
New Army

In a not so distance, there's a unknown person who died of car accident. The gods then decided upon his death of his fate. Since he yet to truly die, he was given another chance in life. A unique quite of life.

KittyKatKat · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Territory Management I

I had a few discussions with Nathaniel regarding some issues that needs to be resolve and securities of the said island corners.

I was furious when I learn that these so called "rebels" are abducting Zarian civilians and impaling their heads to signify their determination to fight us.

It was foolish. It even makes me think they truly have no ideal leader on them. They act like barbarians, a terrorist instead of a rebel.

Rebels don't do this shit, they simply fight for what they know is right. And they don't kill civilians, they would try to avoid it.

I may be naive to think that since I am in this world, but being optimistic to some point wouldn't hurt.

Which led me to the conclusion about walled-city.

If I decided to remove it, surely my urbanization will come to a halt. Attacks from this savages will ruin my plan. And there's risk of them possessing the weapons I may develop. Especially since it will be factory-produced.

A few sneaky bastard will get ahold of it, and it's only a matter of time before they start a genocide. It may not be here, but it can be on villages, towns of this island.

I summoned a military engineer. One that can develop a blueprint both for civilian and military equipments.

One might ask, why would I need it if I have a blacksmith that is mana-free. Well, certainly it's free, but the knowledge, technology gap is so huge, I just can say that summoning one is cost-effective.

The summons cost me about tenth of my mana. Quite expensive.

I summoned four more of them. With each of them having unique special skills; industrial, military, civil, mechanical, electrical.

The last may seem useless in this era, but my future plans requires its skills.

I still got the tank, but if I want to defend this walled-city, with four gates leading to each direction, I have to summon more of them. Unfortunately, a single tank cost me a staggering amount of mana, around 40%. If I want to do that, I will have to wait for the next day or after I rest.

Although, as of this moment, I can summon a couple of armored infantry fighting vehicle. Since it's lighter and can only act as support that carries soldiers, it's much cheaper than the tank.

I summoned three of these one. With each of them guarding each gates of the city.

Each of these will act as vanguard when there's an attack which I hope doesn't occur. And if worse come to worst, I will have to rely on the foot soldiers within those IFV, numbering of 9 each.

Thankfully, those soldiers within the IFV have also the modern knowledge. Tactics in warfare is certainly within their mindset. I don't have to worry about them much.

What I need to worry is the garrisons in this city. I heard from Nathaniel that they were slacking a lot. Especially when the lord was executed.

They run rampant, raping, beating, or even killing the civilians of my city. I have complete access of their accounts right now in my hand.

And to tell the truth, it's disgusting.

I know, it may sound hypocrite, after doing those nasty stuff to Nat's comrade, but to do it in civilians is unheard or unthinkable.

So, when I dismissed Nathaniel, I ordered him to line up the accused criminals. And...

"My lord"

A voice familiar, soft, slightly pitch tone.

"Borealis. What is it that you may need."

"The accused have been lined up."

To be a lord, one needs to be loving. And of course, to be feared. I do not live in a democratic era. I do not need to show mercy to the one who commit grave sins.

I am not restricted by international law.

I will abide to any rules, but those who do not shall meet my wrath.

I make my way towards the door, led by few of my knights and Borealis.

Soon, I arrive. I saw few people lined up guarded by few soldiers with swords on their waist. They stare intently towards the criminals, I can even see the obvious hatred in their eyes.

Why wouldn't they. Tarnishing the name of the official soldier just to satisfy their disgusting desire. I'd probably just execute these criminal's entire family in order to stop their spreading madness.

But before that, I have something I should do.

Ah... Apologies my dear readers. I was hospitalized and diagnosed of a chronic disease. It hindered my writing so it got a little late.

Stil processing it. But I'll get used to it. I have the support of family, anyways.

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