
New Gamer's Multiverse

Author: TheGodSage Type: Original ... [Synopsis] They say games are meant to end... but this one might be hard to. Zinon, a translator in his past life for a fanfic called Marvel's superman, dies and is instantly disrupted in his peaceful rest by the sound of a system... "Congratulations! You have been chosen by TheGodSage to be the host of the Gamer system... Oh, wait... TheSmutSystem!" Follow Zinon in his life of Games and debauchery, all while getting stronger to kill his good old friend TheGodSage! ... Join Server: Discord.link/bingetranslations

BingeFics · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 020 | UA Reccomendation Exam (I)

"Hah... So U.A recommendation exam... I get that part... what I don't get is... Why the hell are we taking this huge helicopter?" Zinon said as he, Inoue, Momo, and both her parents were seated in their private helicopter.

Momo's attitude had changed from before, she had been rude for 1 week, only to suddenly go back to normal... the reason? Well... who knew?

"Obviously I need to watch you guys dust away the competition! With you having Momo's quirk, and her having her quirk, it's perfect for you two to go in and say you're siblings... The red hair is a problem but who cares?" Mr.Yaoyorozu said excitedly as he and Mrs.Yaoyorozu had lots of U.A gear on the entire helicopter and had a huge sign reading "Zinon And Momo Yaoyorozu! The future number one heroes!"

"This is embarrassing..." Momo muttered before looking over at Zinon, who smirked as she turned away, a small blush on her cheeks.

'What strange behavior... I can't place the emotion...' Inoue thought to herself before looking between Zinon and Momo.

Looking below as a large school ground came into view, Zinon let out a sharp breath as the school looked much more impressive than the show.

'Wow... maybe I shouldn't have complained about going here... this is great' Zinon thought with a small smile as they landed outside the school, a few other people there for the recommendation exam standing outside the open gates looking over in shock and awe as they saw the helicopter land.

Zinon and Momo were the only ones who got off at this part before the helicopter flew off once again, going deeper into the school. "We'll see you during the exam!" Mr.Yaoyorozu and Mrs.Yaoyorozu yelled out with wide smiles as Momo and Zinon were left with a few other kids.

"Well... at least we're alone now," Zinon whispered in Momo's ear with a smile as he lightly brushed his hand on the small of her back, causing the girl to shudder before regaining her composure and coughing.

"W-We need to get ready for the exam," Momo said, quickly walking forward to the other waiting examinees. Zinon, with a small sigh, looked over at the other 6 examinees.

A tall muscular teen who seemed to be excited was standing the closest to the gates, then there was a girl with long green hair, she had a rocking body... wait.

Zinon widened his eyes as the girl looked over at them shyly before tucking her head into her shoulders. 'Is this... Izuku Midoriya??' Zinon thought to himself as Momo and he reached them.

There, as they reached them, the gates opened, not allowing Zinon to examine any of the others, nor confirm his suspicions of the girl that was shaking and mumbling with an almost afraid look on her face.

"You okay?" Zinon asked just as a wan in a thin, tight, leathery outfit stepped out, a whip at her side. "Hello, examinees! Due to a slight mishap... we've changed our test... we were gonna have you all race and pick from the best performance... but we've decided to do something different" The woman smiled almost sadistically as she turned around, letting her hips sway as she looked back teasingly, "Well come along now"

Forgetting about the girl next to him, Zinon walked forward until he was next to Momo, he could figure out things later, though his best guess right now was that this world was actually an AU, which would make sense as the green-haired girl was mumbling just like the Midoriya he knew from the show... things might be interesting here...


"A battle with heroes?!" The small group yelled as they were outside the U.A gym. Their parents were all there, including the boy with white and red hair's father, a man with flames all around his body. Endeavor... the number two hero.

"Yep~ But don't worry children, we don't expect any of you to win... just do your best, we're testing you like that... but first an important thing must be done..." Midnight, the woman in the tight leathery suit said as her expression changed into a serious one.

