
Chatper 12 (fuck naming them)

"Listen, no bodyguards, no weapons, just us"

"That's all well and good - but I'm stuck here with no money"

"We'll get you a car then"

"That works, anything else you want to add?"

"That'll be all, I hope we can have a pleasant discussion"

She shut the door then rested against it

'What the fuck am I going to say?' 

Looking over her shoulder to find Yrsa busy doing nothing

'god damn she's cute, I feel bad waking her - but breakfast stops at 12 and her not eating is worse'

She started to tip toe over to her then swiftly released that was stupid and walked the rest of the way

Kneeling down beside her on the bed, she brushed her hair away from Yrsa's eyes

"Hey Yrsa wake up," her voice like a gentle breeze

But she got nothing in return

"Come on" she said with a gentle push, her voice a little harsher

"You've got to kiss the sleeping princess" a mischievous grin formed on her face

"If It'll awaken her from the Sleeping death"

She lent down slowly and like when plants a lovely from Erika too planted a kiss on her forehead4

There was a moment of silence when she lent back up

"I didn't expect you to actually do it"

"Get up If you want to eat"

After throwing her legs out of bed (nearly with enough force to sweep herself) she get out of bed and because they had slept in normal clothes (not that they had a change of clothes anyway) they went straight to the dining room

Which was a 50's diner with a modern touch, made up of mostly polished walnut and yellow leather, it was simply put pretty, It also showed where the budget went - It was well light and well kept

Yrsa being the person she was and america being the enabler it is, a plate stacked with nothing be greasy foods packed with fats and preservatives stood before Erika

"What's that face for?"

"I thought they were healthy In europe?"

"1 not strictly true, we have are fair share of fat and 2 when In rome" she said before stuffing her face with an entire slice of bacon

Now ironically the american when sitting there with an actually healthy breakfast

"By the way a Viper came to our door before"

"What the fuck did they want?"

"They want to talk, peacefully - we've agreed to have a talk without weapons or guards"

"That's a trap"

"Logically yes, but I was taught to trust my gut"

"It will end badly" despite the serious words she didn't stop eating

"You don't have to join me"

"Oh no I'm coming, but Imma bring my guns"

After breakfast they went back up to their rooms and challed… chilled?, for a while, then got a call from the main desk saying there was someone waiting outside for them

They went downstairs to check and a man approached Erika and put a set of car keys in her hand

"Address is already in the sat-nav"

Then disappeared (not literally of course")

On the way they walked about what to do (more what Yrsa shouldn't do)

They turned onto a longass country road with many trails but no sign of people

Until they come over a hill and a lake house appeared, black roof and surrounded with trees

They drove across the gravel paths up to the house, there were two other cars there, an Suv and a Sports car

They rung the bell and was greeted by a beautiful woman in a blue and white flowery summer dress, she was (probably) in her 40's but kept her wealth

"You're here to see Ben aren't you?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Oh, please don't call me that, makes me feel old" her voice brought warmth "please come on in" she stood out the way

As they passed Yrsa whispered "Danke" confusing her self

As she did her smile faded and she played with her ring

The walls could spoke, the one around them would only have nice things to say

"He's in his office, first door upstairs"

The walls In his office however, would speak of a: war criminal, Murder, an unfaithful and anger issues

Although Erika didn't need the walls to tell her

"Take a seat, make yourself at home"

His office wasn't well decorated, not as in there wasn't any decorations just they were bad, the only thing worth mentioning was the fackin wall of liquor

He sat with his arms crossed leaning them on the table

The pair of them sat across from him

"I thought we said one on one?"

"You said no bodyguards, she isn't one"

"I doesn't matter anyway, we both want the same thing"

"I wouldn't be so sure"

"I'm sure you understand how numerous we are"

"Is that a threat?" asked Yrsa

"And what if it is?"

"Yrsa please don't"

"I don't respond well to threats"

"Too bad, if you lay a finger on me - you'll be hunted to the edge of the earth"

She yanked out her knife, holding it in reverse grip

He smirked 

She smirked

"Erika, you have some questions?"

"I recognize that knife"

"I don't give a shit"

"When I was in Germany, our partners had a child, soldier? - she used that knife"

Erika stood up and Yrsa's grip tightened

"What was her name" she spoke through gritted teeth

"She didn't have one, just called her Null"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know you had that-"

"To them, surely child soldiers are too far even for you"

"What was I should have I said 'I don't think you should use your most successful assassin?', why do you have that knife anyway"

"You could have help, saved her you held power, and did nothing with it - you're a coward - Erika you have something to ask him right"

"You know the name Bessie"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Who killed her, who sent out the orders and anyone else Involved"

"All I know is a Sergeant sent the orders, I don't know his name"

"Okay Yrsa, you can kill him now" she turned away


Erika leant in right next to his ear

"I do not give a fuck" before turing away again

Yrsa's knife made a sweet squashed as if piece his neck, crimson stained his shirt like an apple pie

"Lets go"

"Wait, I want to see If he had anything good"

"Don't loot his body"

"No, I'm looking at his liquor… I'm taking that"

"Are you done?"


She now had a bottle of… something it wasn't quite clear, and that's not just me being lazy fack off

Because Yrsa had decided to use a knife no-one in the house had noticed his death meaning they could leave without any suspicion

The day after Yrsa went to a gunk alley gun shop

The shop was dark, the only light barely worked and the windows were covered (if the glass was even still there)

The front desk only had a hand full of guns left in it; the man behind the counter looked like he had even less going on up there

"Umm, are you ok?"

"Mhm" he kept staring through the table

"Have you got a smith and wesson model 29?"

