
Chapter 28: Food, and a party

Dad: ok all of you lets go stop and get some dinner

Sky: great i haven't eaten all day today

Sway: me neither

Davon: yeah we had little things but pretty much same here

Mac: yeah

Dad: okay how does in and out sound?

Mom: sounds yummy as hell

Austin : it really does

Jeramy: yeah for sure

Mac, Sky, Sway, and Davon: mhm

we pull up to in and out and get some food, dad was interrupted by a swarm of fans who had been tracking his every move

Dad: Can i please just eat with my family god damn, people back the fuck up

Mom: let's just get on the road again

Jeramy: but mom, i like the fresh air

Mom: we can roll down a window or something ok?

Austin: but it's not as soothing

Dad: let's just go before i lose my shit

Sky: fine, lets go

we all get back on the bus and mom and dad go into the living room and all of the kids go into my room and sit on the floor. I open my bedroom window to get fresh air in and everyone kept eating their food.

Sway: cmon it's too quiet in here let's put some music on babe, ok?

Sky: k one sec

I open my bedroom door

Sky: dad we are gonna play some music, don't get offended, or mad about it k? K!

Dad: wait what

Sky: haha

I close my door

Sway: am i good?

Sky: mhm all set

Sway starts blasting music and we turn the bass all the way up and things start to vibrate all over in my room

Dad: what the hell is going on in there

Mom:Silly kids turned the bass all the way up, that's just the things on her desk and walls vibrating

Dad: thats sad that you know that and i don't haha

Mom: yeah it's a little bit sad babe

Dad: whatever i guess haha

We all hang out in my room for a long while and talk and listen to music, play board games, and watch an entire season of Friends.