
Prologue | Chapter 5 - Memories...? Final Calling Card

11/20 - Sunday | After School

In the bustling heart of Shibuya's iconic scramble crossing, a sea of people hurriedly maneuvered through the streets, their faces etched with the weariness of another busy day drawing to a close. As the sun gradually dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the city, the atmosphere crackled with an electric energy.

The towering buildings surrounding the crossing were adorned with colossal billboards, vibrant and captivating. On one of these towering screens, a special report about the enigmatic Phantom Thieves, known as The Phantoms, stole the attention of the passersby.

A male news anchor sat at his desk, his voice resonating through the speakers, capturing the curiosity of the crowd.

[News] "And now we return to our continued report."

[News] "This morning, the police have announced that they have detained a suspect who may be in fact the leader of the Phantom Thieves group."

The words hung in the air, sending ripples of shock and intrigue through the onlookers.

Amidst the commotion, a photoshoot was taking place in a reserved and quaint street near the Shibuya Scramble Crossing. A figure with platinum blonde hair styled in bushy pigtails stood out from the crowd, drawing attention even amidst the chaos.

[News] "The suspect is reported to be a young man who is still a minor."

Caught in the midst of the photoshoot, Ann found herself momentarily entranced by the news report. Lowering her fashionable sunglasses, she peered intently at the screen, her expressive face a canvas of surprise and concern.

"Ann-chan!" A voice called out, snapping her back to reality.

Startled, Ann turned her attention to the photographer who was kneeling on the ground, trying to capture the perfect shot.

"Can I get you to look over here? The photographer requested, his voice slightly muffled by his dedication to the craft.

Apologizing with a slight bow, Ann refocused her attention on the shoot, determined to regain her composure. "Oh... I'm sorry.

Curiosity piqued, the photographer rose to his feet, positioning himself beside Ann, his eyes drawn to the news report on the nearby screen.

"Hm? So he got caught?" He commented, his tone filled with surprise and intrigue. "That group sure was something."

"Y-Yeah..." She murmured, her gaze still fixated on the screen, contemplating the implications of recent events.

A spark of interest flickered within him as he leaned closer to Ann, eagerly suggesting his next idea. "So, the next shoot got me thinking. How 'bout we have you do an idol theme, y'know? That cool?"

His words resonated in the air, but Ann's attention remained divided, torn between her current obligations and the unfolding events on the news.


Elsewhere, in another street nearby, a vibrant sports store, a tv screen within the establishment broadcasted the news, attracting the attention of the passersby. Two male anchors engaged in a spirited discussion about the recently apprehended leader of the Phantom Thieves.

[News] "What a surprise. To think the one behind all this is just a minor."

In front of the store window stood a rebellious blond teen, his eyes fixated on the showcased shoes. Engrossed in his thoughts, he seemed lost in a world of his own.

[News] "But considering how quickly they announced his arrest the police must surely be confident in the outcome of this case."

Caught between the allure of the displayed shoes and the news report, the blond teen's thoughts were momentarily interrupted by a gentle woman's voice.

"Hm? Well I'll be..." The woman exclaimed, her tone filled with both surprise and familiarity.

Turning his head towards the source of the voice, the blond teen's eyes widened in recognition. "Huh?" he muttered, his attention shifting from the store window to the woman who had just emerged from the store, carrying boxes.

"Goodness, look at you now! It's been a while, Ryuji!" The woman exclaimed, her eyes filled with warmth and concern.

Caught off guard, Ryuji's initial surprise morphed into a half-hearted smile. "Huh? Uh, yeah..."

The woman continued, her curiosity piqued by his absence.

"You stopped visiting so abruptly, everyone was worried about you." Her words carried a gentle tone, laced with genuine concern.

As she stored a sports ball in her boxes, memories of Ryuji's time in track and field stirred within her. "It's your second year, right? Are you still doing track and field?"

The mention of track and field stirred a wave of memories within Ryuji. He shifted his gaze back to the store window, his eyes fixed on the vivid blue sports shoes on display. A mix of emotions played across his face as he mulled over the woman's words.

"I'd love to see you run again." Her words filled with a wistful longing.


In an art room adorned with canvases and easels, three female teens huddled together, their eyes glued to their phones. The news report played out on their screens, capturing their undivided attention.

[News] "Also, the young man continues to remain silent, refusing to implicate any potential accomplices."

[News] "However, considering the number of charges brought against him, it's unlikely he was working alone."

