
New Connections

Izuku Midoriya had lost his notebook. Definitely lost it.

Parvez_Kanok · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Nezu had decided that Tsukauchi was the most difficult man to find and he goes right after All For One because that monster in human skin spent five years in hiding while grooming the only grandson of the seventh holder of One for All to be as vindictive as him.

After the new year had passed, Nezu tried to get in contact with Tsukauchi to notify him of the situation. It had worked to an extent and pretty soon, he was back in Japan after two weeks.

-January 11-

It was before lunch that Aizawa came into the classroom.

"Midoriya, come with me." Aizawa ordered.

Most of the students looked at Izuku. But he didn't look back at them.

'Of course he's going to go the illegal interrogation route.' Izuku thought.

Kacchan stood up and placed himself in front of Izuku. "What the hell is this?"

"Bakugo, stand down!" Aizawa barked, eyes flashing red. Kacchan ignored him.

"It took you that long to crack." Izuku said dryly. "I'm surprised you even have the guts to lead me into what I assume is an illegal interrogation."

Aizawa and all the students looked at him in shock.

"You knew?" Kacchan asked.

"Blame Iida for that. When he called me a villain, it didn't take long to put two and two together." Izuku said, causing Iida to be shocked that he gave everything away. Aizawa then looked at the bespectacled boy in anger. "Plus what am I supposed to say, Kacchan? Tell everyone that I know I'm being accused of being a member of the League, that I'm innocent and they'll believe me just like that? Like Hell they would believe me especially since they always believe in Aizawa. Besides, I didn't want you to get involved in this."

"So what made you idiots think I'm a traitor? The new quirk?" Izuku asked, feigning ignorance. "Kind of dumb when All For One is locked up in Tartarus for the last four and a half months."

"Don't feign ignorance, Midoriya. Now let's go. Last chance." Aizawa ordered.

Kacchan readied himself for a fight. "Like hell you're taking him."

Izuku stood up and placed a hand on his childhood friend's shoulder. "Kacchan."

"NO!" Kacchan shouted. An explosion ripped from his palm. "Over my dead body. This is so fucking stupid. You still think that Izuku would ever betray us?"

Shoto, rage taking over, stood up to stop Aizawa, but was stopped by Izuku.

"Izuku is the most heroic out of all of us," Shoto coldly said to his teacher, frost forming on his hand. "He's the last person that would be working with villains! After everything he has done for us!"

"Please Kacchan," Izuku whispered. Red eyes flickered back to him. That was all Aizawa needed. He threw his capture weapon out but Izuku grabbed it, surprising Kacchan. "Don't you dare touch him." The green haired boy growled, his eyes full of restrained fury.

Izuku looked toward Aizawa with loathing. "I'll go with you. But when I'm proven innocent, don't think that anything will go back to the way it was." He then looked towards his classmates with the same look. Most of them looked victorious while others looked ashamed. He noted the looks of shame.

"And Kacchan, Shoto, no matter what, I'm not going to let this break me." Izuku said to his two main friends, hope showing in his eyes. "Thank you."

Izuku then turned back to Aizawa. The former's eyes narrowed again as he walked out of the classroom with the underground hero behind him.

When they got to the entrance of the school, there was a police car waiting for them. Two cops with eyes that were hard as stone were standing outside the car. One of them roughly put Izuku in the car, not caring if he almost hit his head.

-In the classroom-

When the hobo and Izuku left, the chatter began.

"He means if he's proven innocent. Once the traitor is expelled and sent to Tartarus, we can rest easy." Grapestain said smugly. Then an Explosion destroyed the pervert's desk, launching him backward into the rich bitch.

"I don't want to hear another word from you, grapestain. Someone like you shouldn't even be here." Katsuki snarled, his red eyes glowing in disdain.

"Bakubro, why are you doing this, man?" Sparky asked.

Katsuki glowered at the blond. "You call me that again and I'll blow your face off, you dumb piece of shit."

"Bakugo, go!" Todoroki said. "You need to tell All Might."

Before any of the students could stop him, Katsuki grabbed Izuku's backpack and ripped the door open, running to the teacher's lounge. Once he got there, he ripped the door open hoping that All Might was in there. Lo and behold, he found All Might sitting at one of the desks. "All Might. Izuku has been taken by the hobo out of UA."

All Might looked toward Katsuki in shock. "What?! Aizawa took young Midoriya out of the school?! How?!"

"Izuku went voluntarily. He knew about the accusation when Four Eyes blabbed about it the day he moved to the 1-B dorm. He didn't want me and Todoroki to be involved in this mess."

