
New life in Roanapur

Hiatus due to health issues. A man gets transmigrated into the world of black lagoon. Unfortunately for him he is born in Roanapur only a short time before it turns into a den of crime. Not my pic

Alcholicc · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


The car ride was relatively quiet, and to Dexter's surprise, they left the city and arrived at a decent-sized compound. The place had two people standing guard, and both had ak47s. They realized it was James's car and pulled the gate open, and he drove inside.

James parked on the right beside the van that goons took. Afterward, they both got out of the car. Dexter took in the view of a small warehouse with a triangular roof as they entered through a regular door beside the large entrance. The inside was like any other warehouse and had a staircase on the far left that led up to an office room. Dexter couldn't see any other people inside and looked towards James, who signaled him to come towards the office. He followed him up the stairs and arrived in a relatively small room compared to the size of the place. The room simply had a fridge, desk, chair, and nothing else.

"Decent place, huh? The old owners were nice enough to hand it over, no questions asked." James revealed with a smirk, and Dexter could feel the shamelessness oozing off the man. He was going to ask about the police but then realized how stupid that thought was and stopped.

He knew that in Roanapur, the cops were the biggest degenerates who took bribes and loved prostitutes. Dexter realized the police might not be as immoral yet because it's only 1978 but thought better of it because honestly, who would want to risk their lives to enforce law in a city filled to the brim with armed criminals.

"Dex, you'll have to sleep on the floor tonight until we get you a proper room for you. You're probably starving, right? There's water in the fridge and some weird-ass fruits someone picked up. You'll meet everyone else in the morning so have a good sleep." James declared while he was already closing the door to leave the office.

Dexter, who already was used to sleeping in uncomfortable places both in this life and the last, didn't mind at all. He scanned the room before going to the fridge to get water. His mouth had been dry for a while now, and nothing could beat water when you're dehydrated—Dexter knew Thailand was home to some unique fruits, but no one had taught him what the fruits were called; he decided to wait until breakfast. Dexter was sure they weren't bad but would rather see other people eat them first.

He chugged down some water before deciding to sleep with the desk blocking the view of the door, so If he heard someone coming in, he could use it to his advantage. With his perception stat at 17, Dexter's had his senses raised to a level that is way higher than the average human and he was a relatively light sleeper which was both a boon and a curse. It would allow no one to sneak up on him when he was sleeping, but he would find it very difficult to sleep in a louder environment. Dexter sat and leaned against the wall. He finally fell asleep after checking everything was fine with his pistol.

A couple of hours later, at around 4 am, A man was quietly walking up the warehouse's stairs. He knew the boss was rather fond of the kid, and it was understandable. After all, the kid did manage to kill two of his friends that he had been working with for years at such a young age. Although he knew his boss's reasons for doing so, he was still furious and couldn't accept it. Nearing the door, he pulled out his Browning hi-power and got ready to enter.

The big man opened the door as quietly as he could. He crept into the room with his weapon ready and was surprised he couldn't see anyone. He had thought for sure that the boss would put him in here for the night. After following the boss for years now, he knew the boss was more intelligent than he looked. He was somewhat cautious because of how easy everything was playing out.

The back entrance to the warehouse wasn't even locked up. He had planned to break in from there because it was far enough from where the others slept, and the boss put him on watch duty at the perfect hours.

He walked slowly towards the desk and peeked behind it only to find nothing there. The man went to turn around, and to his surprise, he saw the kid standing there pointing a gun at him. He tried to get a shot off at the kid, but before he could even take the shot, a bullet pierced into his right hand, forcing him to drop his favorite pistol.

Panicking, the man realized he was royally fucked and had no chance to do anything. He couldn't close the distance because there was a wooden desk in between the two of them.

Dexter had his pistol aimed at the man who was seething in rage. He could feel the man's pain. Could you imagine getting outplayed by a seven-year-old not once but twice in the span of less than a day? He had been woken up and heard the man enter the room the second the door was opened and had stealthily crept around the desk, abusing his small size and the guy's footsteps, and it worked flawlessly.

Dexter didn't feel bad for the guy as he was trying to take his life, but he let out a smile as it was rather enjoyable having people constantly underestimate you because of your age.

"You fucking bastard, do you think the boss would forgive you if you kill me? We went to war together while your balls aren't even the size of a god damn grape!" The big man roared out his insults at the kid who had a gun pointed at him. Dexter commended the man for his bravery; at least he had something going for him if it wasn't just stupidity.

"Were you the guy who bought those weird fruits?" Dexter asked while pointing to the fridge with his free hand. After seeing the guy's confused expression, he frowned and shot him in the head.

"Guess not."

Wrote this one while sick and dealing with a headache so it might not be the best chapter. Wanted to get one out for you guys because of all the support.

Alcholicccreators' thoughts