
New days and old

Alone and lost in the world, Akio wanders in the darkness of the shadows of his past. No matter how many new days seem to pass, for Akio, it can never wash away the old and the scars it left behind on the day he lost it all. In the shadow of one's pain, something would be watching and waiting, lurking over the living and the dead. For the sleepy districts that merge into the Mykan capital, something roams its streets in search of souls.

Disanium · Horror
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9 Chs

A new day, a new nightmare.

New days and old


The torn-up, bleached carpet ebbed with radiant ripples, obscuring the previously visible colours that were long washed out; bleached by the sun. A draft pushed the curtains in and out through the window crack as the small room took on a life of its own, almost breathing.


A grunting came from somewhere; deeper in the room, something was beginning to awaken. The approaching warmth hadn't yet touched them, and as the light seeped deeper into the room, the curtains began to move again. Rustling sounds followed more grunts.


Little by little, a small shadow awoke from its slumber and stumbled forward.


Unknown voice: (Tired but cheerful.) It looks like a new day! 'Smiling.'


One by one, they were pulling back the makeshift curtains. No longer was the sun asking to be let into the room; now it was spreading itself deeper with the invitation the small form gave it. Completely washing away the darkness of the night before, in its brilliance and awe, the small form of a boy stood, basking in the virgin daylight and breathing in the cold air of a new morning, until a light tapping came from the door.


Multiple voices: 'Softness.' Akio! We are going to be late for school! (Growing louder.)


Silohuette, by the window, let out a small sigh.


Akio: 'Playful call.' In a minute!


Akio was now standing on the street, waving at the troupe of children slowly getting onto the red and white school bus, attentively watching and waiting for all of them to board. An older voice drew Akio's attention, beckoning him closer.


Bus driver: 'Smiling,' Hello Akio! (Looking up.) It looks like it's going to be another beautiful day, don't you think? (Looking back at Akio.)


Akio: (Bowing.) Thank you for taking care of them all! (Facing the driver.) I hope so. I have a strange feeling that it might rain later.


Bus driver: If you say so, Akio. (Looking down the bus lane'.) Buckle up, kids. We don't want to be late for school now, do we?


Mixed voices: 'Cheering.' Late for school, late for school!


The bi-folding door closed, and the screeching of metal pierced Akio's ears, followed by the low rumblings of an engine, growing louder and fading to silence the further he moved away.


Akio watched as the large red and white bus disappeared out of view, slowly turning the corner.


The coming darkness was now taking hold, and a loud crash grabbed Akio's attention. A new glow was flickering in the distance; no longer did the warmth of the new day comfort his eyes, but the flickers of flames began to dance upwards into the sky, and Akio's name echoed in his head.


Unknown voice: 'Agitated' Hey, Akio? AKIO!