As the girls observed the news, their gazes shifted to a solitary figure within the room. The art prodigy, normally full of inspiration and creativity, appeared to be grappling with an art block. His once-vibrant canvas stood neglected, save for a small bird painted in a corner, as if mirroring his current state of mind.

Sensing his struggle, the girl holding the phone turned to her companions, concern etched on her face. "I wonder if something happened..."

"Yeah..." The group responded in unison, their eyes lingering on their talented classmate, silently willing his inspiration to return.

Suddenly, a man in a suit entered the room, prompting the girls to scurry back to their places and hastily turn off their phones, as if trying to hide their earlier distraction. The man approached the young art prodigy, observing his thoughtful demeanor.

"You seemed stumped for once... Not feeling it today?" The man inquired, his tone a delicate mix of understanding and encouragement.

The teen snapped out of his reverie, his gaze meeting the man's. "Oh, yes..." He responded, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.

The man offered an understanding smile. "Oh, I'm not chiding you. Just do as normal at your own pace. With your skills there's no need to worry about your future." He reassured, offering a sense of comfort before making his exit.

Alone once again, the young prodigy turned his attention back to the empty canvas before him, his mind now filled with contemplation.

"Normal... Right..." He whispered to himself, his voice a mere echo in the silent room.


In a dark room illuminated by the warm hues of the setting sun housed an array of technology and anime merchandise. Seated in a comfortable chair, a young orange-haired girl, sat with her legs tucked beneath her. Clutching her phone tightly, she immersed herself in the news report unfolding before her.

[News] "He's just a high-school student. How do you think he was contacting the others?"

Raising her phone to eye level, the girl's screen displayed a contact list, her finger hovering over a familiar name.

[News] "The police can search any online communications. His accomplices may slip up eventually."

A moment of hesitation flickered across her face, and she decided against making the call. Instead, she turned her attention to the computer screen before her, a myriad of windows displaying the news report and a bustling chat application.

[News] "Still, it seems the phantom theives most recent targets have gone comatose. Actually harm has been done here."

HoneyOTU: irl resistance is fun but risky af. even the phantom theives got busted

KANAMINprpr: People should just chill. Don't throw your life away for 15 mins of fame.

[News] "Given the lack of physical violence, their method is still a mystery. Regardless, the police are looking into attempted murder charges."


In a bustling school faculty room, a female student with brown hair engaged in a conversation with a teacher, her demeanor betraying a touch of unease. The room buzzed with activity, the scent of coffee permeating the air.

"I thought I lost it this whole time! Hahahaha!" The male teacher chuckled, his voice filled with a mix of relief and amusement.

Lowering her head apologetically, the female student replied. "I'm sorry..."

"Well your grades are excellent, AND you're student council president. I'm sure you'll be admitted anywhere you apply." The teacher praised, his tone filled with encouragement.

In a fleeting moment, the teacher's words veered toward the subject of the Phantom Thieves, slipping into the conversation as if by happenstance. "That one phantom thief should have followed your example. You hear? It seems he was caught. Some high schooler."

Caught off guard by the teacher's words, the female student awkwardly shifted her gaze to the windows, her thoughts veering toward the leader she knows. The silent contemplation hanging in the air spoke volumes about the weight of her emotions.

"I wonder why he turned to a life of crime." The teacher mused, his voice tinged with curiosity as he sifted through the documents in his hands.


In the midst of a traffic jam on a busy skyway, an opulent car equipped with television screens carried a teenage girl wearing a pink sweater. She leaned against the window, her eyes fixed on the world outside.

[News] "We also received information that the young man was placed on probation for assault."

Her gaze shifted from the passing scenery to the news report, her mind consumed with the unfolding events. The news anchor's words lingered in the air, insinuating a possible connection between the young man's troubled past and his current predicament. A story she was very familiar with.

[News] "Because of his previous record, he had to leave his hometown. Perhaps his motive lies there.

Beside her, a narcissistic man clad in an impeccably tailored suit injected his own commentary. "I believe your father can rest in peace now. That phantom thief could never have changed anything." He stated confidently, his voice dripping with self-assurance.

The teenage girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat, avoiding eye contact as her gaze fixated on a distant corner of the car. The tension in the air was palpable, like a tightly coiled spring ready to unleash its energy.

"Only a handful of people are qualified to alter the world." The man continued, his voice dripping with superiority and self-importance.

