
New Life = Lewd Life

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I gave her one last chance to back out. Her beautiful, watery eyes wavered momentarily, thoughts flowing chaotically in her mind. Then, suddenly, they blazed with determination as she bit her lip. "Yes," she stated resolutely. "I want this. I need this." A smirk formed on my face as I took her hand in mine, pulling her body close, her soft, bubbly butt landing on my thighs. "Then come to me. Let's forget your husband together." - x - X - x - "Aahn~!!" "Not here, please! My parents are just outside," she moaned softly, trying to suppress her voice, whispering in my ear. "Didn't you invite me to your house? Don't tell me you didn’t want this," I said huskily, giving her sensitive ear a lick. "No!... ahhnn~ I didn't know they would come back!! Hngh~" she said between moans. Despite her words, her hand still clutched my shirt tightly while her legs wrapped around me, as if she would never let go. "Hehe... if you really want that, stop holding me and I'll stop," I said provocatively. Her face flushed immediately, and she turned her head sideways even as her body trembled. But she didn't stop holding me. Hehe, I am loving this new world! - x - X - x - "Yess!! Harder! Harder! Don't stop!!" she screamed into my ear. "Hehe, I didn't know you were this passionate. Is it because your boyfriend is just behind this wall?" I teased as I increased my pace. "Yess!!... I love it so much, cheating on that bastard!! You are so much better than him!!" she cried, her eyes swirling crazily as she clung to me. "Well, it's his loss," I said, feeling a surge of satisfaction. That guy deserved it for cheating on such a wonderful woman. "Let's forget about him!! I don't care anymore! Even if he sees me!" she said, licking my neck and sending shivers down my spine. - x - X - x - This is the story of a Man with experience, who dies after taking down one of the most powerful gangs in his country. Now reincarnated in a Pornhwa World by a mysterious but shady system, he discovers he gains special abilities the more he indulges in the world's sensual pleasures. So who is he to deny such a golden opportunity? Watch as he embraces his new life, using his abilities to their fullest extent, and dominate this whole world. - x - X - x - And one more thing: No Netorare[Guys who want this should cut off their dick and hang themselves and let death take away your pathetic existence from this world]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 11 [R-18]

Chapter 11

She looked at his gleaming eyes, shining darkly with a glint full of desire. She had never had someone look at her that way before.

He stared back at her heaving form. She was breathing heavily, her face flushed up to her neck, and her white teeth biting her luscious lower lip. He couldn't help but want to taste them.

So he lowered his head, feeling her body jerk slightly as he got closer. 'Is this her first kiss?' he thought, amused.

The closer his lips got, the more her face flushed with embarrassment. She almost turned away. 'The kiss is too intimate for her,' he realized.

But he wouldn't let that happen. He cupped her face tightly and saw some panic appear in her eyes.

"Since we did all that and I even tasted your lower lips, let me taste these upper ones too," he said.

She blushed even more at his words, but the panic was gone, so he proceeded. Their lips met softly at first, then more urgently. She tasted sweet, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth. She responded eagerly, her tongue meeting his in a wild dance of desire. Her hands moved to his back, pulling him closer, while he gripped her head tightly.

Finally, they broke apart, gasping for breath, their foreheads resting against each other. Her eyes were glazed with desire, her chest heaving with effort.

She looked at him, heaving. "You… you know what? You suck at kissing. Loser. If I have to rate, you are totally a bronze tier, as expected of a virgin. What a noob kek!" she still didn't put a stop to her teasing, even when she felt breathless.

'Even in such a state, she's maintaining her shit-talking. I have to commend her for that,' he mused, and squeezed her breasts. "Then why are you breathing so heavily, like you just ran a hundred miles? And why is your face so red? And don't forget, those are the same virgin lips you're rolling your tongue over and kissing so passionately, so you are in no position to make fun of me, you know" he said while pinching her crimson nipples.

"T-That—Aahn! Hngh. Bastard, stop squeezing my titties. Let me talk," she said, struggling to speak as he groped her chest and pinched her nipples.

After playing around with her body a bit more, he looked down at her again. "Ready for the main dish?" he asked, his voice husky with desire.

She nodded, her eyes dark with anticipation. "Yes, I'm ready. Do whatever you want with my body… Just fuck me… No, why are you even asking? Just go! You really are a virgin..."

Dae Ho positioned himself between her legs, feeling the heat radiating from her core. The tip of his hard shaft brushed against her entrance.

