
Chapter 6

Again I dip my hand in the blood and leave a bloody hand print on Williams face to take credit so i didn't put one on the butler. I clean my hand then walk to the front door and open it to let the morning sun in.

Looking at the sunshine coming through the door I stay to the shadows and put my hand in direct sunshine. When i did i felt nothing not even the sunburn i was supposed to feel or even a slight burn it was like I was a normal human. Confused i made my clothes revert back to the black dress pants so im standing there in my pants only!

Slowly walking and now standing into the sunlight and still not feeling the burning of the daylight or even a slight burn. Feeling confused at whats happening because father said that there would be a sunburn feel to direct sunlight. When I start looking at my body I see that the tattoo father left me was glowing just a little bit!

Seeing it glow i put 2 and 2 together and it seems that fathers protection tattoo is protecting me from the sunlight! All the better, when father told me that there would be a sunburn feel to the sunlight I found it annoying! But now that im his proxy i got his protection so now it protects me from the sunlight and maybe some other stuff.

Willing the dress pants to form new clothes but not the modern suit i was wearing as it was to modern. So I form it into a purple and black Aristocrat vest with a silver cross necklace and just standard black dress shoes and black gloves.

Now that i saw my sister and finished my revenge made myself some new clothes it's time to start my new life! Walking through the door and closing the door behind me I just stand there facing the morning sun taking in the warmth! I started my new life the moment that I closed the door.

*England, United Kingdom 1709*

Sitting in my study in a safe house underground i built decades ago to hide from my enemies I made being an assassin. The safe house has a conference room, study, library, bedrooms, wine seller, and training room!

For the past century I have been traveling around the world going to different countries and continents for the assassinations. My targets can be humans to demons and a handful of times I went to a different dimensions to get to my targets!

While in the different countries, continents, and dimensions I would stay a couple of years just to learn different things like the language, fighting style, and the local demon powers! After all the demons live much longer than humans so, i would make some friends or if they are enemies i would collect Intel about them.

The way I get the target requests is by custom coins i personally made that end up in the hands of people that want to hire me. The coins are grey and about the size of a palm with a hand print on each side!

And when they put their blood on it the coin the hand prints turn red and I can use that to track them by using the omni-text which is connected to all the other coins and then I meet them and when I finish the job they usually pay me with money or treasures.

And I just got my next request from London and when i get there i can track the person with the omni-text. I stand up and get ready for the trip to London, which is not far from here and when I meet my clients I always wear armor to the meeting because more than a few times i have been ambushed!

The armor i always wear to a battle is the one from the Dracula untold movie with the cape, i like the design I think it makes me look intimidating. When dealing with demons and even humans you need to look intimidating to get them to take you serious.

I have my sword on my left hip and the omni-text under the armor over my heart! You can never be to careful when it comes to your life. When I have everything ready i walk to the conference room which has stairs that lead outside.

When I get outside its night out and pitch black but i can see just as i would during the day and looking around its just thinly spread trees. After looking around i bring my middle finger and thumb to my mouth to whistle!

After waiting a while in the distance you could hear a fast moving thumping getting closer and in the distance you see a pale horse with red eyes. This is my horse which I named Death, standing at 17 hands tall and weighing in at 2000 lbs.

But the most amazing thing about him is that he is a vampire horse, when I was travelling around the world all my horses died from overexertion or from the fights they joined me in. About 50 years back i find Death and we travel together for a while and i got attached to him so when he died in a fight I gave him my blood and he came back to life and he's been following me ever since!

And he has all the abilities a human vampire would have with the weakness except he does have a sunlight resistance from me but nothing else! When Death ran up to me i petted his head hand he gave a happy neigh then i jump on his back.

When Death was a normal horse he could already run at 45mph but now that he is a vampire running over a 100mph is normal! Because i was not that far from London and because i was riding death i arrived in London in but an hour or two!

When I arrive in London I just ride around the city with death so when I get close to the coin the other party has the omni-text book will vibrate to let me know. When I arrived in the rich part of London the book started to vibrate leading me to the most luxurious hotel London has at the moment.

Getting off death i give him a pat and he left to do his own thing and all I have to do is whistle for him to come back! Walking in the hotel the front desk manager was sleeping so i walk past him to the stairs arriving at the top floor where there is only one room.

Standing in front of the door to listen to see how many people are in there and to make sure that im not going to walk into an ambush. The only thing I hear is a woman talking, the smell of a vampire and the blood of 2 different people both being virgin woman. Virgin woman and men have very distinctive smells and tastes!

Seeing as there is no ambush i knock on the door and take a step back still listening to the rustling of clothing and a whimper. When I hear the footsteps get closer to the door I grip the handle of my sword to be prepared just in case. Who knows how strong the vampire is on the other side, so i have to have the advantage just in case!

As the door slowly opens I grip the sword tighter and tighter and when the door was opened all the way i was shocked to see who opened the door!