

( inside my dimension after 7 days have passed outside since I left the village )

Ken- yawn .. hehehehe.. I can feel it . hehe.. it's a success .. yes

shadow clone - ( dispel )

( hahaha... now let's see my new eyes then in the mirror. oh... so my new pattern is = now . good simple is best .. what am I saying ? .. looks like I'm too happy now to think straight. let's calm down first ( deep breaths) . )

( after a while )

( good . now let's check the differences from before . hmm.. my chakra capacity increased so much. it was like a like before but now it's an ocean hehehe.. I think my chakra is way more than a normal kage now . huh .. my senses have improved so much . I can sense anything in 10 kn radius around me now clearly good .. very good . hmm.. looks like time flow is now 10 to 0 . oh.. now 10 days inside my dimension will be a day outside nice .. my genjutsu hmm.. its stronger than before but not that much .. hehehe. .. but now the strain on my nerves will decrease a lot .

now then .. let's just complete the mission and go back . let's think my future actions after I reach home then .

( at night near the bandits base )

( huh.. there are about 50 of them huh .. so disappointing... not a single ninja among them . according to their conversations, they are just a mob of normal bandits without a leader much less a ninja . welll let's just kill them and go back to village . I want to try the famous ichiraku ramen quickly . sigh I'm an idiot . I was so busy with my stuff that I forgot about it .. )

Ken- oye ... do you guys want to burn alive or die by my sword ? ( oh yea I forgot to mention that I was a kendo grandmaster on earth so my sword skills are very good . I didnt train them much after coming in this world though. yosh from now let's train in the way of sword for an hour or so every morning. )

no answer. then die by my sword.

( at the gates of konoha )

( well it was quick . but I'm stronger than most kage so if I can't even finish some bandits quickly then it's a huge problem . well let's just meet fugaku and rest at home . I didnt sleep after my EMS awakened so my body needs some rest . )

chunin- yo .. uchiha kid . huh ? you got a lot taller in just a month?

Ken- is that so? I didnt notice ( looks like after my bloodline evolution my body also evolved and got stronger and taller . well let's think of an excuse later. )

chunin - forget it . it's a good thing. oh yea what's going on with your clan ? a few days ago , the uchiha just resigned from konoha police but i have to say in these few days mission completion rate is much faster now after the capable uchiha started joining teams .hahaha.. to be honest i thought that uchiha were only arrogant but didnt have any ability but now I respect them like many more .

Ken- thank you . I dont know maybe clan head thought that it is best for the clan to resign as konoha police. ( looks like my plan was acrid my minato . hmm.. it looks like fugaku is in a good relationship with hokage . if not then my plan will not be possible in such a short time. anyway it's good that now uchiha are somewhat respected by normal ninja like this mob chunin . oh yea I never asked his name . forget it it's not that important anyway .) I'm going in now . bye ..

chunin - go go ... and take good care of your hygiene. idoit your clothes are smeared with blood . go and bathe first ..

Ken- sorry ( embarrassed) yes , I will take care in future . ( who can blame me . I'm just a scientist not a killer ... well it's time to change my habit for not taking a bath everyday for good now .. )

( after taking a bath , inside clan head uchiha mansion )

fugaku - okay Ken, I've recieved your report . now did you clear your mind properly outside ?

Ken- yes sir . it was a good decision to take a mission outside the village.

fugaku - good . hahahaha .. your plan turned out be more effective than I thought Ken. I can't stop laughing when I remember the frustrated face of danzo and 2 elders . 3rd and 4th hokage together supported our plan so the civilian council couldn't do a thing to stop it . now I'm really happy Ken. our uchiha clan members are getting more and more job requests. even uchiha civilians are respected by others now.

Ken- it's good to hear that sir. congratulations ( proud)

fugaku - oh.. that's right . now that you have done such a great job for our clan so it's your right to ask for a suitable reward too . ask away Ken.

Ken- hmm.. nothing sir . jutsu or anything I can just exchange after completing missions. I dont know so let's forget it sir . besides I just helped my own people a bit so there is no need for a reward at all ( it's my true feelings . after interacting with uchiha, i came to love the clan . so my plan to make danzo my dog changed to make 3 dogs . danzo and 2 elders. this way , I can just know about any suspicious activity against the uchiha beforehand inside the village . )

fugaku - you kid . just listen to your elders once sigh .. forget it . I will just keep your reward with me and you can use it later when you need it in future .. .. if only all our young ones could be like you ( mumbling..)

Ken- I thank you sir . I will listen to your instructions then . then please excuse me sir , i want to go home and rest for a while.

fugaku - okay ... no no no.. wait for a while. I have promised my wife to let her meet you when you comeback immediately.

Ken- mrs clan head ( confused)

fugaku - that's right . you probably dont remember but she took care of you till you were 3 years old and started living in the orphanage. hehehe.. she probably wants to see your young version now .

Ken- okay sir as you wish . I will meet madam and then go home . ( hmm.. according to the memories , there was a young lady who took care of old Ken when he was a small . only fuzzy memories are remaining so I cant see her face clearly. maybe fugaku is telling the truth . if so then it would be rude to not meet her because I'm uchiha Ken now so his affairs are mine in a way . besides I want to meet the beautiful mikoto from anime . )

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