1 Prologue

Earth the cradle of humanity.

The common home that gave us life, food, and technology.

We have grown and built shining cities to the heavens, we have risen to the great heights and fallen down to the depths, and we traversed the path of war and suffering.

Hundred years have passed since the third world war. Cities lay in ruins, the economies of entire countries were destroyed, as we begin to heal wounds and rebuild our cities humanity gradually came to its senses if another war broke out our planet will not be able to survive.

The whole world has become united as a single nation called United Earth. As a result, humanity became more prosperous but due to the sudden spike in world population and limited resources, the world government looked for an alternative way.

We began to expand throughout the solar system conquering the other planets including mars, venus, mercury and pluto. We also tamed the sun, harnessing all of it's energy. But human greed strike again…

We began researching wormholes using Einstein and new scientist theories.

Dozens of automatic ships and satellites were sent into the wormhole. The best minds of mankind studied the data for months on end and learned a lot. We called it hyperspaces. But along the knowledge came the terrible truth. It turned out that this was a door to another world, to another galaxy.

Yes, it was hope to find another home, another journey and start all over again.

Who knows what awaited us there, beyond? maybe this a chance?

A chance to become what more than we are. A chance to get answers to our eternal questions - who are we, and where do we come from, are we the only ones living in this world?

We built a fleet. A Great Fleet, with millions of tons of metal shining into the sun, and five thousand hearts on board.

Humanity will begin to enter the new age of conquest.

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