
New Life = Lewd Life

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I gave her one last chance to back out. Her beautiful, watery eyes wavered momentarily, thoughts flowing chaotically in her mind. Then, suddenly, they blazed with determination as she bit her lip. "Yes," she stated resolutely. "I want this. I need this." A smirk formed on my face as I took her hand in mine, pulling her body close, her soft, bubbly butt landing on my thighs. "Then come to me. Let's forget your husband together." - x - X - x - "Aahn~!!" "Not here, please! My parents are just outside," she moaned softly, trying to suppress her voice, whispering in my ear. "Didn't you invite me to your house? Don't tell me you didn’t want this," I said huskily, giving her sensitive ear a lick. "No!... ahhnn~ I didn't know they would come back!! Hngh~" she said between moans. Despite her words, her hand still clutched my shirt tightly while her legs wrapped around me, as if she would never let go. "Hehe... if you really want that, stop holding me and I'll stop," I said provocatively. Her face flushed immediately, and she turned her head sideways even as her body trembled. But she didn't stop holding me. Hehe, I am loving this new world! - x - X - x - "Yess!! Harder! Harder! Don't stop!!" she screamed into my ear. "Hehe, I didn't know you were this passionate. Is it because your boyfriend is just behind this wall?" I teased as I increased my pace. "Yess!!... I love it so much, cheating on that bastard!! You are so much better than him!!" she cried, her eyes swirling crazily as she clung to me. "Well, it's his loss," I said, feeling a surge of satisfaction. That guy deserved it for cheating on such a wonderful woman. "Let's forget about him!! I don't care anymore! Even if he sees me!" she said, licking my neck and sending shivers down my spine. - x - X - x - This is the story of a Man with experience, who dies after taking down one of the most powerful gangs in his country. Now reincarnated in a Pornhwa World by a mysterious but shady system, he discovers he gains special abilities the more he indulges in the world's sensual pleasures. So who is he to deny such a golden opportunity? Watch as he embraces his new life, using his abilities to their fullest extent, and dominate this whole world. - x - X - x - And one more thing: No Netorare[Guys who want this should cut off their dick and hang themselves and let death take away your pathetic existence from this world]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 19 {R-18}

'When did I become so daring?' she wondered, staring at the impressive length of him as her hand moved up and down in a rhythmic motion.

It was only her second time doing this, but the excitement and arousal coursing through her mind and body right now were incomparable to her first experience.

And despite being the one to suggest it, she couldn't bring herself to look at her brother's face as she pleasured him. It was almost too much for her.

Her thumb slowly caressed the swollen head of his member, pulling back on the foreskin to reveal the sensitive pink flesh before sliding her palm back down his shaft base.


She immediately heard his groan as she did this and that moment she made a decision.

She liked that sound. And she wanted to hear more of it.

Not even the countless porn videos or romance novels she consumed for hours in her cozy little room had made her feel like this.

The fact that the mere movement of her hand could elicit such a response, especially from her not-so-naive stepbrother, was filling in her fantasies.

She was committing a taboo.

And she was loving it.

- x - X - x -

His breathing grew ragged, slow grunts and groans escaping his lips.

He clenched the handle beside him tightly, hoping it would help with the pressure building in my crotch, but it didn't help much.

Only the previous climax from the wet dream had allowed him to last this long, but it was getting harder and harder to hold back.

The sensation of her fingers rubbing and caressing me sent waves of pleasure through his body each time her palm went from top to its base.

He looked down at her porcelain doll-like face, observing the intense focus in her eyes as she gazed at his dragon.

He had never seen one looking at his schlong with such intense focus like this lass all while jerking him off.

Her technique wasn't the best, nor was it the worst, but it was still able to successfully bring him to the edge more easily than he thought it would.

For a moment, he couldn't understand why this was happening, but then it clicked.

It was precisely because her technique wasn't the best that he felt more pleasure.

It was her inexperienced and immature technique with that doll face that was getting him high.

He had met so many women, with perfect technique in his previous life, that he was almost bored of it.

And this was the reason he was liking her clumsiness more. It was likely a mental cue in his mind.

The way she played, experimenting as if she were a child with a new toy, only added to the thrill.

And the fact that she was his sister in this life, even if she was a bit bitchy, it only increased the excitement.

'Sigh….I didn't want to say it openly ... But I think I am loving this world more and more.' He thought.

- x - X - x -

She had been at it for a few minutes when she suddenly noticed some white fluid emerging from the tip. It was his pre-cum.

She moved her thumb and scooped it up with it and spread it around his shaft, using it as lubrication while continuing her motions.

"Use your saliva, Noona... it will help with lubrication," she suddenly heard him speak and paused, then nodded silently without replying.

She moved her body closer to him, positioning herself so that her head was directly above his dick. Her eyes then looked down as she opened her mouth, letting clear saliva drip directly onto his member, coating it from top to base.

She let as much saliva as she could fall, making the motions smoother and while doing so, she felt a hand on her head, caressing her hair before holding her neck. A moan escaped her lips as a shiver ran down her spine.

She finally turned towards him and saw him looking straight back at her, his eyes filled with intoxication.

Panicking, she quickly looked away, her heart beating rapidly.'Why does he….l-look so ….charming?! Damn it!' she screamed in her mind.

