
(Day 1) 11:11AM: Alan’s Pizzaria

Calvin's mom opens the door a little bit just to see who it is. A girl and three boys they were the same height and wearing the same dark green hoodies, black converses, and blue jeans. We look through the window at them; they are at least sixteen and the boys look identical standing in front of the door; the one on the right leaned on the wall of the house.

"Hello what are you boys up to?" Calvin's mom asked.

"We want talk to Calvin and his friends about the..." The middle boy said then looked at the boy on the left of us.

"Why do you want to speak to my son?" Calvin's mom said looking at them in a protective way.

Then the one on the right looked at Calvin's mom, "We want to help them," put up his hand up and ice like crystals glowed floated over his hand like magic, he smiled looking at it glow as the light from the ice reflected on his face.

"Who are you people?" Calvin's mom asked.

"Guardians," the girl said.

"Of want?" Calvin's mom asked.

"So the kids didn't tell you?" the one in the middle asked.

"They didn't tell me what?" Calvin's mom asked.

The middle one laughed and looked her straight in the eye his eyes were so cold.

"How bout you take your little gang somewhere else it's getting late," Calvin mom said.

"Okay I see," He looked away from her with a smile, "Good look making the night with them out there," He laughed and turned away from her.

"Who is them?" Calvin's mom asked.

"They didn't tell you about the thing that attacked them at school?" He laughed.

"No?" Calvin mom said in wonder.

"Well good luck," He laughed and look down.

"Not to be rude but you look like your high," Calvin's mom pointed out.

"He has to be," the one of the left said with a serious look.

"No one has to be high!" Calvin mom said with a mad look.

"If he's not he would probably die," The one on the right said with a cold look

"Why?" Calvin's mom said.

"When he's sober and closes his eyes he goes to a place of darkness," The girl said.

Calvin's mom had a curious look on her face.

"They are going to come and when they do they will have no problem killing you all!" The girl said.

I rushed down stairs.

"Billie!" Tyrone yelled.

And they soon followed we were on the stairs and Calvin's mom gave us a look I've never got from anyone and we stopped half way down the stairs.

"Come in," Calvin's mom said and opened the door all the way.

They looked up at us.

"So why are you supposed to protect them?" Calvin's mom asked looking at Calvin.

"Well you might have noticed that they have powers?" The middle one said.

"I think I would have noticed if my son and his friends have powers," Calvin's mom said and looked up at them.

They surged.

"Let me make some food, you'll most be hungry right?" Calvin's mom asked.

"Yeah!" We all said with a smile.

"Heating something up is not making it," Calvin said it with a smile.

"Be quiet!" Calvin's mom said with a smile and then left to got to the kitchen.

"So how much do you know about these and what are you and your names?" Alex asked.

"Well my name is Zelda but my friends call me Zel and we are just like you chosen ones," Zel said, "These are my brothers they're triplets."

"Cool!" Calvin said.

*doorbell rings*

Calvin's mom rushes to the door and pays the pizza man at the door. "Pizza," Calvin's mom says with a smile. Then grabs the two boxes of pizzas.

We sit at the dinner table.

"So you burn the food you.." Calvin said.

"...SO EXPLain!" Calvin's mom said and look at us.

The middle triplet smiled and said, "Well in every good story there is a bad guy because there will always be someone trying to stop you from your life; so a LONG time ago, I was in the dark forest and I met the worst of the worst (it's not controlling anything it's called Haakon) that want to control the most powerful power again in the world this power is called the dark soul; it the being gains power of this soul they call then Canon; the dark soul finds a the strongest soul to be with. The dark soul doesn't want to become Canon anymore. The dark soul chosen me."

"What's the dark forest?" Billie asked.

"A forest that only the one with the dark soul can come out," Zel said.

"So what are your names?" Calvin's mom asked.

"My names Zel I have sun and light powers," The girl said.

"My names Newt I have all the types of fire powers," The boy on the right side said.

"What are the different types of fire power?" Tyrone asked.

"Korn is purple fire is for healing it spreads but doesn't turn anything to ash, the forever flame is blue fire it don't harm anything unless you want it to, Earth fire which doesn't need to be explaining, Cill is invisible fire that you can do anything you imagine with and Natural is green fire that makes things grow," Newt said.

"My names Navi I have of types of water and ice powers," The boy on the left said.

"My names Link but people call me Michael I have the power of the dark soul," The boy in the middle said.

"My names Billie.." Billie said.

"..Sorry not to be rude but we know your names; the book of secret legends, Tyrone has told us," Zel said.

"So your the ones who gave us these?" Tyrone asked.

"No it chose you," Navi said.

"Why?" Billie asked.

"Cause it saw your strengths," Alex answered, "My power is basically shapeshifting."

"What do you mean basically?" Calvin's mom said in shock about this whole thing.

Then Alex closed her eyes and looked exactly like Calvin's mom.

"Amazing!" Calvin said.

Then we heard a bang and someone walks in and licks their lips with their blue tongue.

"We have to go!" Newt says.

When we all rush outside.

Zel runs to a black van and opens the back doors. "GET IN," she goes to the driver's seat and we all get in and close the doors then starts the cars.

As the starts moving Calvin's mom asks, "What in the fuckin shii was that?"

"They call themselves uwus," Zel said behind the curtains.

"We need to go the hideout!" Navi said.

•11 Minutes Later•

"Are you good Micheal?" Newt asked.

"No I'll always feel and be broken," Micheal said so seriously

Billie look out the window, "Is this a pizza place?"

"Yes Billie," Navi said.

Then we drive towards the drive through but then the drive through road went down and made a path underground. Then we drove under the ground of the pizza place.

Then we got out of the van. It was pitched black.

"What happened here why is it so dark?" I asked.

"Micheal!" Newt said.

I turned behind me and saw Zel was a Sart it wasn't Zel..

"GIVE ME IT!" The Sart said.

"No!" I said, closed my eyes and had a vision.

"You remember now what happened to your sister she's probably dead?" Sart said and laughs.

Now I know what I had to do..

"Let me have it!" Sart said and put out its hand out.

"Okay," I shook it's hand. "As soul forgets itself I will know things but not know how I remember them so take my memories," I whispered the spell. Then my eyes glowed pink and my hair turned black and then I left the darkness...