His piercing eyes turned towards the teenage girl. "So you've been coming home late. That's what I've heard."

The man invaded the girl's personal space, his proximity unsettling as he playfully tousled her hair. "I make a good playmate, you know."

"Ah!" Caught off guard by his invasive behavior, the girl reacted with discomfort, squirming away from his touch.

Suddenly, the news anchor's voice blared through the speakers, interrupting the tense atmosphere in the car.

[News] "We have breaking news, the young man being held in custody has committed suicide. The police has confirmed his death."

"Huh...?" The young girl's shock was palpable as she pushed away from the intrusive man, her eyes widening in disbelief. Leaning forward, she focused her attention on the television screen, absorbing the weight of the tragic revelation.

[News] "The police have confirmed his death, although details have not been released."


[News] "To repeat, the suspect has committed suicide while in custody."

The platinum blonde girl, previously lost in her own thoughts, found herself entranced by the news unfolding on the large screen before her. The weight of the revelation settled upon her, leaving her speechless and lost in contemplation.

[News] "The station will continue to report any further updates as they arrive."

As the orange-haired girl sat in front of her computer screen, a resolute expression adorned her face. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, conveying her determination to take action.

[News] "It will be difficult to uncover his methods now. Perhaps that's why he decided to take this course of action."

In a school hallway, papers scattered across the floor, the student council president stood frozen in place, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief.

"It can't be..." The weight of the news bore down on her, shattering the illusion of stability she had maintained.

At a bustling subway station, the art prodigy found himself immersed in a sea of people, his attention focused on his phone screen. The news he had just learned seemed to reverberate through his very being, leaving him at a loss for words.

"My word..."

As darkness settled upon the street where the sports store stood, the vibrant orange hues of the fading sunset yielded to the enveloping blackness of the night sky.

Standing before the store's window, his eyes fixed on the illuminated screen within, Ryuji remained frozen in disbelief. His mouth hung agape, words failing to form, as the weight of the news crashed upon him like a tsunami.

"You're shittin' me..."

In an attempt to process the enormity of the situation, Ryuji blinked repeatedly, as if hoping that reality would align with his desires. Each blink acted as a moment of respite, allowing the truth to seep deeper into his consciousness. Slowly, his shock transformed into a mischievous smirk, a glimmer of determination flickering in his eyes.

"We got 'em..."


11/28 - Monday | Evening

The night sky unfolded like an obsidian canvas, speckled with the twinkling lights of distant stars. Amidst this ethereal backdrop, the bustling Shibuya scramble crossing thrived with its ceaseless energy, a symphony of humanity. A vast multitude of people, awaited their turn to traverse the labyrinth of the city and reach their respective destinations.

But on this particular night, a monumental moment, one that would etch itself indelibly in the annals of history, loomed on the horizon....

The towering billboards that adorned the surrounding buildings erupted in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, a dazzling display that rivaled the radiance of the night sky. These gargantuan screens served as portals into a world of information and entertainment, a glimpse into the collective consciousness of a nation captivated by a hotly debated topic.

A seasoned news anchor, his composure unwavering, sat behind his desk, his gaze locked onto the screen before him. The air crackled with anticipation as he began to speak, his voice projecting through countless television screens across Japan.

[TV] "We first start with national news."

[TV] "Since the young man suspected to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves died while in custody the police have officially announced that these crimes have come to an end, and assure everyone that the peace will be..."


But in an instant, the screens across Japan began to glitch and distort, like ripples of static cascading through the air. Onlookers from every corner of the country halted in their tracks, their attention drawn to the sudden interruption of the transmissions.

Curiosity and confusion danced in their eyes as they collectively turned towards the mammoth screen at the Shibuya scramble crossing, eager to unravel the mystery that unfolded before them.

In the heart of Shibuya's bustling scramble crossing, pedestrians turned their attention to the colossal screen, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events.

As the screens descended into a sea of static, a familiar sight emerged, slowly taking shape amidst the electronic chaos. A crimson top hat, adorned with a domino mask and an eye engulfed in flames, materialized before their eyes. It was the iconic emblem of the enigmatic group known as the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, leaving the onlookers in a state of bewildered curiosity.

It had their familiar slogan: "Take Your Heart".

[TV] "Yo! What is UP, everybody!"

And then, a modulated voice, tinged with both intrigue and rebellion, resonated through every speaker and echoed throughout the nation, capturing the undivided attention of the Japanese populace.

