
New life as Naruto Uzumaki

One day he finds himself waking up as none other than Naruto Uzumaki. In a world that was supposed to be nothing more than a fictional place. And now he had to survive in the world and be the saviour to save the world from its own destruction. Act like Uzumaki Naruto to not get locked up or worse. But having a possible future memory does not make everything okay as the changes he makes creates a different future. And knowing all the people who are after his life and trying to destroy the world hee really has his work cut out for him. At least he is the main character of his life. *** Thanks for reading To read extra chapters or support me Patreon.com/NahinS77

NahinS77 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

"Okay, today we will not have training. Today we will meet some of your seniors. They graduated a year before you." Yamato said as he stood in front of all three genins.

Team 7 was in their training ground. All of them were listening to Yamato with full attention.

'15 days, huh.' Naruto was counting every day. And they were under Yamato for 15 days.

In the last few days not only all three of them were able to master advanced chakra control exercises, but they even learned more about tracking, stealth, trap-making and dismantling. In a way, it was very productive.

"You will meet Guy san and his genin team. He is a Taijutsu specialist... and has a unique personality. Try to get along." Yamato said to them.

"We will meet them at training ground 12." All three of them started to follow Yamato. Soon, they reached training ground 12.

When they entered the training ground they saw two green... whatever they were, do push-ups ups. The other two looked to be busy warming up.

"99, 100, 101....." They were able to see more clearly after coming closer. Those green things were people and they were exercising.

Guy jumped up from his position as he gave Team 7 a blinding smile with a thumbs up.

"HELLO, MY YOUTHFUL COMRADES. IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU ALL IN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MORNING." He shouted or said... Both Sasuke and Sakura were shocked. Not only the introduction was too loud the Nice Guy smile and moving eyebrows. Both of them looked at him like a frozen statue.

The green monstrosity continued, "MY NAME IS MIGHT GUY, I AM THE BLUE BEAST OF KONOHA AND THESE ARE MY STUDENTS ROCK LEE, TENTEN AND NEJI HYUGA." He said as he pointed out each of his students.


The second green cough Lee looked at Sakura star stuck. He gave them a 90° bow."MY NAME IS ROCK LEE, IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU ALL. Beautiful lady would you be kind enough to introduce yourself."

Naruto felt amused as Rock Lee went on one knee looking like he was going to propose to her. He could also see Sakura's horror and her face shouting 'ARE THOSE EYEBROWS MOVING!?'.

"LEE, LET YOUR OTHER TEAMMATES INTRODUCE FIRST." Guy scolded...said Naruto was not sure about that.

"YES, GUY SENSEI." And like that, Lee was as loud as his Sensei.

"Is he Guy san's student or son?" Naruto whispered to Sasuke. Who came out of his shock.

"Maybe in a year, you will be like Yamato Sensei, dead fish eye." Sasuke made a face filled with horror upon hearing that.

Before Naruto could tease Sasuke a little more the other two students of Guy came to them.

"My name is Tenten. It's nice to meet my juniors." Tenten greeted them with a smile. Though she had a kunai spinning in her finger.

"Neji Hyuga." If Naruto had to say he would say it looked more like everyone owned Neji his money.

"Well, you three talk to each other me and Guy san will have a little talk." With that Yamato and Guy left the training ground to talk something.

"Lee, calm down." Tenten dragged Lee away from Sakura.

"It is a little hard to get used to Guy sensei's antics but don't worry you will get used to it." Tenten tried to comfort them. Key word being tried. The result, Sasuke was not sure what to say. Sakura did not like Guy and Lee. Naruto was watching it more like a show.


"I know, I know, Lee. Calm down and let me handle this." Tenten just punched Lee away.

'They are all crazy!' Both Sakura and Sasuke had the same thought.

"Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. It's nice to meet with our seniors as well." Naruto said with a friendly smile. He was trying to take a few things out of Minato's book. After all how many people out there could smile innocently after butchering almost a thousand people. Truly, even the village leader and his elders were hoping that he would become more like his father.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. It's nice to meet you." Sasuke introduced himself.