Her own reaction surprised her. She never expected to feel this way, especially in such a situation. All this while even though she was jerking him off, it was mostly due to lust and curiosity towards the opposite sex. But just now, just looking at his face as he stared back at her, she felt her heart beating like never before.

It was like those moments in the romance novels, when the male hero and his female made eye contact with each other and started falling in love from then on.

'What is this feeling?! I don't know how to process it,' she thought. 'Ugh…Dammit, Soo ah! Stop projecting novels into real life, their logic doesn't work in real life. Just forget about it for now and focus on what you are currently doing more.'

She then increased the pace of her hand, moving up and down rapidly around his saliva-covered dick while her fingers pressed around the sensitive areas to give him as much pleasure as she could.

She wasn't sure if her technique was good or bad, but she could feel his breathing getting more ragged than before, and his dick was throbbing and pulsing, giving off a musky scent that was incredibly intoxicating to her. She guessed her technique was indeed working and that he was close, and that realization made her excited, very excited.

Just then, she heard his voice, husky and full of desire, right in her ear, "Can you suck on it, Noona?" Her body trembled just hearing his voice, it sounded so deep and needy. At that moment she felt herself having a small orgasm.

And if she had any hesitation in doing what he asked, it got obliterated when she heard him plead, "Please, Noona~. I need it"

So without waiting another second, she took his length into her mouth, sucking and licking with fervor, more passionately than she had ever licked anything.

Since her little brother pleaded she couldn't diaspoint him.

The sensation of her mouth around him elicited a deep groan from him, which only spurred her on. She could feel his hand gently guiding her, his fingers tangled in her hair, and she responded by increasing her efforts, determined to bring him to the peak of pleasure.

Her heart raced as she focused intensely on the task, her mind filled with a mix of forbidden excitement and a desire to satisfy him.She skillfully used her tongue, exploring the sensitive areas beneath his shaft and wrapping around it, while the walls of her mouth pressed against the tip. She employed every technique she could think of to bring him to climax.

Her efforts were soon rewarded when she heard him whisper, "I…I'm going to finish, Noona~. Be prepared."

She sensed his urgency in the tone of his voice, but she ignored the warning and increased her pace even more.

And then she sensed the throbbing of the shaft, just like she had seen before when she had first jerked him off, and immediately responded by taking his dick deep in her throat as much as she could rather than taking it out.

She had seen this happening too many times in those romance novels, and she always wanted to try it.

And she also wanted to teach him a lesson to not underestimate her.

But it seems she had overestimated herself and underestimated the amount he would cum.

As just as he climaxed, he also held her head tight in his place, so she couldn't move as she felt a stream of his cum erupt in her throat and because of the amount she immediately choked on it, with tears forming in her eyes but somehow she held on, until it was fully done.

He released a lot, a lot more than before, she didn't even think it was possible to cum this much but he did so she had to quickly handle the excess for spitting it out in a cough, but she still had to still gulp down half of it which was in her throat.

Huff. Huff.

Ragged and Heavy Breath~

Dae Ho leaned back on the toilet seats as he felt his mind reeling from the post climax of one of the biggest orgasms in his life.

'Huff... Not even the first day is over, and I've already had two blowjobs from a mother and daughter and full-on sex with a bombshell blonde. I think I'm going to collapse from all these orgasms even before I get to have other fmc's. This body can't handle it,' he thought weakly, feeling his stomach cramp and when he brought his hand in front of his face, he saw it was trembling.

He then glanced at the woman who had just given him an incredible blowjob, watching as she coughed slightly on his cum, while swallowing the remainder of his release.

It was such a erotic scene. The sight of her flushed face and the way she swallowed his cum, with some trickling from the corners of her mouth, was intense enough to potentially arouse him again, but thankfully, it didn't.

"Did you like it?" he suddenly heard her ask.

He hurriedly nodded, as only an inexperienced fool wouldn't enjoy it and hesitate now. "Yes, Noona. It was amazing."

A smug smile spread across Soo Ah's face as she noticed his excitement. 'Of course Dae Ho must  have liked it. It must have been his first time touching a woman.'

"Be grateful then," she stuttered. "I-I wouldn't have done it if you weren't in pain, and it was my fault. But don't expect I-I will do it anymore." She felt a rush of embarrassment now that he had orgasmed, realizing she had just deep-throated him.

'Ugh... I keep forgetting that I'm just like him, a virgin. Of course, I would feel embarrassed—woah!!' Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Dae Ho lifted her body into the air and gently placed her butt on the toilet seat right where he was sitting before.

"Uhm… Dae Ho? What are you doi– Aahn~" Her words were cut off by a moan escaping her lips.

Dae Ho had pressed his face into her womanhood, which had been continuously wet leaking its love juices from the start, and pulled down her panties with his teeth.

Taking a deep breath of her intoxicating scent, he whispered, "Noona~ From the beginning, I sensed you were struggling with the same problem just like me. So as your younger brother, I feel it's my responsibility to help you find relief, just as you did for me."

He echoed her earlier words back to her, and Soo Ah, overwhelmed by the sensation of his touch, closed her eyes and gazed at the ceiling. She knew the choice she needed to make.

Her hand trembled as it reached for his head, and Dae Ho smirked, understanding her unspoken desire.

- x - X - x -

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