
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: Developers Phantoms

next chapter will center around someone introduced to give a feel for how Kaiser was before this all. it'll also show a bit of how he ticks beneath all that carnage, depression, and sociopathic tendency as a soldier and game developer in a different world. so honestly be ready for possibly a big chapter focusing on his character as a whole from someone who really knew him before his descent


Balmel is pretty cozy for a constantly besieged town. What's great as well is that now that I've thought of it, I've given Shin and one of his Support Characters time to spend together. So I won't be seeing him for a while but that's fine I need a break from tragic hero man. Before I killed him. Taking a sip of some herbal tea given to me by Catssin or Hibineko, either or, I looked at the scene before me. Confused how this came about. Because never thought I'd see three bosses dress as restaurant staff. Never. They look good though, I'm more just around or usually beating a kid into the ground. With tender care of course, can't have them die from a love tap can I?

I could but honestly I like Shadow and Holy's daughter, she's got spunk to throw down. Though not to my extent, that's great, wouldn't want a kid copying me. Everyone has had the same skills for a long time though so as a gracious dev, I made each person a new skill. That levels a bit faster than before as they may need it. Looking at my dev console I chuckled rereading what I created.


Barkeeps Tact (Passive) - Even on a battlefield your skills honed by barkeeping come into play. Your keen senses are sharpened by four fold, your mind processes everything quicker, and your skills with anything sharp or blunt become graceful but lethal. for every thing threatening your peaceful "Bar" let them feel the wrath of an angered Barkeeper.

Divine Guardian - Passive: Targets or a targeted area of protection give you a 699% boost to defensive capabilities. You heal even ruptured organs instantaneously at no cost for your charge is endangered. Active: Fuck it all, murder the threat with all stats boosted by 999% until its dead, runs away, or surrenders.

Death's Ambassador (Passive): All stealth related skills work even when discovered by your target(s). Detection skills when detecting you don't register you, for you don't exist to them. So do not fear, do not cower, calmly end their lives.

Rail Cannon: All ranged attacks have trigger a devastating blast of thunderous divine destruction. If used more than twice a day the user pays the price with blood, thrice the user's organs ruptured, quatro the user dies by Divine Corruption.

Plague of the Damned: Summon an army of plagued Hellhounds, Barghest, and a Dragon to fight for you. The army of plagued monsters depends on all those you've killed through diesease attacks in the past. Passive: Your army is stregnthed by your level of, experience with, and skills with dieseases.

Shadow Kingdom: This passive domain when triggered boost all shadow related skills by 542% till the domain ends.


Of course if they get new skills I couldn't exactly be left out. So I made one with rewrite and the dev console that will force me to never forget…. Never forget. It's self torture but I don't wanna forget…..


Damned Soldiers: Summon Otherworldly Soldiers of a world forgotten to fight with you. Summoned soldier's share Racial Traits, and are given a 26% boost based off your stats. Summoned soldier's will not disappear until killed, each time they are summoned they learn and adapt automatically gaining resistances or skills to better survive. Each notable soldier remembered that you've met becomes available. THEY WILL REMEMBER THINGS UP TILL THEIR ORIGINAL DEATH. Current Soldier's:

Private Dusk (Scout): Died December 21st, 2299 at 20 years old by covering his teams retreat during operation "Blood Debt." A youth with a tan complexion, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, standing at 6'4 and weighing 154LB. Relationship to this soldier is Mentor. Load out: Special Forces Armor, Beretta M9, Combat Knife, M16

Private Conova (Assault): Died June 3rd, 2301 at 18 years old by execution during operation "Sky Fall." A fiesty young woman with a pale complexion, red hair, medium bust, green eyes, standing at 5'7 and weighing 133LB. Relationship to this soldier is Father Figure/Uncle/Mentor. Load out: Special Forces Armor, Desert Eagle, AA12 Shotgun, x20 Fragmentation Grenades, x10 Flash Bang Grenades, x12 Smoke Grenades

1st Sergeant Williams (Juggernaut): Died August 14th, 2305 at 31 years old by Orbital Bombardment during operation "Dawn Sword." Appearance unknown. Relationship to this soldier Friend/Traitor. Load out: Special Forces Juggernaut Armor, MA14 Auto Cannon, Honey Comb Rocket Launcher, War Axe