[TV] "We are the one who you all know as the Phantom Thieves."

The Shibuya crossing morphed into a sea of stillness as pedestrians froze in their tracks, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the unfolding spectacle on the colossal screen.

[TV] "And all of us are alive and kickin'."

A bomb, its appearance reminiscent of a feline creature, materialized on the screen, rotating on its axis like a mischievous sprite. Its playful bounce resonated with the tension that gripped the nation, amplifying the sense of anticipation that hung in the air.

[TV] "But those shitty guys in power? They've been manipulatin' information to try and hide the truth."

The bomb bounced up and down on the screen, its movements mirroring the rising tension and confusion that permeated the city.

Panic ensued within the television stations and transmitters as their carefully crafted broadcasts were forcefully hijacked by this audacious transmission, plunging them into a frenzy of confusion.

"What is this!? Where's it coming from!?" Panicked voices resounded within control rooms and studios.

"I dunno. We can't switch it out!"

"Seems we aren't the only ones affected either!"

[TV] "So, before we appropriate our next target."

Before the mesmerized audience could fully process the situation, the bomb exploded with a resounding "bang," its explosive impact depicted in vivid comic-book-style effects. Miniature versions of the bomb scattered in all directions, swirling and twirling in the digital ether.

[TV] "We would like to first borrow your time!"

"Is that a girl?" A curious female teen asked her companion, straining to discern the gender behind the altered voice.

"What if it's just an event?" The male teen replied, his voice laced with a mixture of skepticism and intrigue.

With a mesmerizing display of motion and artistry, the scattered mini-bombs converged once more, forming the imposing figure of the bomb on the screen.

[TV] "The recent scandals of public figures, the accidents caused by psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns. These weren't caused by unknown reasons."

Streets and squares adorned with television screens grew increasingly congested as word of the extraordinary event spread like wildfire. Passersby, initially captivated by the curious crowd, found themselves ensnared by the magnetic allure of the screen, unable to tear their eyes away.

[TV] "One man is behind every single instance…"

The bomb detonated once again, unleashing its small replicas into the virtual realm, as if signifying the explosive revelation that reverberated throughout the nation.

[TV] "…simply to satiate his own greed."

"Is this for real?" Whispers of astonishment and disbelief rumbled through the crowd, their voices trembling with excitement.

[TV] "That man was afraid his crimes would be exposed and shifted the blame on us."

As the screens continued to transmit its message, more and more onlookers reached for their phones, capturing the spectacle unfolding before their eyes. The allure of the unexpected, the subversion of authority, and the promise of justice sparked a sense of collective fascination.

[TV] "He even manipulated the police for that."

Police stations throughout the country buzzed with frenzied activity as officers scrambled to contain the escalating situation. Phone lines crackled with urgent conversations, as law enforcement agencies attempted to coordinate their response to this unexpected breach of authority.

[TV] "We only steal hearts of criminals."

"Go! Go! Go!" Orders can be heard as the police rushed around. Officers rushed in and out, frantically coordinating their efforts to understand and contain the unexpected turn of events.

[TV] "But this asshole tried to dump what he did on us."

Police chiefs all around Japan were on their phones coordination and contacting each other on this big mishaps.

[TV] "That just shows he doesn't care about those victims at all."

A police chief, his face a mask of disbelief and consternation, clutched his phone tightly as he surveyed a live camera feed from the Shibuya scramble crossing. The hacked transmission feed flickered on the screen before him, revealing a spectacle he never could have anticipated.

"Are they stupid? Shut everything down!" He barked, his voice laced with frustration and urgency.

[TV] "The identity of that cowardly man is-"

And just as the voice reached the precipice of unveiling the identity of this malevolent mastermind, the transmission abruptly cut off, replaced by a pattern of vibrant color bars. Confusion and bewilderment painted the faces of onlookers as they grappled with the abrupt conclusion of the captivating spectacle.

"What is going up?" Puzzled voices murmured, intertwining with the murmurs of disappointment from those craving more of the captivating narrative.

"Da hell? It was getting good!" A charismatic hype man exclaimed, wielding a paper megaphone, his disappointment echoing through the air like a chorus of unfulfilled anticipation.

In the comfort of her home, a female teen with vibrant orange hair and glasses sat intently monitoring the transmission.. Her eyes were fixed on a large screen displaying a map of Japan, a digital representation of the nation's pulse. As she observed the ongoing transmission, yellow exclamation signs popped up across the map, signaling a swift reaction from the police.