"I am Sakura Haruno. It's also nice to meet you." Sakura got herself together and greeted them.

"LET'S HAVE A FRIENDLY SPAR." Lee jumped up proposing his idea.

"It's not a be a bad idea. We senpais can show you the difference." Tenten seems to like the idea.

Only Sakura did not feel happy hearing about that. Sasuke got excited hearing that. In his mind, it was another challenge that he would overcome to get even stronger. Naruto on the other hand was ready.

"I am up to it." Naruto agreed right away.

"One-on-one or a team battle? Either way, I am ready to win." Sasuke agreed.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you were the Rookie of the year, right?" Suddenly Neji asked. To which Sasuke nodded. He was also interested in fighting a Hyuga.

"I will be fighting against you. Don't go down fast." Neji said as he walked a little distance from the ground. He stood in the middle of the training ground.

"You are finished if you let him land a hit on you," Naruto whispered in Sasuke's ear making him nod. Even without Naruto's warning, Sasuke knew how dangerous Hyuga's gentle fist was.

"Is it really, okay?" Sakura asked torn between cheering for Sasuke and worrying about him.

"Don't worry, it will end quickly," Tenten said with a grin fully confident in Neji's victory. In her eyes even chunins were no match for Neji, let alone a newly graduated genin. Even if the genin was a Uchiha.

"I will be the judge of the spar. No lethal moves are permitted. It's a friendly spar." Lee said as he stood in the middle of them.

Both Neji and Sasuke nodded agreeing with Lee. Both of them were already in battle stance. Sasuke with his Uchiha interceptor style and Neji in his Hyuga gentle fist style.

As for the audience, they had their full attention on the battle.


Just as Lee said to start the battle Sasuke jumped back making more distance from Neji. As well as throwing dozens of shuriken while jumping back.

"It will not help you." Neji taunted as he started to deflect or block them using his kunai. He had a smirk on his face like he had already won the battle.

Sasuke threw more shuriken and kunai at Neji, making him frown a little. Neji activated his Byakugan. The next moment he jumped away from his place.

"You are not Tenten." His smirk got bigger as Sasuke's plan failed. There were ninja strings connected to some of them.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu." To reply to Neji's taunt Sasuke used fireball on him. Sasuke knew it was not a good move. But Sasuke had few long-range moves. And going for a close-up battle would be the end.

Neji concentrated his chakra throughout his whole body and dodged the fireball jutsu. He was sweating at the close call. It was not like Neji had a way to hit Sasuke from a distance. At best, he could use the same tactic as Sasuke.

One thing he could do was to get closer. And that is what he tried to do.

Soon it turned into a cat-and-mouse game. Neji tried to get close to Sasuke, who tried to keep his distance and attack using kunai and shuriken. Some fireballs to keep Neji on his toes.

"Why are you running, Uchiha. Is this all a member of the Uchiha clan can do?" Neji taunted using Sasuke's clan name. It was super effective. Because Sasuke went to fight Neji at close range.

Seeing that Naruto smacked his forehead with his palm. Tenten grinned and Sakura got more worried.

Sasuke was far faster than the time he fought and lost against Naruto. But that didn't mean Neji was not fast, not to mention he had to just tap.

"Eight trigrams Thirty-two palms," Neji said entering a stance. The next moment he was like an afterimage as he continued to attack Sasuke who could not put up a defense or so everyone thought. But Sasuke turned into a wooden log.

"Substitution jutsu! He used it so fast! Even without showing any hand seals!" Tenten exclaimed in shock.

"You are still within my range," Neji said fully concentrating on Sasuke who was a few feet away from his substitution. And how he was holding a side of his chest. He did not come out of the attack unharmed.

But one thing was for sure he was grinning. Even though he was going to lose, he was giving it his all.

"Eight trigram Thirty-two palms." Neji again went on attack, but this time Sasuke was not able to get out of it.

