
New Gamer's Multiverse

Author: TheGodSage Type: Original ... [Synopsis] They say games are meant to end... but this one might be hard to. Zinon, a translator in his past life for a fanfic called Marvel's superman, dies and is instantly disrupted in his peaceful rest by the sound of a system... "Congratulations! You have been chosen by TheGodSage to be the host of the Gamer system... Oh, wait... TheSmutSystem!" Follow Zinon in his life of Games and debauchery, all while getting stronger to kill his good old friend TheGodSage! ... Join Server: Discord.link/bingetranslations

BingeFics · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 003 | Class Available

Zinon wasn't sure how, but he didn't feel pain from the bullets. Even though he saw his Hp go down, the earlier pain was nonexistent.

[Gamers Body](Passive)

Makes the user a real-life game character. Physical damage will not affect you as long as Hp doesn't run out.

Zinon only glanced at the notification before checking his Hp quickly.




After dipping down a bit, Zinon's Hp started slowly rising as the thugs grabbed the awakening Momo. She had just opened her eyes as Zinon quickly started thinking of a plan.

He had no offensive attacks, and this was a problem.

Little did he know that the system had his back.

*Class Change available!*

Hearing the system as Momo woke up and started thrashing around. Zinon also remembered the penalty for failing his current quest.

Half his size off wasn't good, so immediately he went into the notification, seeing several classes available.







Zinon didn't have time to look through all of them, and instantly chose assassin, he didn't see how the others could help him at the moment.

Skill Gained

[Shadow Step](Passive)-Lv. 1

Blend in with the shadows 50% harder to see, 20% more damage to your opponent when you are unseen

Trait Gained


You are a cold calculated killer, No time to feel bad about the people you kill.

Perk Gained


All beings will drop items when killed or defeated.

Skill Gained

[Astral Dagger](Active)-Lv. 1

Summon a dagger from the abyss to use as your own. (Time limit: 5 minutes)

(Cost: 50 mp a minute)

Seeing the new things he had gotten, Zinon quickly stood up as his hp was once again at full and looked toward the retreating men, who were leaving with Momo in hand.

'I can't fail this quest, My dick depends on it!' Zinon thought to himself as he hurriedly used the shadow walk skill to follow them silently, all while activating [Astral Dagger]

With a dark dagger that had swirls of mist coming off of it, Zinon started to get closer to the men.

As they started to near the end of the alleyway, Zinon quickly jumped at the closest man, slicing the dagger across the nape of his neck without hesitation and running forward toward the next guy, ending his life as well.

Just like the trait he had gained, he didn't feel anything when killing these people, something he was actually grateful for even though Gamer's mind would have probably negated most of the guilt.

"The hell-" The man in the front started to say as he turned around only to see his friends dead on the ground and blood spewing from their necks. Zinon was right next to him as well, holding the dagger to his throat.

"Let the girl go," Zinon said, trying to sound intimidating. This might have worked if the dagger hadn't disappeared just as he said these words.

(Mp: 0/200)

Seeing he had used up all his mana, Zinon remembered that although he was supposed to be able to use it for 5 minutes, he still had to pay with 50 mana points a minute, meaning he would run out before then.

Even worse was the fact he had 20 more seconds until he gained 60 mp back, which would barely even be enough for a minute. The man smirked as he saw Zinon's look of shock and kicked him back, his body starting to turn into water.

The man set down Momo as he shot high pressured water at Zinon, blasting the teen into the alley walls. Zinon had almost forgotten that most people had powers they could use. And it seemed that he should have been smarter with his speed.

'Damn it, I Should have just killed the bastard' Zinon said, coughing as he caught his breath, only for it to be taken again by a water stream hitting his chest.

"You were sent by the big man?... Oh well tell him I'm gonna have lots of fun playing with his daughter, I might even forget about the money hahahaha" The man said smiling as his body reformed and he turned around to a baseball bat hitting him in the face. Momo used the rest of her strength to get this bat out, so it didn't do much damage.

She would need to eat more in order to use it again.


Name: Akira Kubota

Job: Full-Time Lackey

Quirk: Water Stream (Inspect is not high enough level)

Lv. 7

STR- 11

END- 3

DEX- 2

INT- 12

CHA- 8

LCK- 18

Thoughts about you- Fear

'So he's afraid?... Good thing he stalled so much, this guy acting tough when he's just a lackey...' Zinon had been using [Massage] to heal his earlier hp loss from the water streams, all while waiting for his MP to charge.

Now he had enough mana to use the dagger for 2 minutes, and if he times it right, he could squeeze out an extra minute.

'Now' Zinon thought as he summoned the astral dagger and jumped to the side, using the shadows of the night to keep as hidden as he could.

Skill Gained

[Physical Resistance] (Passive)-Lv. 1

Physical damage is reduced by 1%

Seeing the skill that he had gained before during the first attack, Zinon nodded quickly before jumping out of the shadows and slicing the dagger down his opponent's back, taking advantage of his opponent's low dexterity.

"God damn it!" Akira yelled as he spun around and started to rush at Zinon.


Akira stopped dead in his tracks, literally, he had been shot in the head. He hadn't been in water form during this time so the bullet had a clean hit through his head, killing him almost instantly.

Zinon, looking to the right, saw a large man pointing a gun at him. Before he could do anything though, Momo was in front of him in a flash, breathing heavily as she was barely able to stand up. Zinon couldn't heal fatigue, only normal damage.

