

We see the Earth, all calm and tranquil, when suddenly … boom an explosion occurs,

A ship zooms past heavily damaged with an engine on fire being pursued by two enemy ships.

One of the ships opened fire and managed to land a hit on the on fire engine sending the ship hurtling into the Earth's orbit. As the ship was crashing it managed to fire two rockets and hit its pursuers.

Meanwhile on the Earths' surface we zoom into Yellowstone National Park where a young woman is walking around taking in the sights and sounds of nature. This camper is 19 year old Asha Elwood. She is a young auburn haired woman with hazel eyes who is about 5ft 5.She is wearing a checked shirt and some jeans on her back was a backpack full of some camping supplies

"Ah smell that fresh air", Asha says to herself, as Asha was enjoying the walk through nature. A flaming streak passed overhead catching her attention causing her to want to investigate. As she neared the impact site she saw a few smoking trees and some were even uprooted and lying on the ground leaving a trail of destruction. As she followed the trail of destruction she eventually came upon an impact crater. Inside the crater seemed to be a spaceship that triangular in shape with heavy damage, there were scorch marks everywhere and some branches and debris from its crash.

As Asha approached the impact crater edge the ground suddenly gave way and she fell in. Asha gave a shout of surprise as she fell. She tried to get out of the crater but unfortunately she had no rope in her backpack. She tried to climb out but the ground kept crumbling. Realizing she couldn't climb out she decided to go into the ship to see if there was any rope or anybody who could help her get out of the crater.

Once in the ship she saw the damage was even more extensive than it seemed outside. There were sparking wires that were disconnected ,holes in the walls, some doors seemed to be stuck and even a small fire or two.

Asha tried calling out" Hello, Is there anyone there? Can you hear me?" But there was no response ,she neared the front of the ship to see if she could find the pilot in the pilots' chair.

As she got nearer all of the sudden the entire ship lurched causing Asha to stumble. As she stumbled she accidentally pushed some buttons on the control panel. As she stood up she heard a mechanized voice say" Powering up. All systems online. Trans-Warp online. Traveling to last known coordinates" All of the lights on the ship started flashing and she heard all of the doors slam shut. Asha started panicking as the door to bridge started to close she started to run to it but it closed before she could get there.

Asha started banging on the door screaming "No, No Open up. Come on let me out" She tried to kick and punch it. As she was about to try to lift it. She heard the computers' mechanized voice say" Trans-Warp fully online. Initiating cryogenic sleep"

Asha is stunned to hear that and started to yell at the computer to open up and let her out. As she was screaming gas started to pour out of hidden vent making her feel drowsy.

Even while the gas started to take effect and she started to drift off she still tried to get out. The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was the Earth out of the window as the ship turned around and the Trans-Warp fully powered on.