"I win," Neji said as he looked at Sasuke who was still standing. Neji did not go all way or use Sixty-Four palms but still, his attacks were painful. He did not look down on Sasuke, instead, he had a little respect looking at Sasuke still standing on his feet. Even though Neji did not go all out in the battle. In his opinion, Sasuke did well enough.

"The winner of the fight is Neji," Lee announced.

Naruto went to Sasuke, putting one of Sasuke's hands over his shoulder he helped him to walk. Seeing that Sakura also hurried over to help her Sasuke kun.

"Well, we have to work harder," Naruto said to Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun are you okay? Do we need to see a medic?" She was just too worried about Sasuke.

"Let me unblock your tenketsus." Neji decided to help Sasuke to help him get out of the gentle fists effect. In that way, Sasuke was almost back to normal. Except the phantom pain and the tiredness.

"Well, who is going next? I will be the next opponent." Tenten said as she walked in front of them, a smile on her face.

Sakura looked nervous as she looked at Naruto.

"Okay, Sakura you will be my opponent." Tenten happily informed Sakura. She could already see Sakura was not very confident in fighting her. And her senses were telling her that Sakura was a fangirl. And Tenten hated fangirls. It reminded her of her dark times when she was infatuated with Neji Hyuga.

She decided she was gonna beat the fangirl out of the girl.

"Well, do your best." Naruto gave her some encouragement.

'I am really liking this.' Naruto said in his mind as he smiled like his father.

Sakura was more concerned about Sasuke giving her encouragement. So, she was looking at him. And much to her disappointment she got none.

"She looks weak," Neji commented standing beside both Sasuke and Naruto. To that no one refuted.

"Her fate is to lose." Hearing that Naruto understood why he was feeling a little weird. This was the first time Neji said his fate theory in front of them. To that, Sasuke just looked at Neji with a 'what the hell happened to him' look.

"They are in the same team," Naruto whispered into Sasuke's ear making Sasuke have an understanding look, much to Neji's growing ire because he heard Naruto's whisper.

"TENTEN AS YOUR TEAMMATE, I WISH YOU TO DO YOUR BEST," Lee said loudly making Tenten sigh, she was far too used to it.

"BUT SAKURA CHAN MY HEART HOPES FOR YOUR VICTORY." Lee declared making Tenten have a few tick marks on her forehead. Her grip on her kunai increased.

"Thanks, Lee." Sakura awkwardly replied.

"Both, ready?" To that both girls nodded.

"Same rules. No lethal force allowed in this friendly battle." Lee said and both of them agreed by nodding.

"Start," Lee said jumping back.

Sakura enhanced her whole body using chakra as she jumped back throwing a couple of shuriken at Tenten. To which Tenten without even moving from her place caught them, making Sakura widen her eyes.

"You will have to do far more than that," Tenten said as she ran toward Sakura. Tenten was cautious going near Sakura. With a flick of her wrist, a kunai went toward Sakura. It targeted her leg, making her jump sideways to dodge.

And that small delay was enough for Tenten to reach Sakura. And without using any weapons Tenten slammed her fist into Sakura's gut, making her gasp in pain.

Sakura tried to retaliate by doing a low kick. Only for Tenten to kick Sakura on her other leg making her lose her balance and fall to the ground. Not giving any chance for Sakura to stand up Tenten held Sakura. She used gravity to her advantage as she tried to move Sakura's arm in the wrong direction.

Even with Sakura trying hard to get out of it Tenten held her firmly in a grappling hold. And slowly starting to put pressure.

"Give up," Tenten said as she started to put more pressure.

"I... I GIVE UP." Sakura said fearing more pain.

"The winner of the fight is Tenten," Lee announced the result of the fight.

"Told you her fate is to lose." Both Naruto and Sasuke didn't care about Neji's words. In Sasuke's eyes, Neji was a weirdo like his other teammate, even if he was stronger than him.

"So, 2-0. One match later it will be 3-0." Tenten said with a smile as she walked toward them. Sakura was also back on her feet, Tenten not doing much harm to her. Even then Sakura was glaring at Tenten. Sakura lost against Tenten, badly at that.

