
Chapter 25: Weed and Worries

*we continue talking all the way to the destination and we finally arrive to the place where the final concert is being held*

Dad: ok ok so i feel good now, nice and calm, thank you jeramy for just laying back and chilling without drugs and stuff, and thanks for not doing anything stupid that will get me all pissy everyone else.

Mom: ok so we have to go practice and go on stage so you guys are just gonna chill in the back and not b annoying and getting into trouble.

All of us: ok

They get off the bus and we follow after them, we go inside the building through the back of the building and sit down in the "private room"

Sway: so what to do what to do

Davon: let's do the same contest again

Sky: hell no im not letting dad get pissed off at us, just because your looking to fill your addictions doesn't mean that we need to sooth your needs

Davon: no no no, not that, just because no adults, more freedom, a little fun c'mon

Jeremy: i think im good, because im gonna try to chill on all that stuff it just got me in huge trouble and im already in deep shit

Austin: i dont know jeremy it might de-stress you from all that trouble ur in

Jeremy: i said no and i'm the oldest so we aren't gonna do it, got it!

Austin: you sound like dad lol

Davon: yeah ur so uptight, c'mon loosen your grip and just have fun

*davon pulls out a rolling kit*

Jeremy: don't do it

Davon: please, your the boss at it

Sky: put it away, please.

Sway: yeah lets not

Mac: c'mon guys just a little won't hurt anyone

Sky: yeah well dad might, if he smells marijuana on stage and then comes back after and smells it on us we're all fucking screwed. So put it away please

*he rolls a blunt and puts it in his mouth*

Davon: i'm not afraid of him

And with that he lit the blunt and started smoking it

After the entire room was hot boxed devon and mac had both gotten high

Jeremy: ima get drug tested when we get home aren't I

Sky: mhm

Sway: for sure

Davon: oh don't be so weak, he won't even smell it

Sway and i walk out of the room to get fresh air because we couldn't handle that anymore

Sky: yuck bro it's so nasty in there

Sway: yeah i know and now we smell like it

Dad takes a break off stage while mom had 3 songs by herself

Dad: hey guys wheres everyone else

*he sniffs the air*

Dad: did you guys seriously…

Sky: ok ok ok dad first before you get mad and whatever, just know im clean, jeramy is clean Austin is clean and sway is clean, we all said no

Dad: and mac

Sway: well mac had to do what her boyfriend wanted to do and so she did

Dad: what are they doing

Sky: rolling blunts and chugging vodka

Dad: holly shit, it smells so fucking bad

Sky: mhm, i know

Dad: where are they

Sway: in the room at the end of the hall

Austin and jeremy both walk out of the room leaking the smell even more

Austin: oh shit!! Dad i promise that i didn't do anything

Jeremy: me neither

Dad: i know dumbass your sister told me

Austin: oh fewf

Dad: im deciding what to do with mac and davon

Sky: leave them in the room and keep working on your show

Dad: oh shit your right. Kids come on stage please

Sway: why? It's not our show it's your show

Dad: i know but this way they get suspicious and whatever, just come on

Sky: ok

Jeremy: alright

Austin: i guess

Sway: sure, alright

we all go on stage with our dad and people started cheering, because it had never happened before

Mom: babe what are the kids doing up here

Dad: *whispers in mom's ear* devon and mac did mary jane so we wanna confuse the crap out of them

Mom: oh ok ok makes sense, what about these kids

Dad: they're all clean, but we still gonna do a test when we get home

Mom: oh well alright then

She keeps singing and moving and we just chill there staring at the huge crowd

Davon: they've been gone for a while, you don't think…

Mac: no they couldn't have gotten caught

Davon: what if they rat us out

Mac: start drinking gatorade he's gonna test us we gotta get it out of our system, clean the room, turn the air on do something idk i just cant be caught

Davon: those rats

Mac: we don't even know if they've been caught, maybe they were just lost in another room or something, this place is so big.

Davon: true true

He turns on the air conditioner and the smoke starts to go away

Mac starts chugging gatorade

Davon: babe slow down that's not safe to drink it that fast

Mac: well i need it out of my system

Once the smoke was all cleared up they opened the door and tried looking for us

The show had finally finished and they were still trying to find us

Dad: found you before you found them im guessing

They turn around in a panic

Dad: i'm not stupid i can smell it from the stage ok

Davon: so did they snitch?

Dad: nope, we tested them and they were clean because, i smelt the marijuana so yeah and the only two who we didn't test andis asking if they snitched for you smoking marijuana is you two so, put it all together and your very much caught

Mac: that was very complex, can you dumb it down

Dad: mac your grounded and davon i'm calling your parents when we get to the bus and then we are headed home

Mom walks back stage and looks at Mac and Davon

Mom: so what is gonna happen babe

Dad: mac is grounded and ima call Devon's parents on the bus ride home so yeah

Mom: good plan

Dad: mhm

we all walk back to the bus

Mac: thanks for not snitching

Sky: wasn't going to in the first place but dad had a small break when we walked out to get fresh air and instantly was like "Marijuana?!? Drug test, now!!" and yeah

Davon: so you did snitch

Sky: no we did not, we just went outside and got tested bc he thought we were being dumb

Mac: babe they didn't snitch we were just too obvious

Davon: i don't think we were but ok

Dad: alright we are all good to go home now, mac phone please, and Davon until i get a hold of your parents ima need your too

They both give him their phones and Davon flips Dad off

Dad didn't see it tho

we all start walking back to the bus and go inside the bus