
New Life = Lewd Life

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I gave her one last chance to back out. Her beautiful, watery eyes wavered momentarily, thoughts flowing chaotically in her mind. Then, suddenly, they blazed with determination as she bit her lip. "Yes," she stated resolutely. "I want this. I need this." A smirk formed on my face as I took her hand in mine, pulling her body close, her soft, bubbly butt landing on my thighs. "Then come to me. Let's forget your husband together." - x - X - x - "Aahn~!!" "Not here, please! My parents are just outside," she moaned softly, trying to suppress her voice, whispering in my ear. "Didn't you invite me to your house? Don't tell me you didn’t want this," I said huskily, giving her sensitive ear a lick. "No!... ahhnn~ I didn't know they would come back!! Hngh~" she said between moans. Despite her words, her hand still clutched my shirt tightly while her legs wrapped around me, as if she would never let go. "Hehe... if you really want that, stop holding me and I'll stop," I said provocatively. Her face flushed immediately, and she turned her head sideways even as her body trembled. But she didn't stop holding me. Hehe, I am loving this new world! - x - X - x - "Yess!! Harder! Harder! Don't stop!!" she screamed into my ear. "Hehe, I didn't know you were this passionate. Is it because your boyfriend is just behind this wall?" I teased as I increased my pace. "Yess!!... I love it so much, cheating on that bastard!! You are so much better than him!!" she cried, her eyes swirling crazily as she clung to me. "Well, it's his loss," I said, feeling a surge of satisfaction. That guy deserved it for cheating on such a wonderful woman. "Let's forget about him!! I don't care anymore! Even if he sees me!" she said, licking my neck and sending shivers down my spine. - x - X - x - This is the story of a Man with experience, who dies after taking down one of the most powerful gangs in his country. Now reincarnated in a Pornhwa World by a mysterious but shady system, he discovers he gains special abilities the more he indulges in the world's sensual pleasures. So who is he to deny such a golden opportunity? Watch as he embraces his new life, using his abilities to their fullest extent, and dominate this whole world. - x - X - x - And one more thing: No Netorare[Guys who want this should cut off their dick and hang themselves and let death take away your pathetic existence from this world]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

With her body sticky, full of sweat from the 'workout' she did, Soo Ah hurried to the bathroom with her phone. The sooner she could wash away the evidence of her earlier activities, the better she would feel. She reached the bathroom door and paused for a moment, listening for any signs of movement inside. Hearing none, she assumed it was empty and pushed the door open.

Steam billowed out, enveloping Soo Ah in a warm, humid embrace that made her skin prickle. She quickly stripped off her sweaty clothes, eager to wash away the remnants of her exertion. As she stepped into the bathroom, her phone buzzed with a notification. She glanced at the screen, sighed, and set it on the bathroom counter.

Just as she was about to step into the tub, she froze, her entire body stiffening as her heart skipped a beat. The curtain covering the bathtub was only half-closed, revealing its occupant. There, in the middle of the bathtub, was Dae Ho, naked and asleep, his face relaxed as if he were having the most comfortable dream.

"D-Dae Ho?!" she mumbled but quickly put her hand over her mouth to avoid waking him.

'What is he doing here? I thought he was still outside playing with Gobong,' she wondered, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and confusion. She knew she should leave immediately, but her feet seemed rooted to the spot.

Normally she wouldn't be embarrassed seeing him like this, her normal reaction would be annoyance but perhaps due to his posture, his…uhm…man thingy was out of the water, limp, and laying on his stomach.

'Is this what a real man thingy looks like?' she wondered, looking at the limp piece of flesh. She had only seen cocks in pop-up ads and the silicon ones during medical class in uni; she had never seen one in real life.

'But are the limp ones supposed to be this big? From what I heard, limp ones are only like 3 to 5 inches,' she thought, and couldn't help but move her head down to look at it closer in curiosity.

As she leaned in, apprehension swirling in her mind, she caught a whiff of the soapy, clean scent emanating from the bathtub. Her eyes traced the contours of it, noting how different it seemed from those pop-up ads. It looked much… uhm, beautiful? She didn't know how to correctly describe it, but the ones she had seen were very ugly and grotesque.

She also felt a strange urge to reach out and touch it, to confirm if it was real, but she quickly suppressed it.

'No, this is wrong!. We are siblings. I shouldn't be here,' she reminded herself, shaking her head to get rid of these thoughts.

'Ugh…it seems one climax was not enough!' she still felt somewhat horny even after her earlier orgasm.

Her eyes then looked up at Dae Ho's relaxed face, and she felt a strange mix of emotions and thoughts. 'Umm, would he wake up though? He looks deep in sleep. As long as I am careful, nobody would know,' she thought.

She then waved her above his face, to check if he was really sleeping or not and seeing him not react even a bit, she sighed in relief.

She then slowly and carefully moved her hand into the tub, using her delicate fingers to gently touch his manhood , making sure she did not use much force that would wake him up.