The former Symbol of Peace took out his phone and called Naomasa. He knew that his friend was informed about the situation but he said that he would be coming into the school to question young Midoriya.

"Tsukauchi, it's me. Aizawa took young Midoriya out of the school. I think he's going to be illegally interrogated."

The middle aged man heard his friend spit something out. "What?! What part of 'I'm in charge of this investigation' does nobody understand?!"

Toshinori then heard Naomasa grumble something before speaking into the phone. "Ok. I'm driving to UA to pick you up. I doubt they're going anywhere far so they'll probably take him to the Musutafu police station."

"I'll be ready. I'm going to go ahead and bring Principal Nezu along."

"Good idea." Naomasa hung up.

"Did Detective Tsukauchi say anything?" Katsuki asked.

"Tsukauchi thinks that they'll take him to the Musutafu police station." All Might repeated his friend's words. "Stay here. I need to talk to Principal Nezu."

Katsuki texted Kendo.

-At Nezu's office-

All Might walked into Nezu's office. "Sir. Young Bakugo just told me that young Midoriya has been taken in by Aizawa for questioning."

"But Detective Tsukauchi said that he would arrive later today."

All Might gave the stoat a look that clearly said, 'You think so?' and shook his head. "I called Tsukauchi. He is going to arrive to pick us up and take us to the Musutafu police station."

Nezu stood up from his chair. "Very well."

The two adults walked to where Katsuki was still standing. "Will you be coming with us, young Bakugo?"

The Explosion user shook his head. "No but I know someone who is."

When All Might was about to ask Katsuki what he meant, Itsuka walked towards them, surprising the adults.

"Where is Detective Tsukauchi?" Itsuka said.

"Young Kendo, what are you doing here?" All Might asked.

"Izu has been taken in. I need to be there when he gets released."

"Here. This is Izuku's stuff. Take it with you." Katsuki said, giving Itsuka Izuku's backpack.

"You're not coming with us?" Itsuka asked.

"I have to make sure that Todoroki doesn't give those extras frostbite. Just text me when he's back in UA." Katsuki said, then ran back the way he came.

-Back to Izuku-

Once they got to the police station, they roughly pulled him out of the car into the station and into an interrogation room. They then handcuffed his hands to the table.

After only God knows how long, the door was opened by a big, burly man with black eyes and black hair as he let in a skinnier man that was a full head shorter than him, skinny as a pencil, and holding a manilla file. The door closed with a heavy thud as the larger man stepped in after the other, taking up a post in the far corner of the room.

The smaller man took the chair across from Izuku, which made a loud screech as he pulled it out. The man set the file down in the middle of the table and clasped his hands in front of him as he regarded Izuku. The green haired boy gave him a blank stare.

"You're not Detective Tsukauchi."

"How observant. I am Detective Inugami," The small man said before gesturing to who Izuku presumed to be his partner, "and this is officerTaka."

Izuku looked at the man in the corner. He glared in return. Izuku inferred that the man was basically Inugami's muscle. In intimidation, he was a teddy bear compared to Muscular or All For One.

"Now, let's begin. Where were you in the week leading up to the USJ Incident?" Inugami asked.

Izuku blinked. "Excuse me?"

Detective Inugami's face didn't change. "I asked where you were leading up to the USJ Incident."

Izuku tried to ask when his mother would be arriving, given the fact he needed a legal guardian present in order to be interrogated legally, but the man got angry when it was brought up. He snapped at Izuku about inconveniences and legalities, contradicting himself so many times that the boy rolled his eyes. Eventually, he just dropped the subject because he knew that his mom would ruin this man's reputation and career once she found out. So he was going to keep this corrupt detective talking.

Izuku huffed before saying, "Let's see. First day of class. I slept late the day before because I was nervous. First day jitters, you know. Had a biased quirk assessment test because EraserHead wanted to expel one of us like it was second nature. I broke my finger because I had no control of my quirk and became friends with the two of the worst people I ever met."

"I see," Detective Inugami said, "and the day after?"

"The day after?" Izuku shrugged. "Same thing, I guess. That day, I had class as usual and then we had combat training. I broke my arm in my match and I was in bed rest. Missed my afternoon classes then I went home with a broken arm."

The detective didn't look satisfied. "Now let's talk about the day of the USJ incident. Where were you when the alarm went off?"

"The alarm? When the media broke in. Everyone went crazy and I got swept into the crowd. Iida saw that it was just the media and he got Uraraka to use her quirk so that he could get above everyone and calm them down." Izuku scoffed at the memory. "That's why I gave him the position of class president. Probably the biggest mistake of my high school life."

