
New Life = Lewd Life

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I gave her one last chance to back out. Her beautiful, watery eyes wavered momentarily, thoughts flowing chaotically in her mind. Then, suddenly, they blazed with determination as she bit her lip. "Yes," she stated resolutely. "I want this. I need this." A smirk formed on my face as I took her hand in mine, pulling her body close, her soft, bubbly butt landing on my thighs. "Then come to me. Let's forget your husband together." - x - X - x - "Aahn~!!" "Not here, please! My parents are just outside," she moaned softly, trying to suppress her voice, whispering in my ear. "Didn't you invite me to your house? Don't tell me you didn’t want this," I said huskily, giving her sensitive ear a lick. "No!... ahhnn~ I didn't know they would come back!! Hngh~" she said between moans. Despite her words, her hand still clutched my shirt tightly while her legs wrapped around me, as if she would never let go. "Hehe... if you really want that, stop holding me and I'll stop," I said provocatively. Her face flushed immediately, and she turned her head sideways even as her body trembled. But she didn't stop holding me. Hehe, I am loving this new world! - x - X - x - "Yess!! Harder! Harder! Don't stop!!" she screamed into my ear. "Hehe, I didn't know you were this passionate. Is it because your boyfriend is just behind this wall?" I teased as I increased my pace. "Yess!!... I love it so much, cheating on that bastard!! You are so much better than him!!" she cried, her eyes swirling crazily as she clung to me. "Well, it's his loss," I said, feeling a surge of satisfaction. That guy deserved it for cheating on such a wonderful woman. "Let's forget about him!! I don't care anymore! Even if he sees me!" she said, licking my neck and sending shivers down my spine. - x - X - x - This is the story of a Man with experience, who dies after taking down one of the most powerful gangs in his country. Now reincarnated in a Pornhwa World by a mysterious but shady system, he discovers he gains special abilities the more he indulges in the world's sensual pleasures. So who is he to deny such a golden opportunity? Watch as he embraces his new life, using his abilities to their fullest extent, and dominate this whole world. - x - X - x - And one more thing: No Netorare[Guys who want this should cut off their dick and hang themselves and let death take away your pathetic existence from this world]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 17

"Uh… Aunty, I'm going to take some time in the shower. You know, my stomach is feeling a bit off today, so you don't have to wait outside. We can talk once I've showered." He used the basic excuse every kid uses to skip school.

Soo Ah raised her eyes at that. 'I can't believe Dae Ho is lying to mother with such a straight face. When did he start doing that?' she thought. 'Is it due to puberty?'

Dae Ho thought his legendary excuse would finally calm Eun Ha down and she would leave him… us alone. 

But he underestimated her or maybe his luck, because the next thing he heard wasn't her voice saying "Okay, I'll go then," but the sound of the door opening and her stepping inside.

"Fuck" x2.

Both Soo Ah and Dae Ho cursed at the same time as they saw her silhouette against the shower curtain. In a panic, Soo Ah pressed her full body against Dae Ho, trying to hide as much of herself in the water as possible.

While Dae Ho was having a really tough time, to control his arousal, feeling Soo Ah's body pushing against his, especially when the woman's figure was not anything to scoff at. It was one of the best figures he had ever seen. Her busty big breasts were pressed right against his naked upper stomach, and he would have to admit, they were like marshmellow, soft and smooth, he almost wanted to pull her up and chew on those while her crotch was pressed right on top of his dick.

He could only give her a deadpan expression, frustrated by how complicated and difficult she was making the situation. He knew if Eun Ha saw this, it would lead to real drama. Who knew what would happen if she told her husband what she had seen?

He might end up having to leave this house and live alone, though the chances of that happening were slim. Even if it did happen, he would either try to convince them to stay quiet or use blackmail them to ensure their silence.

Of course, he would do everything possible to avoid such a scenario.

Soo Ah could only give a guilty look, knowing it was her who had messed up and at the same time giving a hard time to her step brother.

Today was she learned that the saying was really true. 'Curiosity does really kill the cat.' If she had only controlled her curiosity and not tried to play with her brother's boner in her horniness, nothing like this would be happening.

'Mother would really kill me, especially with how much she cares about Dae Ho. She would directly blame me for taking advantage of him,' Soo Ah thought, suddenly pausing, realizing she had indeed taken advantage of him while he was sleeping.

'Dammit it!'

While Dae Ho who was having hard time also decided to say "screw it" to whatever restraint he was showing to not get aroused. 'Since she decided to hide here with me in the bathtub, she should also be prepared to suffer the consequences,' he thought and immediately relaxed his muscles on his stomach. The next moment, his dick hardened like steel, pressing against Soo Ah's body. He finally comfortable now.

At the same time, he also wrapped his hand around her waist to keep her from moving too much and potentially revealing her presence.

Soo Ah's eyes widened as she felt his manhood suddenly rising against her with full force, but she bit her lip and stayed still, knowing any movement could expose them both.

Both of them then heard Eun Ha's worried voice, "Are you okay? Is your stomach hurting too much? Should I bring medicine here? Anything I can help, Dae Ho?"