Walking past the small group, Midnight looked at a door just outside the gym. "This is the most important part of the test... The Written Exam!" Midnight's expression changed again into a teasing one as she flung open the door showing a normal-looking classroom.

Everyone's shoulders dropped as they were all filled into the classroom, 10 feet apart as they took their tests. The test consisted of simple questions, why do you want to be a hero? What are the top qualities of a hero? How much money do average heroes get paid? Etc. Etc.

Zinon, smirking the entire time, finished in 5 minutes, walking out of the room, closely followed by Momo who also finished only seconds after him.

Using The Book Of All Things had now become a habit, he'd even gained many other weapons, every single one that was hung in the gym at least.

This time, he had used it in his status window, easily answering any and all of the questions, then, with some free time, he confirmed his suspicions using the book and [Inspect] as well.


Name: Iruko Midoriya

Job: Student

Quirk: One For All (Null)

Lv. 12

STR- 21

END- 13

DEX- 7

INT- 89

CHA- 1

LCK- ∞

Thoughts about you- None

[Book Of All Things]-Iruko Midoriya

Inheritor of One For All, Future Number one hero, One For All can not be examined as it breaks the rules of this world

As Zinon was smiling and waiting with Momo for the next part of the exam, Momo stood in front of him, rubbing his dick slightly with her ass as a small blush crept onto her face.

"Good girl... I'll let you take it out now" Zinon smiled as he pressed a button on the system, a button that connected to his phone... which was connected to something else.

"Hngh!" Momo started to moan before Zinon's fingers invaded her mouth and pulled her into his chest. "This is just the first level and you reacted that hard?... Sigh... I'll have more fun later... don't want to ruin any chances of getting into the school."

After these words Zinon pressed the button again, turning off the device he had made Momo wear for the entire morning and quickly reaching under her skirt, taking it out and putting it into his Inventory.

He hadn't told Momo about the system, but he wasn't worried about her seeing anything. After his "Training" filled with sex, love, and many other seducing tactics, he'd successfully transformed her way of thinking.

She still wanted to be a hero, but only to keep him safe, if she argued, she already knew her punishment, if she followed what he said, she also knew her reward. It was a simple and easy relationship, one they'd been doing for around 2 weeks.

"I want you to do your best okay? It'll be boring if we don't get into the same class... now someones coming, stand a little away from me" Zinon said with a soft smile as he stroked Momo's hair.

Momo nodded and walked a few feet away just as a short girl with green hair stepped out into the hall, looking at the other two shyly as she stood next to Momo, only a few feet apart.

One by one the students came out of the classroom. Finally, the last one, a boy who looked like he was about to cry, came out with Midnight.

"It's okay! You just aren't cut out for this... maybe try a different school, You can be a hero!" Midnight encouraged the boy as he walked away bursting into tears as his parents were informed of him not making it.

"And now for the next part! The physical test! we have lined up heroes to go against all 6 of you, though we now only have 5..." Midnight said with a small smile as she whipped open the door, light flooding through the hall causing the kids, and the parents, to see each other, all excited for the test...

[Line Ups]

Zinon Yaoyorozu---> Midnight

Momo Yaoyorozu---> Hound Dog

Iruko Midoriya---> Lunch Rush (E/N: Is he gonna foodgasm her to win?!)

Shoto Todoroki---> Vlad King

Inasa Yoarashi---> Cementoss

"First up Zinon Yaoyorozu! Come and fight me! I promise I don't bite~" Midnight said as she put her hand on her knee and leaned forward pushing her breasts together seductively.

"+18 rated hero?... Can you bring down the rating to 15 miss?" Zinon said confidently with a small smirk on his face as Nemuri Kayama, Aka Midnight the R-18 hero did a double-take as she wasn't expecting such confidence from a kid.

In the stands, Mr.Yaoyorozu was smiling ear to ear. "He learned it all from me"

"No dear, your game is trash, It's surprising I married you" Mrs.Yaoyorozu quickly shot down her husband as she cheered for Zinon who made his way to the middle of the arena where Midnight was standing...