
Prologue : The Chosen One

~In Planet earth, in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Goku and Vegeta, in their Super Saiyan God form, were training as usual to prepare for any threat incoming; Vegeta, due to his incredible skills and battle intelligence, was dominant for most of the duel, until Goku transforms into his Blue form, and lands several heavy punches on Vegeta that put him on the ground, and then began charging his full-power kamehameha, but Vegeta won't remain idle, as he transformed as well and began preparing his new brand attack which he called : Prominance Flash, the clash of the two unreal powers was intense, but ended in a draw, the two warriors fall on the ground shortly after~

•Goku : "Phew...That was awesome Vegeta, you're way stronger than last time we fought, i was sweating for a moment there hehehe, you might even be able to master Ultra Instinct before me, if i let you do that.."

•Vegeta, arrogantly : "Hmph! Lucky for you i'm not interested in that technique Kakarot"

•Goku, in a curious voice : "really?! Why train with me in Super Saiyan God then?"

•Vegeta : "I plan on using it in order to obtain something greater, i refuse to allow you to widen the gap between us. by the way Kakarot, what makes you think Super Saiyan God will help you master Ultra Instinct?"

•Goku : "When i fought my parallel self in the GodVoid, it felt as if God ki was connected to something greater, Ultra Instinct and beyond was easy to tap into, and i think it's because God ki felt as natural as my own energyso my goal is to make Super Saiyan God my normal state, just like we did with Super Saiyan years ago..."

•Vegeta, surprised : "GodVoid? Parallel self? What the heck are you talking about Kakarot?"

•Goku : "oh sorry, i forgot to tell you what happened hahaha, after i trained with the grand priest, i wanted to test my strength sparring with Whis, so he took me to this place called GodVoid..."

**Meanwhile in Dimension 9**

~In beerus' planet; Vegito, in his Super Saiyan God form, preparing for a duel with God of Destruction Beerus..~

•Vegito : "Lord Beerus, you have no idea how much i've waited for this rematch, I'm ready!"

•Beerus : "Ohhhh? This ought to be interesting, you have improved a great deal since we last trained. Are you sure you're the ready for the true power of the god of destruction? "

•Vegito, confidently : "I am"

•Whis : "Let's see what you've learned! Mr. Vegito"

•Beerus : "well don't keep me waiting, show me the fruits of your training."

•Vegito : "Alright! Here goes!"

~Then Vegito charges at Beerus his God Kamehameha, but just before he could launch it... He Vanishes! ~

•Whis, in a nervous tone : "oh my, could it be time already?"

•Beerus, in visible frustration and anger : "he disappeared? That little bastard! WHIS, Bring him back here"

•Whis : "I'm afraid i can't, My lord, it's beyond my ability"

•Beerus, very surprised : "can't !? What the heck? Has he become stronger than you Whis !?!?!" *yuck! My breath is terrible *

•Whis : "hohoho, it would take a lot more training for that to happen, but the being that took him is....it is more powerful than all of us, i'm afraid, even Lord Zeno"

•Lord Beerus, shouts in a surprised and scared tone : "THAN LORD ZENO !?!?! , How it that possible?! , What is this being? How come i've never heard of it ?! "

•Whis : "it is an ancient being older than reality itself. It is written to have formed and populated existence with 4 other beings known as The Sons. Mr. Vegito's disappearance proves that time has come....For The End of Reality, and no God, Angel, or even Lord Zeno can prevent this, only those like mr. Vegito, who are chosen can"

**Back to Goku and Vegeta in the original dimension**

~Goku completed his story to Vegeta~

•Vegeta : "going across time and dimensions, looking for versions of himself to kill and steal power from? That's sickening!"

•Goku : "Right, it's strange, there was another power i've sensed deep in him, it was incredible and dark, but he was suppressing it"

~Suddenly the sky of the Time Chamber shifted to a mix of purple and pink colors ~

•Goku, surprised : "What? Why did the room just change all of a sudden!?"

•Vegeta : "No clue"

~ And Then, Vegito from dimension 9, appeared out of nowhere, and launched that kamehameha he was charging, at Goku and Vegeta, without knowing that he got teleported from Beerus' planet ~

•Goku, worried : "oh no!" Then uses Instant Transmission to avoid the attack

•Vegito, shocked : "what the!? Was that Kakarot!?"

•Vegeta, astonished from what he's seeing : "VEGITO!?!? How is this possible!?!? , Kakarot, What the heck is going on!?"

•Goku, just as shocked : "How the heck should I know?"

•Vegeta responds : "he was aiming at you!"

•Goku : "I don't think he was, if he was, he would still be attacking"..."it's weird, the atmosphere feels the same as the GodVoid did, does what i was saying before make sense?"

•Vegeta : "Yea, the Super Saiyan God energy feels natural to me right now"

•Goku : "I think this Vegito is from another dimension, sent by someone or something to fight us"

•Vegito : "so that's it. Dimension hopping it is, very well, this will be interesting", "Vegeta and Kakarot, you two aren't fused, how were you two able to handle Zamasu?"

•Vegeta : "we merged into you as well, but we separated, Potara fusion lasts only one hour if mortals use them"

•Vegito : "really? Wow you guys lucked out, altough i'm not complaining"

•Goku : "wait so you've been merged ever since Zamasu?"

•Vegito : "Yea"

•Goku : "How's that possible?!"

" I made that possible "

(A mysterious deep voice said calmly)

" His dimension needed for him to

stay fused "

" Just as your dimension needed for you

to stay separated "

•Goku : "I don't understand. Who are you?"

" It is not yet time for you to know

who I am "

" Son Goku "

" Vegeta "

" Before you is a warrior of

immense power "

" A power that you two cannot

challenge individually "

" The only option, is Fusion "

" Fuse! And you shall learn how to

obtain the power you seek"

~silence casted upon everyone in the field, Goku and Vegeta decided to join forces against vegito ~

•Goku, nervously : "Man, I got a weird unsettling feeling from that voice" "well then guess we have no other choices, Let's do it Vegeta!"

•Vegeta, frustrated as usual : "Tch, Fine! Have it you way"

•Vegito : "Do yo two need earrings? You could borrow mine here, i've existed long enough to become independent from the potaras"

•Vegeta : "no need, we'll be doing that ridiculous dance"

~Both saiyans proceed to perform The Fusion dance in their god form, due to perfect synchronicity, the two forces united into a single being of unparalleled power, with crimson red hair ablaze and flaming aura, Gogeta stood ready to face his other counterpart ~

(To be continued)