

A blue raspberry hair girl named Marcy Bailey was sitting in her seat looking forward towards her crush. She has been loving the one and only Andrew Anderson for 2 years now and he has not noticed a thing and that has saden her. They are the best of friends with each other and two other people. Bella and Anton are the best of friends to the two and they would do anything for them.

Andrew Anderson is famous because of his father and modeling. You might think that he has the best life, but no. His father, David Anderson is a fashion designer and does not treat his son like a son. Andrew can not do anything unless with his father permission.

Maurice and Andrew have an escape to their misery, The Ball. It was a place at night where you could be who you want and nobody would know who you were because you had a mask on. Everynight Andrew would go and there was reason. He has fallen in love with the one called Kat. Even though she shows no affection towards him, he still tries.

This year there are two new students and that year was the year they both decided that they should find some else.