
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Before Birth

It was a new day after a day of sleep and travel with Fenris carrying me as I slept. So while Shin, Rionne, and the rather fuzzy Progenitor Elemental Tails Boss called Yuzuha ran. When I woke up though I was greeted to a rather loud mental chat of voices. Then Yuzuha who realized the sudden mood of Fenris also screamed at me childishly.

'Good morning! See you and the other's when you return from the Sacred Palace!'

"Morning Mister Lockhart!"

'Morning and alright.' "Morning little End Boss, how's your steed? Shin not jostling you right?"

"Shin's best steed!"

"Alright little one. Now where the fuck are we and where the fuck we going?"

Rionne Bayreuth snorted at my comments with a chuckle of amusement. I in my one armed glory pointed at her as I hit regen avatar on the dev console. My missing arm explosively filling the air from my missing sleeve, scars still decorated it. My missing eye I didn't want fixed I had plans for the empty eye socket.

"Well hi to you as well princess of brawling! Where the fuck we going?"

"Heh Shin I like your friend he's quite something. As for your question Lord Lockhart, we are returning to the Bayreuth Kingdom. You had been missing for about a week with your little camp being a concern. As Shin and the Guildmaster stated that just Lady Fenris would possibly end everything if you weren't found. So I had sought them out… only found Shin while Lady Fenris was constantly elsewhere."

Well shit that means I messed the timeline up a bit with the Sacred Palace. Though I don't care, the Sacred Palace Kalkia is now listed as mine in the Dev Console given its a city I helped design. So I can TAKE it wherever by using the Terraforming Section of the console and travel to it freely. Fenris tells me something in our little mental chat and when I try to fix it I am stopped.

[Can not rewrite creature labeled as Fetus #2.]

'What? I can't help my kid? I'll nuke a bitch if you don't give me a valid explanation.'

[You can not rewrite entity Fetus #2 due to three reasons. One, Fetus #2 is still developing and can not be counted as a separate entity as it is connected to Fenris. Two, all disabilities are PERMANENT birth defects due to various causes. Three, because of you prolonging its natural death unknowingly. If you wish to EDIT its survivability you would need to cut off its life support. Killing it immediately, PERMANENTLY.]

'So the kid draws a dagger disguised as a straw…'

Sighing in frustration I get a few glances from the others but not Fenris. The two humans don't ask but the small fox does.

"Kuu what's wrong? You and Fenris look sad."

"A pup has drawn a dagger disguised as a short straw."

Shin looks like he really didn't understand what I just said. Rionne though has her breath hitch guessing what that meant given Fenris's look. Yuzuha the small Elemental Tail though acts differently. She freezes then as her status of being the Progenitor entails something tied to life even if she's forgotten for now. Her fur standing on edge before she lets out a really depressing yowling cry.

[The Elemental Tails Progenitor cries out for assistance and blesses the begrieved!]

[UNKNOWN has lent a hand. Chances of death to BARGHEST WEREWOLF CRITICAL'S removed. UNKNOWN has helped the best they can.]