
Flashback on the Airport

(21 st June, 2014)

Sitting on airport, waiting for my turn for flight. It's going to be exciting after all after 10 years, I am going to see her again. Excitement reached top of my head. It's only six hours that I had to wait, but it's more tough of that 10 years that I had spent before. My life changed when I was 16.

{November , 2004}

It was winter's evening when I was lying on my bed and just relaxing. I went out from my house when my dad said me to go out and have fun instead of lying on bed ,and suddenly the earth shake when my eye balls struck on the beauty of her face she was just like a princess from heaven. I never saw her before. maybe she was one of my neighbour's relative who come just to spend her holiday's or she might be a new shifting in our area That night was the biggest night of my whole life that I remembered as that night I slept with open eyes and my heart was beating up faster just like bullet train. I was waiting for next morning and to know about her.

Next morning came and I went for morning walk, where I found my friend Raj , I asked him about the new girl and I was right, she was a new shifting in our area. Her name is Shirley . She's also 16 as I was. That day was also same as others, I spent my whole day from 10am to 4:30 pm watching movies and chatting on silly talks with my school friends. But at the same time I was also more curious to know more about her (Shirley) .

At last my curiosity ends up when the sun comes down, and it was evening all around us. I went out to saw her but she wasn't in our area. And I feels awkward to go to her house so I return to my home. But suddenly I got a big shock when my friend Roy came running to my house,and asked me about my subject notes. I asked him who wants , actually it was she (shirley) who wants. After sometimes she came, I was looking at her. I introduced myself and she herself. I went on flying in my room and I gave my notes to her That night was somewhat same as previous night with same excitement.