

itachi - wow ... uncle , how did we come so far in an instant? it's amazing..

ken - ( now that's how a child should be like . but really he is too cute right now ..) your uncle is amazing right ?

itachi - yes . uncle is amazing..

Ken- ( it feels too good when he calls me uncle with such a cute voice and face . oh. so this must be the feeling parents feel . I will always remember him as a small cute child he is now even when he becomes an adult . ) do you know what jutsu I used now then ?

itachi - hmm.. I know it . it must be flying raijin jutsu of hokage.. I heard about it from dad ..

ken - ( patting his head ) the name is correct . but remember itachi , when I mastered this jutsu , it became mine . so my flying raijin jutsu is mine while hokage has his own . okay ?

itachi - I get it ..

ken - now itachi , tell me why do you want to learn many jutsu?

itachi - hmm because I want to be strong ..

ken - and why do you want to become strong ?

itachi - because i want to protect everybody in village . dad took me once to the battlefield. it was scary and I felt powerless when I thought that even dad cant stop war from happening. so i will become strong to protect everybody..

ken - ( ah so itachi had already found his goal when he was this small huh . no wonder i felt wisdom from him . sigh .. such a burden on this small child . well I just can train him so that he can become strong and bad people like danzo cant take advantage of his desire for peace ..) hmm.. you see itachi , your goal is good . but you cant stop wars by yourself even if you are the strongest . because wars happen due to selfishness , arrogance , revenge etc .. these feelings that every human being have . so to stop wars from happening means to get rid of these feelings from everybody. this cannot be done because of these feelings are gone then people will stop being human beings anymore .

itachi - hmm.. so what should I do uncle ? ( sad )

ken - ( smile ) if wars will happen anyway then you can just become powerful enough so that your enemies will fear you . so they will feel scared and you can protect your loved ones . but this will be meaningless if you want to protect the whole world because then the enemy will desperately attack you and your loved ones to eliminate you so that they can achieve their goals ( well modern society of earth taught me these things early on so I despaired and went into solitude for a while . if I hadn't met science in time then maybe I would have like itachi from anime and have a tragic end ..) . now do you get it itachi ? humans are humans because they are selfish . so instead of thinking about lofty things like world peace , be selfish and focus on protecting your loved ones ..

itachi - I get it now uncle .. thank you for telling me everything.

ken - look here itachi , I only told you this dark truth now because you are intelligent enough to understand it . but my wish is that you enjoy your life more while becoming stronger along the way . there is no need to carry the burden alone as everyone in the village who understands the truth are there to share the burden with you . that is the meaning behind our village and will of fire .. so what is your goal for future right now ?

itachi - hmm.. I will become hokage and protect the village then with everybody's help ..

ken - ( paying his head ) good choice . now you understand my meaning . but itachi not all the people or ninja in the village will be your ally . so also be cautious to not let these bad people take advantage of you . okay??

itachi - yes .

Ken- good . now your first lesson . a ninja should always be cautious of everybody around him . now tell me what you understood from this line ?

itachi - hmm.. but if I do that then I will have to doubt my family too..

ken - good . you noticed the right point itachi . now the best solution is that you just have to plan and train in secret from everybody. this will cause your enemy and bad people to underestimate you . so they will not attack your loved ones in desperation . so always keep your real prowess a secret from everybody including family . because doing it will be beneficial to your family . do you understand now ?

itachi - yes . I will train hard but show everybody fake strength from now on .

ken - good ( nice . now nobody can take advantage of his good heart easily in future. ) .now the second lesson itachi . why is it important to make friends ? answer me ..

itachi - I dont know uncle .. I dont have any friends ..

ken - it's fine itachi . look even I don't have any friends . now then but I have your dad , mom whom I can trust . I was not close with then from the start though. I interacted with them , gathered information about them secretly first . do you know why I did that ?

itachi - dont know ..

ken - ( well even if he is intelligent for his age but is still a kid so I cant blame him now ) I did that because after interacting with them , I felt that I could trust them . so to confirm whether I'm right or wrong , I gathered every information I could secretly about them. so after confirming their strength and most importantly their character multiple times , I decided that they are worthy of my trust. so my meaning is that you only need to find someone in your life whom you can trust greatly . it can be a friend , family or somebody else . now that you have a goal itachi , you can just find somebody who shares the same goal , investigate him till you are satisfied. and then if he is worthy , make him your friend . like I did . we cant live or do everything alone itachi . so its important to find these special people . in my case , I dont have a goal like you or anything but still your dad and mom are important to me as they are family to me .. now do you get my meaning itachi ?

itachi - yes. I have to find comrades for life. because I cannot do everything alone ..

ken - ( wow this kid is amazing. comrade huh what a perfect word . I couldn't come up with it because I cant think of my family as comrades but the ones that I only want to protect at any cost . well it's only because I know that I will become stronger than anybody.. so there is not much need for comrades to me ..) excellent itachi . you are really my smart nephew . now then today's life lessons are over. now let's see your STENGHT and come up with your training plan ..( smile )

itachi- yes uncle ( cute smile )