Detective Inugami's face remained a cool neutral. "Can anyone verify that?"

Izuku narrowed his eyes. "Verify what? I was swarmed by hundreds of students because the media got into the school. Any other dumb questions?"

Detective Inugami gave a low, short hum. He opened the file, still sitting in the middle of the table, and pulled out photocopied pieces of paper.

"What do you use these notes for?"

The detective's eyes turned cold and hard as ice as they pierced his eyes like an arrow.

"So that's where my notebook went." Izuku said, playing a ruse. "Of course he stole it."

"That wasn't my question."

"If you read my notebook, then you would know what I have written. But it seems not since you have these. So show me the notebook and maybe I'll answer your question."

Inugami sighed. "Officer Taka."

The large man standing in the corner walked over to them and slammed Izuku's face into the table.

"What the fuck was that for?" Izuku tried not to snarl.

The detective smirked. "That is the consequence for not answering my question properly."

"You're not allowed to put your hands on me." Izuku said calmly.

"And who's going to stop me?" Taka asked smugly for the first time. "Your teacher has no jurisdiction here. Even then, I'm sure he approves of my method."

"So how about you take that badge off, uncuff me and let's see who's the better fighter?" Izuku asked. "Because strength isn't everything."

Taka punched Izuku.


"Sounds tempting. But I'll pass."

"Why won't you tell us the truth? We're aware of your status before you enrolled into UA." Inugami opened the manila folder again. "Izuku Midoriya. Age 16. Son of Hisashi Midoriya and Inko Midoriya. Born quirkless."

Izuku wasn't surprised that this detective had information on him. "Then why am I here?"

"You know why you're here. You're giving this information of your classmates to the League."

"I'm a hero in training. I would never sell the people I considered my friends out to villains." Izuku said.

"LIES!" Inugami slammed his hand on the table.

Izuku sighed. "I'm telling the truth. You could just get Detective Tsukauchi. He has the Truth quirk. He can make your job much easier." He said, trying to sound as calm as possible. 'And humble you at the same time.'

"Shut it, villain. You don't make the rules here." The overzealous officer said, slamming his fist into Izuku's face once more.

'And yet here you are illegally interrogating a minor. You're not even in charge of this case.' Izuku spit out the blood from his mouth.

Villain. Izuku hated that word. He didn't enroll into his dream school to be called that word. After everything he did for his so called friends, it was stupid and wrong that he was being treated like this. Then again, this was nothing. He's been abused and tormented the last eleven years for being quirkless. Yet he thought UA was going to be different.

"You punch like a girl."

Taka looms over him, getting right up to Izuku's face and telling him in a steady voice, "Say that to my face again, you quirkless piece of shit. I dare you."

Izuku tried not to retch from the atrocious odor coming from the obnoxious officer. "Oh god, you stink. Where did you come from? The sewers?"

"You betrayed your teachers. You betrayed your friends." Inugami said. "And for what? For power? For money?"

"Do you realize how pathetic you sound right now?" Izuku asked flatly. "Do you think interrogating me, threatening me and all of this is going to force me into confessing to something I didn't do? I broke my bones, I willingly gave my life to protect others, I destroyed my body more times that I can count. And for what? Just to get betrayed and ostracized over a notebook that was written to help those idiots minus the two that stuck by my side?"

"What did you think? That you'll get some promotion for getting the UA spy to confess to his crime. All you did is commit career suicide because when my mom finds out and she will find out, good luck with whatever time you have left with this career."

"Once your mom realizes how much of a disgrace you are as a son, she's going to wish that she should have given you up instead of keeping you all this time." Taka sneered. "Maybe you should have killed that dream before you decided to betray your classmates."

Something snapped in Izuku. "Don't you dare talk about my mom! YOU BASTARD!!!!" He roared, feeling One For All flare up sporadically breaking the cuffs despite the quirk suppressants. The officer and the table flew across the room on different sides from the shockwave of the power and the officer's back hit the wall. In the chair that somehow didn't go flying with its person, Inugami fell backwards on his rear as Blackwhip appeared from Izuku's arms and his eyes glowed with pure rage."W-what are you?" Inugami asked in fear.

Izuku ignored him and stood up. Had it not been for One For All, his legs would have been asleep and he would make a fool of himself by falling on his face. He cracked his bones after sitting in that chair for god knows how long, looking at the bruises on his wrists.

