythical hero!"

"""""What hero? That's a villain there."""""

"He isn't a villain, he's a hero….. well more like an anti-hero with no problems doing evil things."

Smirking at the young CRITICAL High Elf Lordling Locky pops his head up. While climbing on top of the wall before laying spread eagle and falling asleep. Dropping Cupcake onto his armored chest as she drew blood finally I shake my head in amusement. I love this deranged High Human with all my heart, he's one of a kind. Although its aggravating that he is our daughter's favorite parent. Its a bit unfair, I gave birth to our little special pup yet she's basically his! At least the other pups love me more or the same as him.

Having kids is both frustrating yet surprisingly fulfilling…. It's very odd for a Void Monster like myself. I don't really care for any other life besides Locky really yet having kids with him added lives I really cared for. If any of the other pack members died I honestly wouldn't care much, sure I dragged Suna into this relationship, but she's not as important to me than my children and Lockhart. They are the only ones I'd truly bring the wrath of the voids ever encroaching destruction forth to protect.