
Chapter 23: The great news

A few hours later, sway got a phone call.

*sways phone rings*

Sway: hello?

His mom: hi, so since you've been gone we did move houses, we no longer live in colorado, but you wont be mad about the move either, because we are moving to cali, near skylar.

Sway: for real!?!

Sky: whats up?

Sway: that's amazing news

His mom: yes yes i know

Sway: cool, well is that all?

His mom: yep that's it, how is the trip?

Sway: it's good

His mom: you're not stirring up trouble are you

Sway: not that much no, i'm trying to avoid that, i'm actually the decent one

His mom: mhm sure, well have fun ok, see you tomorrow?

Sway: yeah we should get back home tomorrow, not til kinda late tho

His mom: well ok then that's fine. You'll just spend the night at their house and then come and set up your room the following day, sounds good?

Sway: mhm sounds great, bye mom

His mom: bye

*call ends*

Sky: ok ok so what's happening

Sway: well the thing is, is that we're moving when we get back

Sky: why is that great news?

Sway: because its to california, down the road from your house

Sky: foreal

Sway: yep

Sky: that's great

Sway: ikr