
I'm sorry

Lisa's heart flew when she heard that, she thought her father won't take her words seriously and now? Mary is here and her lie will be exposed.

Lisa rushed out to see Mary creating a little scene by forcing Anna to call Grey.

Did you not realize that this is a working space? Lisa queried her as she walked closer to Mary.

Today is dad's birthday, instead of granting his wish, you decided to make his day sad, that's really not cool. Mary said in a sympathetic manner inorder to gain one from the onlookers.

Remember his is your father, not mine. Why are you here?

To see Mr.Grey

If you do have an appointment proceed to the receptionist to get his consent, if you don't do well to book one. Said Lisa as she turned to leave.

Mary quickly ran to her and whispered in her ear.

Let me see him or your secret will be unsafe with me.

Lisa stood frozen for a while before saying with a cold voice.

I will go talk to him. And she left.

You may come in Lisa told her.

After much persuasion he agreed to see the lady sent from Walker Enterprise.

Mary came in but her legs were already giving her away. Right in front of her was her crush, very handsome, composed and intimidating, for some reason she is even scared to talk.

You have a minute.

Sorry for my manners. Hi Mr.Grey

There was a deafening silence for some seconds because she was expecting a response from him.

The whole place was embarrassment for her.

Speak. Said Grey

This is a special invite from The Walker's Enterprise, we would really love you to grace us with your presence. Mary said with smiles all over her face.

I thought I turned down this offer? Grey said looking straight at Lisa.

The question caught her unaware.


You may leave. He said cutly

I know my sister has tried persuading you but it will really be a dream come through for our father. Mary said while looking at Lisa to support the motion.

Right sister? Asked Mary.

Lisa closed her eyes, right now she felt like opening the ground and getting swallowed.

My answer still stands, you may go with your gift. Grey said pointing at the gift in the table.

Please reconsider.


His voice scared Mary that she literally ran out from the office.

Immediately Mary left, Lisa turned to go to her desk.

Sister! Really?

Lisa stopped and turned. Sorry for lying to you but that's the truth, I don't consider them family and they will never be.

You may go. He said

Am sorry. Lisa apologized before living.

When she got to her table, she made a mental note to call Mary.

Why was he silent? I thought he would react for lying to him.

Mary was angry that she wasn't able to get him to come.

Today you might be indifferent to me but trust me you will be in my arms soon my love.

Mary said as she left the company's premises.

Hello! Mary picked the call

What was the meaning of that?

What? Mary asked

Barging into my work space and threatening me, don't even think for a sec that I will give in to your threats next time.

Till then. Said Mary

Mary, I saw the way you were ogling at my boss, not this time, don't even think of making any advances because the result will be bad. Lisa warned her.

Why? Are you scared that I will take him the way I did to your boyfriend. Listen Lisa, I get what I want and you can't stop me, goodbye.

She ended the call.

How dare she!! Mary you have ruined and interfered in my life enough, don't push me.

Lisa muttered to herself.

She has been through lots of pains because of her so called family. First off, her cunning sister frolicking with her boyfriend, to her depriving her of father's love and everything she deserved.


~Four years ago~

I called you because I wanted to have a discussion with you. Mr.Walker said

Ok sir. Replied Lisa

Enough of that "sir" Mr.Walker flared up. By the way Mary told me that you are forcing yourself on her boyfriend, I thought you were responsible but no you are as dumb as your mum.

What are you talking about? Which boyfriend?

Am talking about Jay.

What? Jay is my boyfriend. Lisa replied

Was! Said Mary as she interrupted the conversation.

He told me that he has warned you severally to stay away but you're so desperate to be with him.

Enough!! Don't talk about Jay in such manner, he's my boyfriend and we love each other. Lisa replied almost annoyed.

Fine, let's hear from the horses mouth.

Baby please come in. Mary called while smiling from ear to ear.

Lisa was shocked when she saw Jay come inside and was holding hands with Mary.

What's this? Lisa asked pointing at them.

I know it hurts but you have to face it, I love your sister not you, so deal with it.

Lisa was perplexed, she couldn't believe that it was Jay speaking, he was soft spoken and kind to her, so what happened?

So after everything, you chose to betray me like others. I thought we shared a thing, I thought we loved each other, what happened?

Enough with the pretense sis, you know he doesn't love you but yet you chose to be in a loveless relationship, so I won't get the happiness I deserved, but your game is over.

What game? If their is anyone playing silly games, it's you, so you better shut up.

It's alright Jay, but trust me your taste sucks.

Lisa Immediately ran out of house with tears in her eyes.

It really hurts when someone you call your friend, love and companion betrays you, it hurts when that one person who has been your support system betrays and lives you to in the forest for hungry lions to devour.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Diva_Gennycreators' thoughts