"Okay, now it's Lee Vs Naruto. Get to it already." Tenten said as she decided to become the referee.

"Okay, same rule no lethal force allowed. It's a friendly spar so keep that in mind." She said looking at them.

"I AM FIRED UP! NARUTO GIVE IT YOUR BEST. OTHERWISE IT WILL BE DISAPPOINTING." Lee shouted at Naruto getting into a fighting stance. His eyes narrowed. But deep in his mind, Lee looked down on Naruto.

And he wanted to fight Uchiha Sasuke. Prove that his hard work beats any genius. Why. Because he was a genius of hard work.

"Aren't you a little too confident?" It was not a question. Naruto smirked as he entered the Konoha-style Taijutsu.

Instead of replying to Naruto, Lee stopped himself from snorting. Lee could tell the Taijutsu style Naruto was using.

On the sidelines, Sasuke watched the fight with his full attention. And so when he saw Naruto smirk like that he couldn't help but feel chill for a moment. Because he remembered that was the exact smirk Naruto had before he got knocked out by Naruto.

Sakura also watched the fight closely. She was curious about how the fight would go.

"Start." Tenten jumper back.

In an instant, Rock Lee was in front of Naruto. He decided to end the fight fast like Tenten. So crouching low instead of Kicking his leg he sprang up, intending on kicking his chin.

Only for Naruto to move his head backward making Lee miss his target. Without his feet moving just using his chakra his stance changed as he put his weight on his left leg. Next, a spin and Naruto smashed his kick directly at Lee's thigh.

It was strong enough to make Lee take a few steps back.

It was also good enough to make most of the audience surprise. Most surprised was none other than Lee himself. He looked at Naruto with burning eyes.

"I UNDERESTIMATED YOU, NARUTO SAN. BUT THIS TIME I WILL GO ALL OUT." Lee said that. But Naruto understood Lee still had his weights on.

The reply Lee got was about 20 Naruto's surrounding Lee. All of them had the same smirk.

In that brief moment of clash, Naruto understood he was not strong enough to defeat Lee who was still holding back. And he was not interested in becoming a punching bag to see how much beating he could take.

The only reason he did not use Genjutsu was to enjoy the fight. And see his level.

Lee thinking the real Naruto was at the same place attacked. That Naruto moved back dodging Lee's punch only to get a low kick.

With a puff of smoke, it turned into smoke, making it clear it was not the real Naruto.

Lee instinctively blocked a punch coming from the smoke. Before he could think anything his grip loosened as it also turned into smoke. In that instant, Lee could only widen his eyes. Because using the smoke and shadow clones as distraction another Naruto was upon him.

It was in an instant and Lee's face got smashed with one of the Naruto doing an upper kick. A perfectly executed upper kick that smashed into Lee's face. This time making Lee slam to the ground and slide away for a few meters.

"Well, Lee senpai, it's my win," Naruto said as Lee tried to stand up. Only to find him bound with a lot of ninja wires. No matter how hard he tried Lee could not able to get out of it.

"LEE, STOP! You will injure yourself!" Tenten hurriedly went to stop Lee.

"The winner is Naruto." She announced as she started to help Lee get out of the bindings.

Naruto was satisfied with the match. It again proved to him even though he was not that strong he could defeat far stronger opponents. He even had poison as an option as well.

"Unbelievable...." Neji looked shocked as his mouth was opened.

Naruto's teammates were the same. Even though Sasuke had expected to something like that. Still it was shocking for both of them.

"Thanks for the spar," Naruto said giving a friendly hand toward Lee. Who caught it with a blinding smile.


Even Naruto's smile started to twitch hearing Lee's nonstop promises for future training. He decided the best course of action and walked toward his teammates, away from babbling Lee.

Authors note: I believe ninja fights should be short. But some battles will be longer. Mainly if one of the fighter is a sadistic bastard, who wants to make the other suffer longer.

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