"Oooh, the police reacted much faster than I though." She murmured to herself, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips.

"Tooo baaad…" She added with a hint of playful disappointment.

With a swift press of the enter key, the yellow exclamation marks on the map transformed into a multitude of catlike icons, their mischievous visages punctuating the country with whimsy.

"I win!" She declared triumphantly, relishing the sight of her digital victory.

The catlike icons multiplied and spread across the map of Japan like a mischievous contagion, marking territories with their whimsical presence.

Meanwhile, on a dimly lit street, the interrupted transmission resumed, drawing the attention of those captivated by the unfolding drama. The catlike bomb reappeared on the screen, rotating playfully as it prepared to unveil the truth that had remained hidden for far too long.

[TV] "The man behind it all is a current cabinet member, of all things."

"Cabinet member?" Puzzled voices murmured.

"Who's that?" Questions filled the air, punctuated by the sound of puzzled whispers.

With a resounding "Bang!" accompanied by a comic-like explosion, the bomb unveiled the much-awaited revelation.

[TV] "The minister of State for Special Missions…"

In an instant, the screen displayed the image of a bald man, unmistakably recognizable to all who beheld it. Gasps of astonishment reverberated through the crowd, mingling with exclamations of disbelief.

[TV] "Masayoshi Shido!"

"Shido!?" Voices exclaimed, their incredulity apparent.


"What the hell!?" Others cried out, struggling to come to terms with the shocking revelation.

"I can't believe it!" Whispered voices filled with a potent mix of indignation and disillusionment.

[TV] "Everything that guy is a lie!"

[TV] "And to prove that…"

As silhouettes of the Phantom Thieves emerged from the darkness, bathed in a harsh spotlight, their identities obscured yet unmistakable, seven human figures stood alongside a diminutive creature at the center.

[TV] "Look! As you can see, all of us are alive and kicking!"

[TV] "I'm sure the people investigating us can tell if this is a lie or not."

In police stations across the country, officers crowded around television screens, their eyes fixed on the transmissions, their minds grappling with the implications of this unprecedented event.

[TV] "Shido himself will soon confess all the crimes that he'd committed."

"You think it's some kind of prank?" One officer questioned, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"Uhhh..." Another officer stammered, unable to fathom the unprecedented turn of events.

"No way..." A third officer muttered, their disbelief intertwining with a growing sense of intrigue.

[TV] "Please look forward to it, everyone!"

"Could this be real?"

As the revelations unfolded, the Shibuya scramble crossing became a magnet for onlookers, its bustling streets transforming into a mesmerized congregation. Traffic ground to a halt as the crowd grew, captivated by the unfolding drama.

"Don't block the road, people!" A traffic officer implored, his outstretched arms and flashing red lights attempting to deter more onlookers from obstructing the flow of traffic.

"Hey, what's going on?" Bewildered voices questioned, their curiosity mounting as they strained to catch a glimpse of the electrifying spectacle.

The screen shifted once again, focusing on the image of Shido with the catlike bomb playfully biting his shiny bald head.

[TV] "We're not gonna sit back and watch some crook wreck this country just 'cause of his goddamn ego!"

The picture on the screen shrank, retreating to make room for the emergence of a pair of hands. With a swift, forceful motion, the male figure discarded the image, casting it off-screen with an air of defiance. The voice, emanating from the television, turned to the leader standing at his right, seeking confirmation.

[TV] "Ain't that right... leader?"

"Hey! You can see his face!" Someone exclaimed, pointing at the screen in awe.

The crowd erupted in excitement, their voices blending with gasps of awe and surprise. And then, in a dramatic reveal, a figure stepped forward, his face unveiled for all to see. With frizzy black hair cascading around his features and a birdlike domino mask accentuating his piercing black eyes, he commanded attention and exuded an air of mystique and charisma.

Teenage fans, overwhelmed by their long-awaited glimpse of the leader, couldn't contain their excitement. Squeals of delight filled the air as they feasted their eyes upon his intense gaze, their admiration reaching new heights.

The stirring murmurs of intrigue rippled through the captivated crowd, their voices intermingling like a symphony of anticipation. The energy in the air was palpable, crackling with excitement and curiosity.

The atmosphere crackled with electrifying energy as the Phantom Thieves of Hearts' leader addressed the crowd, his voice unaltered by any voice modulation. Each word he spoke carried weight and conviction, resonating through the hearts of his followers.

