
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter Twenty-nine: Shin already losing it

[Shin POV]

Sitting in front of me covered in Black Hound's, CRITICALS, and two canine bosses monsters was Kaiser. The younger ones of the whole group were all surrounding his immediate personal space. A few were even following their mothers, Fenris, as an example and acting as if they're guarding him. From all of us, especially the one named Cupcake who sat as a small Werewolf Beast in his lap. She kept giving me death glares as if I had wronged her somehow.

I knew she existed in that Fenris was pregnant but I never met her. So why is she giving me looks promising my death?

"Dad, he looks like someone who just will walk into a wall and question why it's there."

"Eeeh he's more like a dense walking brick wall that's got Chimeradite plates in the center."

"He smells like depression. Can I bury him?"

"He can be rather useless besides being an idiot…."

"This man killed me eighty times?... I feel as if this menace is less insulting than him…. Purgatory's Queen would be embarrassed…."

"He's a good pup… just needs a good guiding hand to think…. Smarter…. I'm sorry…."

"He's looking at me funny…. I don't want to marry him, dad please make him look elsewhere! I'm too young for this!"

The ENTIRE family, even those who couldn't speak Common or were forcibly added, Fenrir, are all just being rude. It's hurtful but honestly given who likely taught the kids it's expected. Just why did the silent comment of "I don't feel so good mister Stark." Feel so out of place? Did Kaiser teach references to his kids? In my thoughts I hadn't noticed Yuzuha joining the pile of canine's. The little fox looked comfortable between the mixed group of monsters and CRITICALS.

Even if some were leaking plague gas from confusion. Which was concerning however Kaiser and Fenris just said it's like wetting the bed, but more hazardous due to them being so young. I'm not going to question how wetting the bed equals leaking plague gas. It just is not something I need to hear but I'll hear it anyways because of Schnee being curious.

"Well you see if randomly pissing the bed while young is something uncontrollable due to reasons. Then due to them being so young they don't subconsciously have that habit of controlling said thing. So yes it's like wetting the bed as a kid, just this must be purified with a vengeance."

"Huh… I can honestly understand that Kaiser-san. It makes sense given we've all done it at least once while growing up."

Tiera… don't agree with him, he's

not someone you want to agree with on things. It just encourages him to do something crazy, like use a literal sex toy as a bullet! Still funny though seeing a boss monster question if truly it had been shot with a lubed floppy dildo. A dildo dealing sixty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty-nine damage. All because it was empowered by Kaiser's skills and hit the boss in the face.

After a while we talked about just everything that was worth mentioning. The fact that Kaiser is more stable was a surprising thing honestly. Although what was with the mention of "Broken Soul" and "Cockroach" achievements? Those aren't any I've ever heard of from the game era or from anyone. Whatever it's likely Kaiser just being Kaiser with Kaiser things in the works.

"You question my achievements so I shall explain simply. Death, Achievements, reset, specific time, . There you go, figure it out Shin after all it's possibly the stupidest but most welcomed troll achievement gift. All because I'm apparently the Best Dad, I think the troller didn't think about that bit."

"What the fuck are you talking about… Did you have another psychotic break?"

"Huh? Achievements?"

"Well that's troubling…. Should be best if I let you handle that instead of Master."

"Kuu… Failed Timeline?"

Of my group everyone had something to say, except for Tiera's new tamed monster. Everyone from Kaiser's looks off put but for himself, Fenris, Fenrir, Sunna, and Cupcake don't look confused. Even Millie looked confused although while we talked Weilheim an Adventurer I had met entered looking rather livid. When he entered before he had the chance to speak Kaiser shot him in the nuts with a beanbag sawed off shotgun.

"No being rude. Ask politely or suffer."

The CRITICAL groaned as he held his crotch looking annoyed with Kaiser. Said person just stares at him with a…. Clown mask…. On…. When did he…? The pack even seems confused on how he just did that!

"Dad please take that off, that's the most disturbing mask I've seen on you yet. How'd you even put it on so quickly?"

"Through the power of cheating."

"He used the quick swap function devs have. Why the clown mask? I don't know in all honesty, my husband is weird."

This is going to be a long day.