

In the middle of the night, a squad of soldiers could be seen walking through an alleyway. The soldiers were equipped with night vision goggles and suppressed m4 carbines. Their mission was to infiltrate and take down a Taliban safe house that got discovered recently, and they were about to arrive outside the entrance.

The squad set up a breaching charge on the door and got a comfortable distance back while the man in front was getting himself ready to enter.


The charge went off, and the man went into the building; he could hear the yelling of the insurgents throughout the two-story building. There were two of them who were sleeping near the entrance, and another was on watch.

The man on watch didn't even have time to aim before receiving a direct headshot falling limp to the ground. The two who were shocked awake were also swiftly dealt with by the man. The sound of the not so quiet suppressor had rung throughout the room.

The squad split in two, with one group clearing the ground floor and the man's team taking the upstairs. Heading up the stairs quietly as possible, he signaled the rest to stop. He peaked quickly and was instantly fired at by an AKM. Not panicking, he pulled a flashbang out and tossed it up the stairs.

He heard the man yell out before the loud sound of the flashbang went off and made his move to get to the top floor. Three men were waiting at the top of the stairs, and unfortunately for them, they all had been hit. He cleaned out the right side, killing two while on full auto, and the man right behind him killed the last one. They swept the remaining rooms and only found crying children and women.

They glared at them and even threw things at the soldiers, who could only feel pity despite thinking what they were doing was for the greater good of their country. They worked up to the last remaining door for the master bedroom. The squad from downstairs had begun to regroup with them.

He signaled a guy to open the door, and as he did, the room was revealed to them containing many explosives and a man who sat in the middle with an explosive vest on him. The last thing the squad saw before they died was a huge grin on his face and him detonating everything.

He was currently drifting through what seemed like a void. The man was confused because he could only think to himself and not move at all, nor could he speak aloud. He remembered how he had died but not his name or if he had a family or friends. This angered him a little, but there was nothing he could do about it. He had been trained to keep calm, and it seemed that all he had lost was names and faces.

After drifting for what felt like an eternity, he started to lose it and could feel his sanity slipping away. He had done everything to keep himself entertained. His memory in this state seemed perfect, so he played back shows and even his favorite animes and manga. He had just caught up to where he was in Berserk and was starting Black lagoon. They were two of his favorites as he always preferred more mature and violent entertainment.

He had saved his favorites for last, but the tole of having nothing to do but watch movies, anime, and read manga was weighing on him. During his twenty-five years of life, he had been an active person who loved sports and the outdoors. Starting to watch the first episode, a pair of red eyes that looked like they could stare into his soul popped up. Feeling an overbearing pressure that was crushing him, he heard a voice in his mind.

"I'm honestly impressed; a soul rarely misses the cycle of reincarnation, and this is the first time I've met one who isn't insane. I've been watching you for a while, waiting for you to disappear, but instead, you keep remembering anime and refusing to die!" His voice was surprisingly normal and sounded like a middle-aged man though a little angered.

The man pondered for a few seconds before replying.

"So what next? Are you just going to get rid of me or what?" He had already accepted death and made peace; he was all anime'd out, and even though he couldn't finish black lagoon, he had already watched it in the past. The glowing eyes moved closer to him and glared for a while.

"Hmm, I'm awfully bored these days. What would you think about visiting one of those anime worlds of yours? Let's go with Black lagoon for now and see what happens. The only thing you would need to do is sign a little contract with me, but don't worry, it's not a big deal."

"Wait!, first of all, do those worlds even exist. Also, why would I sign a contract with a being I don't even know? What are you anyway? The Devil?" The man said, still calm somehow.

"Yes and yes."





The void was silent for a while until a contract appeared inside his mind. To sum it up, the conditions were surprisingly fair. It stated that the Devil would grant him a system and freedom in turn for the ability to watch through his eyes and occasionally speak with him. If he could have a confused look on his face right now, he would.

"Wow, I thought it would have more terms, and I'd have to sell my soul or something."

"Nah, I've been doing this shit for so long that I just want some entertainment. Alright, then time for you to go; enjoy your new life."

The Devil disappeared with an ominous chuckle.

Writing for fun so I dont know how the quality will be and I hope you enjoy

Alcholicccreators' thoughts
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