He put one finger up and walked into a back room

He came back not long later and said "no" and counted staring at the same spot

She waved her hand in front of his eye line

He didn't react

"... see you later then"

The midday sun light up the town

'That place has gotten worse, maybe I should just use mine'

Her go-kart of thought was interrupted by a panicked voice


Looking into a small parking lot turned trash yard to her left she noticed two probably german mafia members armed with baseball bats and some else crawling across the ground away from them, choking up in fear

'Fuck it'

They kept closing in on him as She strode to their side

she patted one of them on the shoulder "I can handle it from here" 

While giving her a disgusted look "Who the fuck are you?"

"Watch your tongue, pleb"

The two men looked at each other and smirked

"You should get out of here, before you get hurt " said the one furthest from her

In response (as any normal human would do) she grabbed the closest one by his shirt and head butted him 

He winced in pain and held his nose

"Are you going to let me do my job now?"

"Dick" he whispered under his breath before storming off

The other followed

Yrsa turned to the man cowering

Now she was looking at him she could make out his features

He was in his 30's, poorly shaven stubble on his, well, chin

He wore a suit top and had a cheap watch

His eyes were almost plain and his hair had been recently cut

"Please… don't hurt… me" his struggled to get the words out

"Why would I do that?" she crouched next to him

"Because you're with them, right?"

"Nope" she sat cross legged on the ground

"Buuut - what did you do?" her curiosity getting the better of her

"Well you see I… they… I didn't do anything"

"Next time they'll kill you"

"Thanks, that fills me with hope"

"I'm fighting them, want to help?"

"Them?, god no"

"Alright then" she stood up "pray for mercy"

She was already out of the parking lot before he changed his mind

'Hold on, this is my opportunity for promotion'

"Fine I'll help"

"What's your name?" she didn't look back"

"Oh it's, umm… John"



"Alright john, there someone you need to talk to first"

The roads were completely empty so Yrsa tore the road a new one, much to the dismay of John

"How the fuck do you have a licence?" he said struggling of her bike

"Oh I don't"

"That makes sense"

Glancing towards the asbestos contaminated factory, Yrsa was already in the doorway

He brushed himself off and caught up to Yrsa

"Erika, you here?" she asked the room

"Yeah, what is it?" she was up in the bollards just out of sight

"Someone here you might want to meet"

"I'll be down in a minute" she was, in precisely a minute

"Why should I meet him"

"John, he can help"

"So you just let anyone who can help in?"

"Were alive aren't we"

"Can't argue with that" she turned to John "can you handle a gun?"

"I'd like to think so"

"Are you any good at tracking people?"

"That's my specialty"

"That was a strange answer, right I'll think about it - you can go now"

"I look forwards to working with you"

The door fell of it's hinges as he left, he panicked and tried to fix it before Erika told him it was fine and to leave

"Where did you find that guy?"

"Trash pile"

"I don't trust him"

"If he's bad we can shoot him" Yrsa said nonchalantly

"Has kevin talked to you since we got kidnapped"

"Oh yeah their fine, did the same as us, you want to go for a drink?"

"As long as you're paying"


When Yrsa set off with Erika on the back she realised that her a idea "of a drink" was very different to Yrsa, and prepared herself

But that's not what she got, instead Yrsa bought her to a proba posh place, and if you can't tell from the word 'proba' i'm not posh so do your best to envision a posh drinking palace

They were greeted by someone I can only describe as classically handsome: tall, chiselled jaw,stubble, wearing a well presented uniform

"Do you have a reservation or membership?"


"Follow me please"

"How the hell do YOU have a membership?" she asked

"Long story"

He took them through the (almost) empty restaurant, directly to specific table near a window

"Would you like me to leave you to decide"

"No need to be so formal"

"Sorry Yrsa,I'm on a tight chain - I'm not risking it"

"Fine, give us a moment"

"Yes ma'am" he gave a slight bow and left

"Now would be a good time for a long story"

"Well, I used to give them 'ethically sourced' rare Liquors"

"I shouldn't be surprised"

"I don't know why you would"

They both ordered drinks, Yrsa a whisky, Erika a brandy and simply talked, not about anything going on with the vipers and their work but just for fun

That was until Erika remembered

"Someone hired us for a small job-"

"Hey, Since when were we working for others?"

"Since they started paying us enough to buy a house"

The restaurant had started to busy up, but it was still pretty empty

"Where then?"

"Somewhere in englan-"

"Wait really?"


"You're not joking" 

"Have I ever joked?

"Fair enough"

"Town called chester" 

Yrsa slowly took a drink just to spit it out for dermatic effect

"What the hell?" not even angry just confused

"That's where I grew up!" she lent over the table

"Any idea who it might be?"

"Your guess is as good as mine… well I suppose it could be" she whispered the second half

"Go on?"

"Well there this one guy, only lead a street gang - but he's smart, I do suppose it could be him"

"Should we worry about him?"

"Nah, it's fine - I hope"

Erika told her to pack for a couple of days

About a week later It was time to go, they had been aloud to bypass security (by his doing no doubt) and were escorted past the common folks

They both tried to get some rest and chill while on the plan (which they got plenty of because the flight took like 16 hours)

They landed in manchester airport (that is a different town, yes it's weird) and were again escorted this time to a limousine

They took the hour and a half drive down to chester, when they Arrived the sun had set

The driver had lead them to what looked like a normal built up quickly house

The driver opened the doors for them and helped them get the luggage before swiftly leaving

As they walked up the driveway Erika whispered

"I don't suppose you know this house?"

They could make out a hallway though the opaque window


Erika opened the door

Oooo cliff hanger, i'm smart