The door opened and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi came in, his eyes burning with righteous fury. He was surprised to see the boy he was supposed to clear standing with broken cuffs on his wrists along with his soon to be former colleague on the floor while a half conscious officer and the table that was supposed to separate them were flown across the room on opposite sides.

"Kid?" Detective Tsukauchi asked.

"Detective Tsukauchi." Izuku said. "You're finally here."

"What did they do to you?"

"It was mostly that smelly officer." Izuku waved it off. "Don't worry. The beatdown I got is nothing compared to broken bones and being bullied eleven years straight."

Naomasa flinched at that. But he sighed and took out the accused notebook that started this mess and opened the notebook to the back pages. "Ochako Uraraka: Durable Gloves for use of finger pads. Mashirao Ojiro: Tail armor for offense and defense."

After a few minutes, the Truth detective read through the notes of Kacchan, Shoto and Kaminari.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and my quirk will tell if you're lying or not."

"Be my guest." Izuku said and sat back in the chair.

"Are you selling information on your classmates to the League of Villains?"


"Truth. Do you plan to use these notes on your classmates to hurt them in any way?"

"No. I wanted to help them with their quirks."

"Truth. Are you in association with the League of Villains in any way?"


"Truth. Did the villain from Kamino Ward give you any of your quirks?"


"Truth. Final question, are you the UA traitor?" The two in the room already knew the answer.

Izuku glared up at the glass window, knowing the hobo teacher was out there watching him. "No. I'm not the UA traitor working for the League of Villains."

"Truth." Detective Tsukauchi said in anger, not aimed at Izuku. "He's innocent."

"Say it louder, sir. I don't think the sleep deprived hobo outside heard you."

"HE'S INNOCENT!!" Detective Tsukauchi roared at the one way glass. "Are you happy, Aizawa?! You accused an innocent child of things he didn't commit! You tried to break an innocent child, you bastard!"

Once he calmed down, "Let's get you out of here, kid."

Izuku felt the adrenaline leave his body. "They really thought I was the traitor. After everything I did risking my life the past few months, they did this to me. I saved All Might. I saved Eri and Kota. I stopped Gentle from ruining the Cultural Festival. They did all of this because of a notebook and my quirks."

"What EraserHead did was wrong, Izuku. All of it. But you stayed strong because you knew you were not a traitor."

"I also have allies." Izuku said. He stood up again. But he immediately collapsed to his knees, realizing his legs fell asleep.


"I'm okay, sir. My legs just fell asleep."

After a few minutes, Izuku stood up and walked out of the interrogation room, face to face with his homeroom teacher. He also didn't see his mentor or the principal on the side.

"Midoriya, I'm …"

"An idiot who is full of crap. I already know that." Izuku cut Aizawa off.

Aizawa had his head down in shame. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? That's all you can say? Sorry doesn't change the fact that I was treated like this." Izuku spit the blood out of his mouth. "For a 'rational' teacher, you're really bad at your job. Did you even look through the whole notebook or you went through just the scary stuff, knowing it can get me in trouble? Were you trying to bend this to your narrative so that I would be deemed the UA traitor and be kicked out and sent to Tartarus? This is on you and whoever stole my notebook. All of this. This was supposed to be a questioning not an interrogation and sure as hell not a beatdown."

"I warned you, Aizawa. I asked you if you read the entire notebook and you said that you read enough." Nezu said.

Izuku looked at the chimera with an incredulous look. Nezu could have just shown Aizawa what was written in the notebook but nope, he left it as a game of chance. Izuku didn't have time to entertain this.

"I didn't mean it to get this far,"Aizawa said.

"Of course you didn't. Just like you didn't try to keep Eri away from me. Just like you didn't try to make me public enemy number one." Izuku said, trying to stay calm. "You wanted to turn everyone against me so I would be alone. You were trying to build up my paranoia so that I could mess up and confess that I'm the traitor but how are you going to get someone to confess to something that they're not? You should've waited for Detective Tsukauchi. I bet you enjoyed the officer slamming my face into the table because you felt some satisfaction seeing the traitor get his face slammed in like you did in the USJ by the Nomu so you could get payback thinking that I'm the reason that all of that happened."

"That's not true." Aizawa said, making Izuku roll his eyes. "They told me that Detective Tsukauchi was here."

"You're just as bad a teacher as you are a hero." Izuku growled. "You let Iida go to Hosu despite knowing that the Hero Killer was there."

Aizawa flinched at that but he didn't say anything.

"Is that true, Aizawa? You allowed a high school student to go to the city where a serial killer resided?" Nezu asked with narrowed eyes.