He looked into her eyes, seeking any sign of hesitation. Finding none, he began to push into her slowly, his tip parting her folds and feeling her tightness envelop him.

Bang Hyuna gasped, her hands gripping his shoulders as he entered her. "Ohn~... Virgin bastard...," she moaned, her body arching towards him.

He paused, letting her adjust to his size, savoring the tight warmth enveloping him. He moved slowly, allowing her to get used to his length.

But suddenly, halfway through, he raised his eyebrows as he encountered a small obstruction. 'Hmm? Is she really a virgin?' He had noticed signs during their makeout, but with how much she taunted him about being a virgin, he wanted to be completely sure.

He looked into her eyes for answers, and when she noticed him pausing and looking at her, she immediately knew what he was thinking and gritted her teeth in shame. "W-What are you looking at, v-virgin bastard? Or did your dick suddenly shorten?" she shouted, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Heh… says the virgin. And my dick? You clearly know how big it is; after all, it was in your mouth just a few moments ago," he said with a mocking laugh.

"You!! Y-You." Her lips quivered. She tried to say something, but what he said was true, and she couldn't find a retort.

During her university days, many men had tried having their way with her, but she had denied all of them, as she was too focused on her studies and career. But after what happened that day, she spiraled downward.

That's why she's been spending her time in game cafes to distract her mind. And that's also why she let this bastard fuck her—she never thought she'd bet her chastity on a bet. Now he dares to taunt her? Hmph! She would have her revenge. She would—But her thoughts were cut off as he pulled her close and cupped her cheeks. "W-Wha–?" she stammered, caught off guard.

"Don't be embarrassed about me knowing you're a virgin," he murmured, his voice softening. "In fact, it makes you even more likable to me. You don't know how much it arouses me to be the one taking your virginity. To think I'd encounter such a beautiful virgin woman. Do you know how low the odds are?" he said, and to prove his words, she felt his shaft get even harder, which she thought was impossible.

Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. "W-what are you saying?" she stuttered, feeling a whirlwind of emotions. 'What is this virgin bastard doing to me? Why is my heart racing so much? Aaah!, what is this feeling?'

"But let's set this aside for now. We have more pressing matters," he said firmly, guiding her back onto the bed. His eyes fixated on her glistening pussy, a telltale sign of her overwhelming arousal.

Repositioning himself, he teased the entrance with the tip of his throbbing shaft before slowly easing himself inside her. As he penetrated her, he encountered the familiar obstruction, eliciting a soft plea from her lips. "B-Be gentle…" her voice quivered with anticipation, and he nodded in understanding.

Taking a moment to ensure her comfort, he gently caressed her stomach, offering a brief distraction before plunging into her with a swift thrust.


Her moan filled the room as a mixture of pleasure and pain washed over her. He paused there, letting her adjust, relishing the sensation of being inside her tight folds.

He was also surprised that she didn't groan or struggle from the pain other than gritting her teeth a bit. She was quite strong, taking it well for a first-timer.

Then, her voice broke the silence. "Go on. I'm fine. Fuck me now, and don't you dare hold back, you virgin bastard. Do it hard."

Dae Ho grinned, feeling a surge of excitement at her words. He began to move slowly at first, savoring the tightness of her warmth. Her breath hitched with every thrust, and she gripped his shoulders tighter.

Haaangh~ Aahn

"Fuck… you're so tight," he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "Feels so good."

She bit her lip, her eyes rolling back slightly as he moved deeper inside her. "H-Harder, you loser. Show me you can do more than just talk," she taunted, her voice shaky with pleasure.

He took her challenge seriously. Gripping her hips, he began to thrust harder and faster, each movement eliciting a mixture of moans and gasps from her. The room was filled with the sound of their bodies meeting, the raw intensity of their passion growing with each moment.

Her nails dug into his back, leaving red marks as she clung to him. "Oh God… y-yes, just like that," she moaned, her body arching to meet his thrusts. "Don't stop…"

He leaned down, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss, swallowing her moans as he drove into her with increasing fervor. "You like that, don't you? Tell me how much you want it," he demanded, his voice a rough whisper against her lips.

She broke the kiss, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Y-You cocky son of a bitch. D-Don't get arrogant with me or else Aaahn~ Mm~" Her words got stuck in her throat as he increased his pace.

