

once upon time,it was my 1st day in my new school.I was bit nourve hmmm like every other new student.At that time I was in 7th class I even don't know how to speak English but I tried and told that "Hi my name is priya di where is 7th class",and the group of girls told me that oh," stupid girl you are standing in front of the class you can't see" and that was my 1st day of school OMG.

2nd day my class teacher want's me to mind whole the class that day hmmm day by day I was behaving like I am the best.And after 1year of my whole 7th class I was topper of my class oh from that day, I was just in attitude.

ok so after summer I was just started my school again and by my so much attitude my class boys wants me to become girlfriend of any one of them oh quiet good hmmm, yehhhh I was in 8th class that time.One boy of my class,I treated him like my brother he told me one day in bus that

"ha do you remember Aadi in our class the one who always tried to talk with you and you always refuse.I was like hmmm I know him.Then he informed me to become his girlfriend I told him no are u out of your mind but he was not understand at all he was just telling me that ,"Aadi is good person he is smart" and so,I was like no not at all for one sec, I was like ok let's have some fun at least for 3 or 4days or for 1 or 2 weeks not more then that. And next day I told Ajay that ok but I just wanted time pass ok he told me ok,But Aadi is to possessive.I was like it's quiet intresting I will manage. And that was starting of jan 1st week.And after 12 days he proposed me on 22 jan 2015, at schools corridor at the front of our science teacher but at that time I was blushing and just smiling,and I told him that I will give u my answer after 4days. And the day passed and on 26 jan 2015 I told him yes I want to be your girlfriend I don't know what was that but after some told and doing one or two days time pass I was trying to tell him that ok it's over but I can't.But he stopped taking with me without any reason I was do disturbed at that time but I told myself that ok it's all Right.But after some day we both realise that we both are in Love with each other ok that was the big digester for me and for my friend too and for him because he also started love me.

But we dont wants to share our feeling the 2nd digested movement but after 6 month I decided to telling him that now I love him very much but how he don't wanted to talk with me and that was the time I made my fb account 1st time ever in my whole life and I started talking with his friend sourab and that was my 1st time I told my story and my feelings my any one.And after listening evey thing he told me I will help you ok don't worry.

And I was like yehhhh I did it and he give his phone number to me and told me that now every thing is up to you just make it or brake it is all up to you and I was like I don't want to brake it I really want to make it.

With my shivering hands and voice I called him and talked him and I was like is it true and finally I given my best and then we both are in relationship.

It took me a very long time to learn the difference between being in love with someone and actually loving that person. I learned the hard way, the very, very hard way

Hearts were broken repeatedly over the years, and although I wish the pain could have been avoided, the experiences taught me more than any book or class ever could.

I grew up on fairy tales and love stories that taught me to believe that being in love and loving are the same thing. That couldn't be any further from the truth.

gohevibhacreators' thoughts