
New Gamer's Multiverse

Author: TheGodSage Type: Original ... [Synopsis] They say games are meant to end... but this one might be hard to. Zinon, a translator in his past life for a fanfic called Marvel's superman, dies and is instantly disrupted in his peaceful rest by the sound of a system... "Congratulations! You have been chosen by TheGodSage to be the host of the Gamer system... Oh, wait... TheSmutSystem!" Follow Zinon in his life of Games and debauchery, all while getting stronger to kill his good old friend TheGodSage! ... Join Server: Discord.link/bingetranslations

BingeFics · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 019 | The Book Of All Things

Zinon, using his new superior stats, rushed forward trying to form a dagger with [Astral Aura] to slice the dummy in front of him. Not quite getting it, the aura simply washed against the dummy, doing nothing.

Sighing, Zinon stepped back making the aura disappear. He was tired of getting no results for 20 minutes, and so, he would come back to it later.

This skill was at max, but his knowledge on how to use it wasn't, this was a problem he'd need to fix if he hoped on fighting stronger people in the future.

The best he could do was slam the aura against stuff, though he wasn't sure how effective it would be.

Zinon, looking at the creation ability on his stats page, read the description and its limitations once more. He'd need to know how the thing he wanted to make worked, as well as what it was made out of.

'Momo must be a genius...' Zinon thought to himself. He didn't have anything to help him remember the stuff, that's when it hit him...

'The Book Of All Things!'

This book had said it would store knowledge of whatever he wanted, allowing him to access it at all times. He could probably use it to exploit this creation ability as well.

As he was pulling out the Book Of All Things, Zinon remembered that he could grow beyond the world. Unlike the normal people here, he was able to advance the quirks to a new level.

"Ok... let's see" Zinon, flipping open the book of all things, Immediately widened his eyes as the knowledge of the book filled his brain. "Hah... this will be useful as hell... though I can die... It's worth it... I'll just get stronger" Zinon murmured to himself as he looked around at some weapons that were hung on the wall.

Walking toward them and grabbing one to put on the book, Zinon was given knowledge of how the sword worked, how to use it, what it was made out of, who made it, where it was made.

"Crap!" Zinon yelled and shushed as he dropped the book of all things as he held his head. He knew from the warning he had to be careful with this, as it completely surpassed [Gamer's Mind] and could mess with him mentally.

"Let's try this out then…" Zinon thought to himself as he put the sword back on the wall. Luckily he was in the corner, away from the cameras he knew were there, though he didn't know one was in the pool house.

Zinon, grabbing the side of his arm, quickly saw a brown hilt coming out of it, a few seconds later he grabbed it and pulled a fully made sword out of his arm.


//Side Quest Added//

Rank: A

Obj. 1: Make 20 different things using the [Creation] Quirk (1/20)

Penalty: None

Reward: G.O.B (Empty)

'Hm?... What's that?' Zinon thought to himself as he threw the sword he had created into his inventory and looked at his new side quest.

Deciding to look into it more later, he goes back to training his skills. With the book of all things, he felt [Creation] wasn't a problem, though he was thinking of ways to strengthen it past what even Momo was able to do.

"I guess..." Zinon started to say as he raised his hand while working then lashed it out, hitting the heavy bag and causing it to fly back before swinging back at him, only for him to dodge with a smile. "... I should test my new stat limits" Zinon finished his words as he delivered another punch to the bag.

Sounds of a leather canvas being assaulted by a teen's fists made their way throughout the gym. To Zinon, it seemed that the STR parameter increased his physical strength, meaning speed and power.

He hadn't even noticed he had grown taller already, reaching 5'9 in the short span of a sex session, though the others noticed, they hadn't said anything due to the recent events and plenty of other weird things happen all the time here.

"Phew... Stupid stamina..." Zinon said, breathing heavily until he regained more from the regen. 'I should be smarter with it, if I get tired at the wrong time then...'

Zinon sighed at the thought, remembering the words of TheGodSage, he knew he'd have to be better. He wasn't the protagonist... though he did know who that was...

'Izuku Midoriya...' Zinon thought before shaking his head and continuing his boxing on the bag.