"Am I still cocky now?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.She gritted her teeth, trying to hold onto her defiance, but the pleasure was overwhelming. "...when this is all you've got... w-when this is over I... I'm gonna kill you...! But now... F-Fuck me harder, I'm loving it," she finally admitted, her voice breaking with desire.

"Gladly," he responded with a wicked grin, his movements becoming even more relentless, almost primal as he lost himself in the sensation of her tight, wet heat. "You feel so good around me, Blondie. So fucking good," he groaned, his voice thick with need.


"Mmh~ How long are you going to keep calling me Blondie? I don't like it," she said, her hands tightening around his neck.

"Then what should I call you? Bang or Hyuna?" he grunted, his hands gripping her ass tightly.

"No... not that... call me Noona, you punk. Hngh~," she said, biting her teeth."Is that so... then let me ask, do you still like this virgin cock, Noona~? Wasnt I bronze loser" he whispered, his teeth grazing her neck.

Her body shuddered at his words, and she could feel herself tightening around him. "Y-Yes, I do... damn you, you punk... ngh~" she moaned, her voice trembling with a mix of pleasure and defiance.

"Good," he growled, increasing his pace even more. "Because I'm going to make you come so hard, Noona."

She gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders as waves of pleasure crashed over her. "Aahn~!! Then don't you dare hold back," she managed to gasp out, her body arching against him.

"Fuck me harder, make me cum!" The pleasure reached such heights that it started to overload her mind, and she began shouting words she wouldn't normally utter.

"With pleasure, Noona," he responded, his voice husky and filled with raw desire.

Their bodies moved together in a wild, desperate rhythm, each thrust driving them closer to the edge. The room was filled with the sounds of their passion, their ragged breaths, and the slap of skin against skin.

"I'm close… so close…" she mumbled, her nails raking down his back.He felt her tighten around him, her body trembling as she neared her climax. "Come for me, Noona," he urged, his voice a low, commanding growl.

Her eyes met his, filled with a mixture of desire and surrender. "At the same time… don't worry, today is safe," she replied, her voice breaking with the effort.

He responded with a deep, powerful thrust that sent them both spiraling into ecstasy. Their cries of release mingled, echoing through the room as her body shuddered and he climaxed, filling her insides fully, so much that it even leaked and fell on the bed.

"Aaahnh~ Haa!" Bang Hyuna moaned the loudest moan she could as the pleasure reached the crevices of her mind she thought were unreachable, while her core heated from the hot cum inside her. This was the best feeling she had ever experienced in her life.

They collapsed together, their bodies slick with sweat and their breaths coming in heavy pants.For a moment, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of their breathing as they held each other tightly.

"You came... so much, motherfucker," she said, feeling his hot cum inside her, warming her insides.

Finally, he looked down at her, a satisfied smirk on his lips. "Hehe, that was expected. So, was that good enough for you, Noona? Or do you still think I'm just a cocky son of a bitch?" he asked, his voice playful.

She gave him a tired, annoyed, but satisfied smirk. "Yeah... you're still a cocky son of a bitch... but since you called me Noona, you're allowed to be a cocky son of a bitch," she replied, her voice cocky.

He chuckled and gave a gentle bite to her nipple. "Aahn~ don't bite my nipples, bastard!" she screamed and pushed his head away, closing her eyes.

"Hey! Blondie?Noona? Are you going to sleep? I'm still not finished here," he said as he slapped her breast, making it jiggle like jelly.

She opened one eye and said, "What do you mean? You already came, so let me sleep, I'm exhausted—" She suddenly paused as she felt something enlarging inside her. "W-Why are you still getting hard?!" she shouted in shock.

"Oh, that." He shrugged. It's not like he could blame his sexual stamina.

"The fuck! Don't guys have a recovery period before they get hard again?" she shouted, embarrassed.

"Don't compare me to other guys. I'm different, not to mention my junior is inside such a sexy lady, so how could it not be erect," he said proudly.

'Why does he always embarrass me with those flowery words?' She thought exasperatedly.

She began with an annoyed voice. "So... what are you going to do now? And let me tell you, before you look at me, I am fucking spent. There's no way even a muscle is going to move—woah. What are you doing, stop!!" she shouted, but he didn't listen and turned her body into a doggy style position, pointing her ass right in front of him.

"You don't need to move, Noona~. Just your body is enough," he said and slammed his cock again inside her slimy, dripping wet core.

- x - X - x -

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