
New life system

At the age of 16 Alex a normal working class boy's world literally changes as it turns into what could only be described as an MMORPG

xXJosheinXx · Action
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6 Chs

Chapter 05: Secret tier profile

"No no no no! Alex shouted and fell to his knees. The people around him looked at him with a concerned look on their faces. Rei ran and knelt down next to him.

"What happened?" Rei asked looking him over and was relieved that there were no visible injuries on him. He had feared debris had hit him.

"M.. st....res,"Alex mumbled something but no one could hear it.

"What did he say?" One of the men around him asked.

"It's nothing I was just surprised about something on the system." Alex said while standing up." Shall we." He continued and pointed his hand at the small house behind him.

On the way to the house, Rei looked at Alex who had been quiet since earlier. "Why did you freak earlier? I mean did you buy the wrong shovel" He asked smiling at his own joke.

"Hah hah very funny," Alex said with a smile but it didn't last long. When they arrived at the house the men that had come with Rei said they had to go. They were supposedly summoned by their faction for a raid and had to go get ready.

"So what's happened to you in your time as a user?" Alex asked while pouring a dark red liquid into two glasses then held one to Rei.

"Oh, you know the usual, fighting Beasts, training, gaining levels, dating women." Rei said. "Oh, I also joined a faction recently since they made that new law of having to be in one to go into dungeons.

"Speaking of dungeons I heard a new one was found. Alex said and they started talking about it. During the conversation, Alex found out that there was a scouting party sent out from Rei's faction.

After a while, Rei had to leave too he had himself received a summons from the faction. When he left Alex immediately opened the menu on the system but still saw the same thing.

[Profile type: Main Character]

[Profile tier: Secret tier]

[Profile subclass: Elite Swordsman]

[Profile buffs: Two times all EXP gain, Three times EXP gain when defeating advanced or higher beasts]

[Profile specific passive skill: Second chance]

[Plot armour skill info: When delt a fatal blow

there is a 25% chance of survival by 10 HP]

Alex was confused he had never even heard of heard of losing levels. Let alone gaining a random new profile. But there was something bothering him even more. And that was the profile's tier. Secret tier no one had ever heard of it

"System what is the secret tier?" Alex asked then went to sit down on his sofa.

"Secret tier is a tier of profiles and skills that only the secret tier profile users may know about. They consist of several very powerful profiles and skill series'. A secret tier profile is assigned randomly upon the previous profile users death." A male voice said in his head.

"Secret tier profiles are seen by normal profile users as their subclass. You will from now on be seen as an Elite Swordsman. And will also be incapable of telling anyone outside of the secret tier about your true profile." The voice continued.

Alex just sat on the sofa for a while after hearing what the system told him. 'Okay so some random person died and i got their profile. I cant tell anyone about it and I've lost all my stats and skills.' He thought

" I should check that just to make sure." He said and opened his stats screen hoping for his skills and stats to be the same. But his skills were gone and his stats had fallen back to where they were at the beginning.



[HP 10/10]

[Strength 8]

[Agility 7]

[Stamina 9]

[Luck 1]

Alex had lost all his progress and skills, his new reality struck . he was going to have to start over again. From level 0.

"Wait my subclass is Swordsman right." He said there was hope in his voice. "So i should be able to fight now without drawbacks." he was now getting excited even though he had to restart at least he could start fighting.

Then he remembered he could go on the system store and try to buy a weapon. That is If he still had his system credits. "Open store." He said while standing up. A blue screen popped up in front of him with photos of weapons and armor and crystals.

Alex looked at his credits and was releaved to see he still had 3241 credits to his name. He then searched the store for one handed long swords. But they were either overpriced or low quality.

The system store is a place on which the store itself has a few items that are always for sale. But recently people have been able to sell their own things like weapons and armour they forged. Or crystals and rare foods that could only be sourced from dungeons and beasts.

After a while Alex gave up on finding a decent weapon that would fit his price range. He bought a the best low quality sword he could find and a screen popped up.

[Item: Plain one handed long sword]

[Are you sure you want to buy this item for]

[750 credits]

[Yes] [No]

Alex pressed yes and a moment later a sword was on his side. Alex used inspect on the sword a skill that no one didn't have. He was surprised to see that it actually had good stats for a low quality sword but the durability wasn't good.

[Plain one handed long sword]

[durability 50]

[+ 4 strength]

[Sword skill: Double slash]

Alex kept looking through the store for good weapons or armour for the future until it was one AM. He walked to his room and fell asleep the moment he hit the covers.


The sound of would breaking and falling could be heard as Alex slammed an axe into a log splitting it in one swing. He had been awake for a few hours already and was grinding EXP from chopping wood but it was a lousy 5 EXP per log and he had only leveled up 4 times.

Alex put a new log on the on the stump of tree that had been cut down a few years ago by the looks of it. He pulled the axe above his head again but his hands were shaking he had run out of stamina and his arms hurt. Slamming the axe down he cut the log in half and fell on his back. He was exuasted.


[Requirements have been met]

[Level 5 reached]

[Max HP increased by 5]

[One stat point received]

[stat points: 5]

Breathing heavily Alex opened up his stats and put two poinst into strength, two into agility and one into luck. Making his current stats.

[HP 35/35]

[Strength 10]

[Agility 9]

[Stamina 9]

[Luck 2]

He closed his eyes and before he knew an hour had passed.

He stood up and started walking in the direction of barn. When he arrived at the barn he went inside and walked to the first stall on his left and looked at the beast inside. Alex was going to kill his first basic tier beast


Thanks for reading