*Stamina Depleted*

*+300 Sp*

And so, for the entire night, Zinon trained his fighting skills as well as learned a few more things with the Book of all things.

Around 9:30 Am the next day did he finally stop punching the bag, using his [Astral Aura] at times. He was now able to form it into a fist and a sword, so it seemed the Book Of All Things would be even more useful than he had thought.

"Phew..." Zinon said as he looked down at the skill he'd focused on the entire night. His knowledge of combat had now reached a very experienced fighter, but he still had yet to test it for real...

*[H.T.H]-Lv. 17-->25*

Deciding that should be enough, Zinon went ahead and left the gym, leaving the 16 destroyed sandbags on the side without caring. The other one he'd been punching had already started leaking sand.


"You're up late," Mr.Yaoyorozu said as he, Zinon, and Mrs.Yaoyorozu were sitting at the table, finishing up dinner.

Momo was barely coming out of her room, the events of yesterday fresh in her mind. She had slept in due to a certain... fatigue that had been caused by losing her first time.

"So what," Momo said rudely, causing both Mrs.Yaoyorozu and Mr.Yaoyorozu to widen their eyes as Zinon spit out some coffee he was drinking. Turns out it was like an Sp potion, something he noted in the Book Of All Things.

He could also put random notes in the book with his thoughts, simply opening the book and thinking something would keep it in there. With an infinite number of pages and an infinite number of possibilities, what could go wrong?

"What was that?" Mr.Yaoyorozu said with a shocked look on his face as Momo looked straight at him with an annoyed look on her face.

"I said,' 'So What"!... Leave me alone, You can't control me" Momo said, grabbing food and walking away stuffing it into her mouth, leaving everyone standing in the room shocked.

"Uh... maybe she's on her period" Zinon suggested before sipping some more coffee as Mr.Yaoyorozu looked at him with a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm... she might have heard you are here Inoue... you two never truly did get along all that well," Mr.Yaoyorozu said as Inoue, staring at Zinon with a blank expression, stepped out of the shadows in a skirt and a button-up shirt, a sword sitting at her side.

"Inoue! When did you get here?" Mrs.Yaoyorozu said excitedly, ignoring her daughter's behavior. She chalked it up as her emotions being in a mess, losing your virginity could be a very life-changing experience.

"Hello, auntie..." The girl answered as Zinon looked at her with interest and also slight confusion.

Being a white-haired girl, something he hadn't seen yet due to not much interaction with others of this world, his interest was slightly piqued as she looked over at him.

"Glad to be working with you..." Inoue said, walking forward and holding out her hand as Mr.Yaoyorozu looked on at their interaction with a smile.

"Working... With me?" Zinon asked confusedly as Inoue nodded her head and sat down next to him. "Yes, We will both be protecting lady Yaoyorozu as her bodyguards"

Silence filled the room as Zinon's emotions changed several times within a second, causing Inoue to flinch before regaining her normal expression.

"I see... that's great! I have a partner to take care of Momo now... thanks, sir!" Zinon answered with a happy expression, his emotions calm.

"Yes, though she is older than you both, she'll have special permission to attend whichever class you two get into... surely class 1-A... though you still haven't told me your quirk," Mr.Yaoyorozu said with a sigh before being cut off.

"I can copy quirks if I do certain things, there are limits, but I have managed to copy Momo's quirk..." Zinon immediately said. There was no reason to hide it, and this would give him better freedom later, as well as people admiring him for having such a great quirk.

In Zinon's inventory, his records changed the part that had the blank line of his quirk, changing it to [Ability Copy]...


"Hah!~" Momo cried out as she came onto Zinon's hand, a semi-violent expression on his face. 'Watch you mother fucker... I'll train your daughter' Zinon thought as he flipped Momo, who had been relaxing and thinking before he came in and kissed her without hesitation, and immediately shoved his head in between her legs, licking along the folds of her pussy using the tongue skill to ultimately make her come once again, nearly instantly.

'I'll make her crave sex... A hero? No, she'll live for me and me alone, I'll show you you motherfucker!' Zinon thought as he pinned Momo and kissed her as he shoved his dick inside of her...

And so, 3 weeks of "Training" later... it was time for the UA recommendation test…