[TV] "Yes. Before this happen, we will take this country!"

His voice rang out, a rallying cry that ignited the fervor of the crowd.



The chorus of voices rose in unison, a passionate outpouring of support and enthusiasm. The atmosphere crackled with energy as the crowd voiced their allegiance, their fervent cheers reverberating through the air.

It was said that the impact of the leader's words reached far beyond mere enthusiasm, particularly among the female fans of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts scattered throughout Japan.

For high school students in particular, their legs grew weak at the sound of the leader's voice, resonating with a deep, smooth timbre that commanded attention. The blend of mystery and authority in his commanding tone only served to heighten the allure and captivate the hearts of the phantom thieves' devoted followers.

In a private office, a bald man sat, engrossed in the scenes unfolding on his tablet. His eyes fixated on the calling card specifically crafted for him, its significance impossible to ignore.

At the corner of the room, his diligent assistant fielded a barrage of urgent phone calls, their voices blending into a chaotic symphony of information and instructions.

"Hello? Yes... Yes... We're looking into it now..." The assistant responded, his voice filled with a sense of urgency and purpose.

The bald man, his gaze shifting away from the tablet, exuded an air of quiet determination. His lips curled into a sinister smile as he contemplated the situation at hand.

"Very well. I'll crushed them beneath my heel!" He hissed, the venomous intent unmistakable in his tone.

The aftermath of the video calling card reverberated throughout the entire country of Japan, leaving an indelible mark on its collective consciousness. Society grinded to a halt, caught in the whirlwind of shock and revelation triggered by the Phantom Thieves' bold announcement.

Then, as swiftly as it had begun, the screens flickered and shut down, abruptly severing the connection. Silence descended, leaving behind a palpable sense of anticipation and uncertainty that lingered in the air, a testament to the seismic shift in the nation's landscape.


Within the confines of a bustling police station, tension hung thick in the air as a director launched into a heated tirade, his voice laced with anger and frustration.

"Did the remaining members put that notice out!? What did they mean when they said 'nobody has died'!?" He bellowed, his words reverberating through the room.

The targeted chief detective stood frozen, sweat dripping down his forehead, his tongue tied in knots, unable to form a coherent response.

The director's voice grew even more incensed, his mind grappling with the implications of the message. "Could they have installed a new leader just to threaten us and Shido!?"

The chief detective finally assured. "We're going to check with the different departments..."

*Pi Pi Pi Pi*

In the midst of their conversation, a piercing ring shattered the momentary calm, resonating from the chief detective's phone. His hand instinctively reached for the device, and with a hushed tone.

"Excuse me..." He raised it to his ear.

"Yes." He responded, his voice betraying a mix of surprise and disbelief.

The information conveyed to him through the receiver struck him like a thunderbolt. "What... How can that be!?" He exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock.

Swiftly terminating the call, the chief detective hurriedly reported to the Police Director.

"The phantom thief's corpse seems to be missing from the morgue!" The chief detective relayed, his voice betraying a hint of incredulity.

The director's anger flared anew, his disappointment palpable. "Didn't your men check the death certificate and carrier document!?" He demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

Nervous beads of sweat formed on the detective's brow as he struggled to find his words.

"Yes, but... um..." He stammered, his voice faltering under the weight of the director's glare.

"Give me a straight answer!" The director demanded, his impatience boiling over.

Summoning his courage, the detective offered a feeble excuse, his words tinged with uncertainty. "Perhaps this phantom thief tricked us with his bizarre powers!"

A heavy silence descended upon the room as all eyes turned downward, contemplating the unsettling possibility. "Maybe he just made us think he had died..."

The police director's face twisted with a complex blend of anger, frustration, and disbelief. He seethed with an intensity that bordered on madness. "Who made those documents? Who was there at the scene of the suicide!?"


In the privacy of a dimly lit office, the bald man sat behind a sturdy wooden desk, his mind awash with a mix of realization and mounting agitation. In a fit of frustration, he slammed his palms down upon the table, the resounding impact reverberating through the room.

"Find a way to stop a change of heart!" He bellowed, his voice trembling with a mix of rage and desperation.

"Don't we have Wakaba Isshiki's research material!?" He demanded, desperately grasping at straws, seeking a solution to the ever-mounting threat posed by the Phantom Thieves.


==[ Author's Notes ]====

Power stones, pretty fucking please? 🔫

Anyways, how do you like the synopsis?

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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