Colonel Preston (Engineer): Died July 4th, 2310 at 26 years old due to holding the line during operation "Sand Castle" to by time for medical evac. Appearance unknown due to being in Support Exo-Suite. Relationship to this soldier Commanding Officer/Friend. Load out: Special Force Exo-Suite, Dual Desert Eagles, Throwing Hatchet, Throwing Knives, Stoner 63 LMG, Remington 870 Shotgun

General Xane (K9): Died January 22nd, 2322 at 3 years old due to protecting his handler during a camp raid. A pure white German Shepherd Pitbull mix with gray eyes. Relationship to this soldier Handler/Father. Load out: Special Forces Full Body K-9 Harness, Combat Knife, Taser, Medical Bag

2nd Lieutenant Clay (Designated Marksman): Died February 30th, 2305 at 34 years old during operation "Devils" by Bioweapon "Rise." Appearance unknown due to being dressed in full body stealth suite. Relationship to this soldier Friend/Killer. Load out: Special Forces Full Body Stealth Suite, Beretta M9, HK417, Serated Combat Knife, Taser


It's…. Its sad those are the first ones added to the list…. The first I shall eventually face once again.

"System is this a fucked up message your telling me?"

[Soldiers listed are those at the forefront of your memories. More are in there waiting.]

"Fuck you…"

Shaking my head I remember each soldiers death as best I can. Because if they're to rejoin me then I need precautions. Because we're all hounds of Death and war, ready to snap with the slightest push.

Private Dusk was a very…. Chatty kid when I first met him and still was after a few missions. During operation Blood Debt he was one of the toughest kids I've seen. Never would've thought an operation in North Korea would lead to watching a kid take an RPG blast. But the kid doesn't even cry or get frustrated he just sits back against a wall coming down showing his country side with scary precision. He dropped eighty tangos as we escaped via evac chopper before he got over ran. Even then I can still hear that relieved laugh on the radio, then nothing. I never wanted to leave the kid behind but to many of us got hurt a sacrifice had to be made.

Private Conova…. Joined and trained under me after I got her out of that house at eight. She was a little firecracker and very upfront with people even her CO's but everyone preferred that. So when things went south in Columbia I was honestly laughing my ass off

Just at how many soldiers risked court martialing for my niece. From our small team of five to twenty against an entire drug cartel for one kid who would gladly curse her CO out. We got reprimanded and a lot of punishments but General Randell gave her a send off. A send off with a few soldiers of every kind there smack talking her in good humor.

1st Sergeant Williams a man I met and became friends with during a mission in Russia. He was a good man but he became a sudden turn coat and it wasn't fun facing that minigun. Though gotta hand it to his armor it was fucking ANNOYINGLY STRONG that Colonel Preston said fuck the objective. Orbital lasers are scary and destructive. If I bring him forth then the big Juggernaut is going to probably become a slave till he dies.

Colonel Preston heh that guy was all for a good melee blood bath even if he had an arsenal on him. He was very vocal about his decision to hold the exit to the roof during his last mission. He kept those fuckers back and almost made it onto the med evac. I had him in my hands pulling him up when he lost half his body. Got tagged in the process but I didn't let him go even if my guts were spilling out. He preformed his last mission excellently…. He was good brother.

2nd Lieutenant Clay was a very… strange sniper with a passion for zombies as he brought them up a lot. I don't think he ever expected to have favorite thing becoming partially literal. Or to become one. He was supposed to be holding his position, but he got excited and defied orders meant to keep him alive. Because of that he got his wish and I had to introduce him to spontaneous combustion by heavy weaponry.

Xane…. The military had a rule to always have the dog be a rank higher than its handler. So most soldiers were put out by a dog being over them all in rank, some general's found it hilarious. That they would make people give six hundred for back talk if Xane barked at them. Then the raid on camp Dusklight happened, insurgents were everywhere hunting everyone. They would've had my body multiple times if Xane didn't be such a stupidly loyal dog. He took literally fifty cal shots at times with his armor to cover me… carrying him out of that mess missing limbs and dying was heart breaking.

Getting up from my seat I head out with Cupcake on my head to get some air before at least summoning one of them… walking around for a bit I eventually stop at a cemetery. Fitting for what I'm going to do. With a heavy sigh, one that weighs on me mentally. I test the skill out causing a surge of cyan green flames to circle me. The ones to appear before me are a confused but an ALIVE Conova and Xane who upon seeing me freeze.