Just as her fingers touched the middle of the shaft, to her fascination, it twitched!

'How did it twitch? Is it alive?' she thought idiotically, but quickly dismissed that idea.

'But how did it know I touched it? Dae Ho is asleep, after all.' She looked at it puzzled.

She then touched it again, and it twitched again.

She continued doing it, again and again, and to her wonder, the limp piece of flesh was soon gone. In its place was a hard piece of wood.

And…it was much bigger, standing upright like a tower.

Soo Ah's heart raced as she watched the transformation. The sight before her was both fascinating and intimidating. She couldn't tear her eyes away from it.

'This is unbelievable. How can it grow so much?' she thought, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and sensations. Unknowingly, she felt her panties getting a bit wet.

'Fuck! Why am I feeling like this just after seeing that thingy?' she thought in frustration.

Her fingers, now trembling slightly, hovered over the erect shaft. She bit her lower lip, hesitating for a moment before giving in to her curiosity. She lightly wrapped her fingers around it, feeling the warmth and firmness.

Dae Ho stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping his lips, but he didn't wake up. Soo Ah froze, her heart pounding in her chest. When he didn't react further, she exhaled a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

'This is insane. I should stop. This is my stepbrother for God's sake! I'm standing on the edge of a legit sexual assault case!' she scolded herself angrily. But her horny mind countered, 'But would you get a chance like this ever again? To see it in real life? You don't even have any male friends or a boyfriend. So he is the best experiment, even more so he is just your naive younger brother. You can easily fool him, even if he wakes up! Right? So do you really want to give this chance up?' Her mind whispered sweetly and temptingly.

'This is so wrong!' she reprimanded herself, her cheeks burning with shame. Yet, her hands moved back to the hard shaft, wrapping her fingers around it. It was warm, like a heated towel, and gave off an intimidating feeling. She could also smell a musky scent coming from it, which made her flush even more.

Her mind, tempted by horniness, began to override her better judgment. She slowly started moving her hand up and down, recalling what she had read about male masturbation on the internet at the same time feeling the smooth skin and the pulsing hardness beneath it. 'Just like this, right?' she thought, feeling a mix of fear, guilt and excitement. 'Stroke gently at first, then gradually increase the pace…'

Her inner conflict raged on. 'I can't believe I'm doing this. This is so wrong. But it feels… powerful to have this effect on him.'

As she continued to piston his dick, her own core clenched, her face flushing deeply. She bit her lip to stifle any sounds, feeling the slick heat pooling between her legs. The rhythm of her strokes became steadier, more confident. She watched in fascination as his breathing deepened, a soft moan escaping his lips.

Suddenly, she felt his dick throb in her hand. Her eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen, but before she could react, his cum shot out, splattering her face and chest, almost getting inside her eyes.

She heard Dae Ho groan at the same time, his cum splattered on her face during his climax. 

Panic surged through Soo Ah. She quickly let go and laid on the floor beside the tub, her heart beating so fast she felt like it would burst out of her chest. She stayed there for several minutes, her mind reeling with what she had just done.

'What the hell did I just do?' she thought, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the cooling cum on her face. 'This is beyond messed up. I can't believe I let my horniness get the better of me. What if he wakes up? What if he remembers something?'

Soo Ah took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself, but it was difficult. 'I need to get out of here. I need to clean myself up and forget this ever happened,' she thought.

She slowly got up, quickly letting out a sigh of relief when she noticed that Dae Ho was still asleep. 'Thank God, he is a deep sleeper.'

After that she looked down at herself in the big bathroom mirror and had an unnatural expression as she saw her face covered in white, gooey stuff—starting from her cheek, trailing across her nose, lips, neck, and down to her breasts. She stared in disbelief. 'Do men really cum this much?' she wondered.

As she stood there, she saw a drop of cum slid from her cheek down to her lip. Without thinking, she licked it off with her tongue. The taste was unexpected—not entirely unpleasant, but strangely addicting. She quickly shook off the sensation and grabbed a wet towel to clean herself up.

She was about to leave quietly when she noticed her phone on the bathroom counter. And immediately her horny self whispered a mischievous idea. As the thought formed in her mind she couldn't help biting her lower lip, 'Since I have done all this, why hesitate now' she thought and unlocked her phone and opened the camera app.

'I am going to hell for this for sure,' she thought. She positioned her phone directly over the bathtub to capture the entire scene below: Dae Ho lying there with a serene expression with his semi-hard dick resting on his stomach, a bit of cum still leaking out forming a puddle. The sight was unnaturally erotic to her, and she wanted to capture it and keep it with her knowing it was her hand who was responsible for this.

Pointing the camera, she clicked the shutter.


Satisfied that the picture was successfully taken, she smiled. 'Today has been quite an interesting day,' she thought as she checked the photo. But just as she checked the photo, her whole body froze as if she had seen a ghost.

While checking the photo in the gallery, she noticed something that made her blood run cold.

Dae Ho's eyes were open in the photo, looking straight at the camera.


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