
New Life With The Goddess

Naoto gets an opportunity by the goddess to save the world he must choose an heirloom or power. But Naoto's answer took the goddess by surprise. Because Naoto didn't choose between the two, he chose a woman who was none other than the goddess herself. What's next for Naoto's story? where he must defeat a demon king whose whereabouts are still unknown plus he also has to fight the goddess of darkness and her witches.

Godblesz · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 : Rosaline

the next morning in the peaceful city of eldia, after buying a magic wand for iris we next went to the blacksmith that provides equipment for adventurers, after all we are now a team and should be able to work together against monsters, even if we don't join a guild to earn money at least we can still sell monster materials to merchants and food stalls in town.

"Welcome, can I help you?"

A middle-aged man appeared from behind the shop we visited.

"We want to see the best equipment, the price doesn't matter," I replied while looking around the shop, Iris and Alice did the same.

"Hmmm, let me see, I have a good sword, it's just that this sword is a little cursed." said the shopkeeper man as he checked the storage chest.

"May I take a look first?"

"This is the sword."

I received the sword, it was a black katana, I didn't expect there to be a Japanese sword in this world.

"Oh, I know that."

Iris exclaimed as she drew closer to me, she stared at the item I was holding as if she recognized her.

Alice also approached curiously.

"I feel a terrible power from it," Alice said after seeing the sword in my hand.

"This is a sacred weapon, I was the one who gave it."


Alice and I showed the same reaction to Iris' words.

Iris however ignored our surprise and asked the merchant owner.

"Where did you get this sword from?"

"The previous owner sold me, he said he wanted to live a peaceful life without war."

"Looks like the person sent by me gave up fighting the demon lord." Iris said sadly while the salesman was confused.

"You'd better take this weapon, naoto."

"That's easy for you to say, it's a cursed thing," I answered Iris' statement limply.

"It's okay, as long as there is a contract it will be fine... can I borrow it for a moment?" Iris took the sword from my hand before I agreed.

"Rosaline come out."

Rosaline? Who is Rosaline?

It was only when Iris dropped the katana that I understood, the sword turned into a woman's figure in a black dress with an open top, she had ruby eyes and long black hair that fell down to her hips. he smiled showing a pair of fangs sticking out from the corners of his lips, which he clearly was very scary.

"Long time no see Iris, you were still beautiful when we first met."

She purposely summoned iris to cover up the identity of the middle-aged man.

"You're still as charming as ever."

tch, charming. He gave me goosebumps.

Alice feels the same way, she held my shirt while hiding behind.

Whil the old man looked happy because his shop was visited by a beautiful woman.

iris then introduced the figure to us.

"Rosaline is a vampire and can turn into a sword, she asked me to make a sword instead of keeping her alive."

"Yes, I did, I didn't think that when I was victorious, Iris came down directly to fight me."

I don't know the details but they seem to have fought each other once. Forget about that for now, now that Rosaline is looking at me with a passionate gaze, it scares me a little.

"So what did you do to your previous owner?" asked Iris who knew that Rosaline was looking at me with that look.

"As expected iris, you know everything about me... I killed him and had someone else sell me here."

Alice and I showed surprised faces while Iris looked calm as if she already knew.

"What's the reason you killed him?"

"That's because he wants to touch my beautiful body..."

I shudder in horror, I don't think I would dare to do anything to him.

Not wanting to talk about it, Rosaline immediately asked in essence why Iris called her.

"What does Iris want from me?"

"Make a contract with him," Iris pointed at me.

Now Rosaline turned her gaze to me.

"Hmmm, a human with iris... interesting. May I use the special contract? I'm tired of being a sword, don't mind the iris?"

"Yes, fine. I allow it."

Hearing Iris' answer, Rosaline's face smiled.

"What are you guys talking about, explain to me first."

without answering my question Rosaline grabbed my shoulders then pushed me back until I hit the wall. I panicked and was shaking looking at Iris asking for help from her.

"W-what are you doing? Iris, help me."

"Just give up."

"Ehh?!!! Alicee!"

I tried asking Alice for help, but she just shrugged her shoulders. Ah, no I'm not ready to do this, now that Rosaline has cornered me against the wall.

"Don't worry, I'll do it gently."

gentle?! this is an act of violence, even my body can't move at all.


Rosaline kissed my neck then bit and sucked my blood. As if that wasn't enough, she did it twice.

"Stop it, if you keep on sucking it I'm going to be anemic."

"I just drank a little of your blood," she answered teasingly.

"A little?! You bit me twice."

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to, the last one was me who was a little excited."

Rosaline bowed her head once to me.

"The contract has been made, from now on please take good care of me, Master." she said as she licked the blood that was still on his lips, giving me goosebumps.

By drinking the blood of its owner, Rosaline has given her body and soul to me, I don't know if this sounds good or bad, I know from Iris, the effect of this ritual makes me stop growing old but I'm still human and can be killed if someone stabs me.

Well, I've decided to live with iris from the start, so I won't regret it.


In the evening, "please bring the salt,"

"Here, Rosaline."

"Thank you."

"Iris you should eat the vegetables too."

"I don't like vegetables."

And this is my life now, I managed to make a team of four people, although it seems strange because the members are not human but I enjoy it every time.

I spoke to them, "You three listen to this carefully, I've spent all my money on rosaline and this sumptuous meal, so after you eat you have to hunt monsters with me, understand?"

"Okay!" all three answered at the same time, I don't know why they got along so fast.

When I wanted to eat, all the food was gone.

"You ate my share?" i accuse rosaline.

"Sorry master, I'm very hungry, you know all this time I've been in sword form and it's exhausting me."

"Take it out quickly, I don't have any more money to buy food."

it was the last meal.

"Ah, I already ate it." said Rosaline innocently.

"Then, I will send food through my mouth, open your mouth master."


"Me too, Naoto." Alice spoke up while Iris was silent with a red face.

Teaming up with the two of them might be a mistake.



"I'll blow you two up, Water Magic, Fire Magic..."

However it doesn't work.

After placing the elemental stones on the table, I just held my head in frustration.

Life in another world without magic is indeed difficult.