"I didn't think that Iida would actually go after the Hero Killer." Aizawa said. "I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he would not do anything irrational."

"Well he did. What did you think? He never had to deal with trauma or hardship his entire life because of his perfect family name. He can't even keep his emotions in check and he punched me when I just got cleared after I broke both my arms fighting Muscular. When an idiot of a teacher like you gives those idiots false hope time after time, that they'll blindly believe you. I'm the one who risked my life and body to save Kota, to save Eri. None of them did. Both times you were there, seeing what I had gone through and you still did this. You're a coward." Izuku scoffed. "I just hope you're proud of yourself. You failed a student, a student that's under your care."

"Young Izuku." The green haired boy heard All Might's voice.

He turned to see his mentor behind him. "All Might. I didn't see you there."

"It's fine, my boy. Let's get you cleaned up."

The hero in training walked away with All Might and Aizawa tried to go after the boy but Tsukauchi stopped him. "You've done enough, Aizawa. The boy doesn't want you around him right now. His mother will hear about this, make no mistake about it. Just be lucky that your career doesn't go up in flames like those two in there."

The detective turned to the officer next to him. "Sansa, can you get some officers to help Taka and Inugami out of there?"

"Yes sir."

"Come with me, Aizawa.We are going to have a talk." Nezu stated sternly.

"Yes sir." Aizawa said. He knew he deserved this.

-One hour later-

Itsuka was sitting in the waiting room of the police station impatiently for the last hour. Every time she heard the door open, she turned to the sound but it was not who she wanted it to be. She wasn't scared of who was going to appear from those doors. She knew that her boyfriend was going to appear from those doors.

When All Might, Nezu and Itsuka were on their way to the police station in Detective Tsukauchi's car, the former hero told her that his friend, the detective, has a truth quirk that has a 100% guarantee success rate. He would be the right person to prove Izuku's innocence. Aizawa and Iida were wrong to suspect and accuse him because they were stupid enough not to read the whole thing and they would pay. His classmates were going to pay for turning their backs on him. Then that call that happened in the middle of the ride. From him of all people.

The door opened again and Itsuka whipped her head to the direction of the sound for the sixth time. She was ready to cry in happiness even though she was shocked at the sight. Detective Tsukauchi, All Might and Izuku appeared from the door. Her boyfriend's face was bruised and bandaged but she knew what this meant and rushed towards him.

Izuku was ready to jump back in fear and surprise until he recognized who it was. "Itsu, you're here? How?" He asked in shock as his girlfriend hugged him and peppered his face with kisses.

"I had to come along," Itsuka said, cupping his face gently. "I was not going to sit back while my boyfriend was here all alone."

Izuku placed his forehead on her own. "Thank you."

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Itsuka said, taking Izuku by the hand.

-In Tsukauchi's car-

"So who was it?" Izuku asked once they were in the car. "Who stole my notebook?"

"It was Iida. He took the notebook, gave it to Aizawa and then in the middle of night, he called a meeting to tell everyone in class A that you're the traitor. I found out from Mr. Vlad." Itsuka admitted.

"Of course it had to be him," Izuku said. "Set was right. I gave him too much power when I made him become class rep."

After that, the four occupants sat in silence while on the way to UA.

"A part of me didn't want to do it," Izuku suddenly said, making Itsuka and All Might look at him as Naomasa continued driving but he was curious as well. "A part of me didn't want to pick up that pencil and write in that stupid notebook. But I saw my classmates in trouble during the joint training and I wanted to help them. Hell, I just wanted to be thankful to Kaminari for taking the brunt of that villain's lightning at Nabu Island. I mean, Ashido melted Aoyama's support belt at the Sports Festival. She exploited her classmate's weakness. Kacchan did the same thing to Tokoyami. I didn't tell them to do any of that. But suddenly I'm the traitor because I wrote down obvious weaknesses that should have been fixed."

Izuku laughed a little but it was not his usual laugh. It sounded bitter. "I never thought my own hobby would be my demise. I'm so stupid. They never needed me. I'm the one always needing them because I considered them my friends. The friends that I hoped I'd have after eleven forsaken years of being quirkless."

"You didn't deserve any of the pain they caused you, Izu. None of it." Itsuka said.

Izuku closed his eyes, contemplating his next choice. After a few seconds of thinking, he decided his answer. "All Might, I want to tell her."

All Might and Detective Tsukauchi's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you sure?" All Might asked.

"She deserves to know."

"If you believe that's the right choice."

"Know what?" Itsuka asked.

"The truth of my quirk." Izuku explained.