Smiling very weakly I looked at the two and greeted the Phantoms of my past.

"Been a long time Tomboy, Pup…. A long long time….."

"C-colonel Lockhart? H-h-how….. we were facing insurgents when that woman…. You look different…. Not like…."

Xane let out a loud whine and started sniffing at me and rubbing against me like a needy child. Chuckling depressedly I scratched the pup behind his ears as I knelt and hugged him. Whispering to him to calm him down as he took a lot to keep me alive that die, he's why I could leave the service alive… he's a great dog….

"Yeah…. A lots changed Cassandra Conova…. But welcome back from the past to haunt me. You probably want to know how your not a headless corpse right?"

"Yes please…. It'd help."

"First off this needy boy is General Xane, my old K9 partner before I left the service and became a game developer. The pup on my head I'll explain later, but for now just listen alright?"

"Sir yes sir…."

So I began telling the young woman about the events after her death, about my career change, about the the death game, and how she's here right now. The Conova I knew would be a rash girl but her death caused a slight change. She was skeptical but eventually relented when I nearly shoved an earth spike her ass. She looked at me like I was the worse person for that abrupt attack. However, she was looking at my head with an intense gaze before well pulling a me.

I feel proud, I corrupted her to spout such bullshit.

"So coming to your death game as a real world, you fucked a highly dangerous monster, that you designed, and had kids. Honestly knowing you, I'm surprised you didn't burn everything down to avoid this. Your more apt to just say fuck it time to die to responsibility like this."

"I know right? Life's weird."

"At least the kid's cute, unlike SOMEONE who during my training threw off a literal cliff saying learn to fly. You fucking asshole, but I can't help but love ya for watching over me more than my dead beat dad did."

"Hey you had to learn how to use your glider folds in your suite, best method was throw you off a cliff. Also don't mention him, Eriq was fucking useless and I'm glad I caved my brother's skull in. It got you out of that shithouse till you figured out what to do. Just I couldn't help when you needed me most that literally by the time I came here and deaged I was in my sixties."

"Don't blame yourself… you guys fought and killed a base to get to me. I died seeing you one last time while saying the words I wanted. I'll say them again for this as well… Thank you for everything, your the best I could ask for."

Chuckling dryly I hugged my niece ruffling her hair before letting her go as she protested. Thinking about it I shake my head since now Fenris has basically a niece to fuck with. Looking at her I remember a song for one game series and ask her something.

"Hey remember the song Eye's of a beast I used to sing for you?"

"The Witcher one by…. Nerdout? Yeah it's honestly my favorite song to hear as you sang it for me when asked."

"Want me to?"

"Please… because you've taken your words to another level this time. I mean I'm still technically dead but… you're still thinking of me even though it hurts Uncle Kaiser."

Chuckling at my niece I slowly started clapping my hands as Xane growled a bit. Looking at my old partner I raised an eye brow but he just growls playfully. Shaking my head my clapping is accompied by his growling, my body and voice shaking but it's steady as I'm still in a place of emotional stress.

"I'm looking at the evil all around us

I came into the room and crowd hushed

I am not a man, I'm a beast

And I got a weapon ready for the feast

Will you make it out alive? Only Lord knows

You should know I always keep the sword close

If there's a lesser evil then I choose non

Ten million ways to die, you can choose one

So now

I take the vow

They will fall before me

None will make it out

So now, I see

In front of me

They're afraid of looking

Straight into the eyes of a beast"

Looking at my niece sway slightly I struggle to still comprehend that she is alive technically. The sound of Xane growling also is something I'm struggling to comprehend also. As last I heard him was when he died on my shoulder while carrying him through the base. So much death at my feet, so much blood soaking me black….

"A psycho, a mutant, a savage

Close your eyes, this'll be your last wish

I go into the battle with a sacred vow

I am not afraid, I can take it down

Diabolical, I can kill a colossus

I want all of you gone, you cannot stop us

You can see the fire in my eyes burn

Okay, you've had your chance, now it's my turn

Sacrifice your soul, put my name upon it

I'm ready for war any way you want it

You should be afraid of what I've become

Ten million ways to die, you can choose one"

Sighing I looked up at my pup and think over the fact that things really have changed. I still question if I deserve this kind of life for everything I've done. I'm broken I admit that gladly just this sometimes feels like one big sick joke to torture me. If it is I hope I die trapped in it ignorant. I do.