"Dad!" Momo yelled sighing in relief as a man stepped forward and caught the falling unconscious girl. This wasn't the first time she had been sought after, but it had never gotten this close to her being kidnapped.

"You... Did you kill these men, kid?" The man suddenly said as men stood next to him, hands-on hidden guns just in case Zinon said the wrong thing.

"Yeah... Who else could have? Fucking idiot" Zinon said as he turned away and started walking down the alley. 'Become her bodyguard? How the hell? Maybe I should just take the punishment...'

"Kid..." Momo's dad said as a gun pressed against the back of Zinon's head. "You shouldn't be so rude... And thanks..." Momo's father said as the gun was taken back.

Zinon looked behind him, seeing Momo's father walking away, but not before talking to the biggest man there.

The man nodded and stepped forward, looking down on Zinon while cracking his knuckles. "Boss wants to know... Who you are? Where are you from?... And he also wants to test you... We lost a good man today... Welp! The man finished with a heavy punch that knocked Zinon right off his feet, causing him to slam into the concrete.

*-67 Hp*

Zinon didn't have any time to react as this hulk of a man grabbed his leg and tossed him up, only to slam him into the ground harder than before.

*-80 Hp*

Zinon, at this point, started to panic, if he got hit one more time, no matter how strong it was, he'd be dead. Game over...

*DEX +1*

*DEX +1*

*Physical resistance has leveled up!*

[Physical Resistance] (Passive)-Lv. 3

Physical damage is reduced by 3%

*+60 Hp*

(Hp Regen +80 Per minute)

Zinon felt the 60 Hp return due to his increase in dexterity, but it still wasn't enough, he would need to evade this man's fists if he were to live through this fight.

*Skill Gained*

[H.T.H Combat] (Passive)-Lv. 1:

2x fighting potential/2x learning speed, Gain 2x Xp when fighting with your fists.

(E/N: And known as Hand-To-Hand Combat for dummies)

Zinon glanced at the new skill as he stood up and looked at the man standing there with a bored look in his eyes. He didn't see how this kid had killed those men, but the boss wanted him to be tested... For what? He could only guess.


Name:Kai Kuroubou (Thunder fists)

Job: Right hand man

Quirk: Enhance (Inspect is not high enough level)

Lv. 22

STR- 25

END- 34

DEX- 60

INT- 2

CHA- 12

LCK- 3

Thoughts about you- Curious, Annoyed, Pity

'His stats are damn monstrous' Zinon thought to himself as he breathed in and gained another 60 hp. He was in the clear, assuming that this man was named Kai. "What exactly am I being tested for?" Zinon managed to say as he tried and stalled for more time. He would need to be smart in order to last long.

"I get what you're doing kid, smart" Kai said smirking as he punched forward toward Zinon. Luckily, Zinon was ready for it this time. Even though his fist moved so fast that he wasn't able to dodge, he could still block using the astral dagger.

Using it he did, Zinon immediately lifted his hand that held the forming dagger and aimed it at Kai's fists. The giant of a man widened his eyes seeing as a dagger had appeared out of nowhere. 'Must be his quirk' Was all Kai could think as it stabbed into his hand.

This wasn't it though as Zinon was easily smacked into the wall by Kai's other hand as the man looked down at his bleeding hand without much emotion.

"Not a bad one kid... Where ya from?" Kai asked Zinon who was laying on the floor trying to stall for time to heal. Hearing the question however, Zinon turned over and looked at the man. "Uh... Around the block...?"

Kai nodded as if Zinon said something important and turned toward him while wrapping his hand to stop the flowing stream of blood. He would be fine because of his quirk, but it still hurt like hell. "Got any parents?"

Zinon almost said yes, but then remembered they weren't in this world with him and shook his head cautiously. These questions were pretty personal... What if they were trying to kidnap him?

"Go home... Tomorrow a car will pick you up at noon, then they will drive you to meet the boss... Good luck kiddo" Kai waved his hand to the others and they all started leaving, no one talking as Zinon looked at the scene in shock.

"The hell did I just get into?" Zinon asked himself as he waited a little longer. Then, once fully healed, made his way home while checking many system notifications he hadn't had time to check during this crazy night.

*You have leveled up!*

*+1 all stats*

*Akira challenged you to a duel*

*You won the Duel!*

*+2,000 yen*

*+1 stat point*

*+500 Accumulative Exp*

*Kai challenged you to a duel!*

*Duel Lost!*

*-1,000 yen*

*250 Accumulative Exp lost*

//Side quest available!//

Side Quest: Mob Grinding

Rank: C

Obj: kill/defeat 10 people

Penalty: None

Reward: +1,000 accumulative Exp

Zinon looked over them as he sat in his bed, realizing he didn't need sleep anymore. When fighting he could feel tired when exhausting mana or when his Hp dropped to a lower number, But [Gamer's Body] kept most fatigue away, meaning he didn't need sleep anymore.

And So, Zinon waited until morning for the Yaoyorozu pick up car in anticipation, had he managed to get part of the quest done?... Hopefully.

Quest: Your best interests

Rank: B

Obj. 1: Save Momo (Complete)

Obj. 2: Gain Momo's trust

Obj. 3: Become Momo's bodyguard

Penalty: Dick size gets halved

Reward: 500 Exp, x1 [Random Ability]