

I started stripping. I don't have a choice. Stripping all my clothes off starting from my shirt and lastly, my underwear.

There are no tears left to cry, I want to shout for help yet I know no one could hear me.

I was shouting for days and no one even helped me. There's no longer hope in me. I believed God, but I'm here in front of four adults, with no clothes. Not even a single cloth touching me.

They said, "Your prince will always save you, your prince will protect you from the cruel world, your prince will always be by your side no matter what." But...

I guess I'm a princess without a prince.

I'm in danger, pain, and sadness taking over me. I feel so dirty with all the eyes looking at me.

"Come on, virginity doesn't even matter nowadays." One of the middle aged man said.

There are four and even if I have a chance to escape, I can't. They're much more stronger than me. I'm just a high school student that's thin, weak, mentally unstable, and a girl who lost hope in living.

At the moment, there are no reasons going inside my brain to tell me that there are people out there who cares and needs me.

I'm a lost and lonely princess that needs a prince.