I take the vow

They will fall before me

None will make it out

So now, I see

In front of me

They're afraid of looking

Straight into the eyes of a beast

I'm a maniac, I'm a monster

I'm a maniac, I'm a beast"

Side stepping my niece I clapped her face hard with a small smirk as she pouts. Her cheeks becoming slightly reddish as she glares at me. Xane growling louder and shaking his butt as he begins to do a doggy dance basically. I had forgotten he liked to dance to music if it was heard. Its depressing to think this sweet loyal dog died for me of all people….

"I'm a maniac, I'm a monster

I'm a maniac, I'm a beast

So now

I take the vow

They will fall before me

None will make it out

So now, I see

In front of me

They're afraid of looking

Straight into the eyes of a beast"

With the song ending I chuckled softly with some amusement as my niece had figured out something. Her face when she figured out she could physically coat her fist in mana while trying to punch me in revenge was amusing. At the end of the day though I eventually lead her and Xane back to the other's. When Fenris saw the two and the same flag my default class armor has she knew something was up. So I was interogated at Hibineko's with everyone looking at the two dead soldiers. No body seemed to like my final words though.

"You know if this is all one fucked up joke I wouldn't want to wake up. I'm a monster of war best left to die at the end of the day, there's no redemption for me. Because fuck…. I have literal powers of a God when I'm just another Human. I'm drenched in blood that its probably turned black, mountains of corpses at my back. I admit I'm fucking a sociopathic psycho with PTSD thats made me kill on accident but I always liked the fact I killed. So times like this it all just feels like this is fake, a made up reality to fuck with me. Because honestly no one would want to listen to someone like me, just put me down."

"Locky, your not redeemable true but your not best dead. Your my monster of war, and have lives that need your horrible influence. Because if you're not around who would gladly nuke a country just for the giggles and mayhem? Who would torture a person with a demented smile in the worst ways that even Demons fear? Who would be the needed evil to save everything?"

"Uncle Lockhart, I'm basically dead still, I know I'm not alive ALIVE…. I'm apart of a self torturing but useful skill I know. Yet I'm still me because of you, I would prefer to not remember everything bad that's happened before today. But then I'd forget a lot about you, and I wouldn't want that even if I wasn't apart of something so fucked up…. Your demented but the greatest family member I'll ever know, I love you. Even if you did throw me off a cliff."

"Kaiser-nyaa you can be a big headache but you have given me a lot of fun memories, even though you gutted me once. Still don't even know why."

"You helped me track down the bastards who killed Holy during the death game. So your not bad per say but you did fucked up things to the PK'S we found."

"Eh your an insufferable ass but your helping my princess learn to survive. Just don't break to many things a mother worries about her kid when your involved."

"If you were a monster then you wouldn't care about any life, you'd just kill. So don't worry compared to my old masters, your a demented saint."

Quirking an eyebrow at most of the stuff said a very childish but disciplined war dog barks at me. Looking at Xane I growl a bit and he growls back before starting to do the dog version of push ups. Shrugging I drop and start doing them while he gets on my back, Fenris in amusement also gets on my back. Even with them weighing me down after a lot of paw smacking by I did six thousand push ups. Xane feeling accomplished by making me do them barked happily.

"Yes General you taught me a lesson. Yes you are a good boy."

"I still can't believe a dog is a general… I'm a private yet a DOG is a general. That's just unfair."

Xane barked at Conova and when she didn't drop he showed teeth. She looked to me for help but with a sadistic grin I barked an order.


"I hate you…."


"You…. Sirs yes sirs!"

Cackling I watched my niece get smacked up side the head whenever Xane wasn't pleased. Hibineko was chuckling at how a dog is doing this. Shadow was silent but watching with interest at how a military dog works. Holy wanted to probably hug Xane but he gave her a death glare, he only lets family hug him he is very picky on that. Suna was smiling and huming in amusement. Fenrir well he looked ready to die but instead stared into space muttering stuff. Fenris was just highly amused by how it went from depression to torturing a person with excircise.

It's been an interesting first day in Balmel. Just where's a flood? I want to slaughter it, possibly eat it as well.