Eun Ha wasn't that worried about entering his bathroom; he was basically her child, 'whom dick she might just have sucked off' though she ignored the last part even in her thoughts. It still made her blush when she thought about it.

While Dae Ho and Soo Ah shared the same thought—"What can you even do to help me/him, Aunt/Mom?"—

'What is Mom even thinking? First entering his bathroom knowing he was already here? Is she not embarrassed? Dae Ho is not a kid anymore,' Soo Ah thought, feeling uneasy about her mother entering her step-brother's bathroom while he was naked. She conveniently forgot she had done the same just a moment earlier.

One could say, at this point, she had really taken after her mother. Both had engaged in similar actions.

"...I think... I'm okay, Auntie. It was just a minor stomach ache, nothing..cough..major!. After the shower, I probably won't even need any medicine," Dae Ho managed to say, though he was struggling very much since the lass with the succubus body pressing on him kept moving and twisting her ass over and over, even when held her waist to stop her, her twisting didn't stop, her hips seems to be too flexible, causing his manhood to run all over her crotch making his arousal intensified.

He glared at her, while mouthing the words for her to stop whatever she was doing and not provoke his little brother more or even he doesn't know what he will do then.

Meanwhile, Soo Ah felt like crying. Because no matter what position she tried, somehow his manhood seemed to position itself right between her core, almost as if it had a mind of its own. And due to her only wearing panties which are wet, it offered her no protection from the dragon that was continuing his advances. Unable to do much with her mother just outside, her frustration and arousal was piling up simultaneously inside her.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Eun Ha asked, sensing that his voice sounded a bit strained, though she wasn't certain."I am. Auntie, don't worry," he said, gritting his teeth. It seemed he needed to teach this naughty lass Soo Ah a lesson.

Eun Ha nodded, a hesitant expression appearing on her face. If one looked closely, they would notice a blush as well. "Uhmm... Dae Ho, before I go... I just wanted to say, if you need my 'help' today, I'm uhmm free, you know."

'Oh, how much I want to say yes, dear Eun Ha, but the problem is your daughter is right here pressing herself against me. And thank God you didn't directly use the word 'masturbate' and opted for an innuendo instead, otherwise you might daughter might directly jump from my lap and started interrogating you now' Dae Ho sighed, feeling increasingly stressed.

Before he could reply, Eun Ha spoke again. "Do you want it now, Dae Ho?"

'Oh God, can this pent-up housewife please just stop? I can practically sense your desperation from here,' he thought.

He then glanced at the woman in his arms, who coincidentally was also glancing back at him with a very suspicious look.

Soo Ah didn't know why, but when her mother mouthed "help," it seemed to carry a different meaning. Normally, she wouldn't be suspicious of such a thing, as her mother always helped Dae Ho with most things. However, from the start, her behavior today had been quite different.

And now this so called "help" with that sensual tone made Soo Ah feel that there was something suspicious going on between Dae Ho and her mother that she didn't know about.

'I need to keep an eye on them and find out what is going on,' she decided.

Suddenly, she felt Dae Ho moving, and before she could react, she saw him standing up. Because of her position, his dick was right in front of her face, point his bulbous head, leaving her stunned and frozen.

Her cheeks flushed crimson. She couldn't believe how such a situation had arisen.

Dae Ho, however, didn't care that she was staring at him; she had already seen everything before. He pushed her body away slightly and stepped out of the bathtub, right in front of the stunned Eun Ha.

He had enough of this hide-and-seek drama; it was too stressful for him.

"Auntie," he said, looking at Eun Ha, who had covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide with shock. 'You should be covering your eyes, not your mouth auntie, but then again, I don't really care,' he thought.

"Y-yes, Dae Ho?" Eun Ha stuttered. While she had seen him partially unclothed before, it had been a long time since she had seen him fully naked, his manhood on full display.

Dae Ho pulled a towel from the hanger and wrapped it around his waist, almost seeing a flicker of disappointment in her eyes before she quickly covered it up. He then took a step forward, noticing her brows rising in curiosity, and before she could react, he scooped her up in a princess carry.

"Aahn~ Dae Ho! W-What are you doing?" she squealed, suddenly being lifted. But Dae Ho ignored her protests, walked toward the door, and opened it.

After they exited the bathroom, he finally set her down, all while copping a subtle feel of her behind. He then pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "I'm fine, Auntie. I have no stomach ache or anything uncomfortable, and I don't need any help."

Hearing those words, Eun Ha didn't know why she felt an unexpected pain in her heart, especially when he mentioned not needing her help.

'This is normal, Eun Ha. He has grown up and doesn't need your help every time,' she consoled herself, but the pain in her heart didn't lessen one bit.

But before her thoughts could spiral further, she heard him whisper again in her ear, his breath warm against her skin.

"I may not need help, Auntie, but since I'm a good boy, I also don't reject it. Whenever you feel like helping me, I'm just a few steps away. My door and my heart are always open to Auntie's help."

With those words, Dae Ho re-entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Eun Ha stood there, her eyes almost turning into heart shapes as she was possessed by something.

- x - X - x -

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