
Typical Conflicts

It is lunchtime, and I was left alone inside our classroom to finish some paperwork for the board meeting after class.

"Hey, Kenz! Let us eat first, stop doing that!" Andy suddenly barged into the room ruining my peace and concentration.

"I'm busy, go and eat without me." I answered without throwing a look at her, trying not to mind her loud presence. Her mere presence is already a noise for me.

"As if we will let that happen, duh!" She marched to the chair in front of me and sat there. "I will stay here until you come and eat, I won't stop bugging you."

I took a deep breath and looked at her blankly.

She just raised an eyebrow at me as if telling me that she has no plans of going unless I come.

"I have no time for this, Andy. I'm not hungry."

"No time yourself!" She said, rolling her eyes. "Huh! Where's Kate, anyway? She should be here to help me annoy you."

"Good idea, go find her and eat without me," I answered sarcastically before I put my attention back to my laptop.

"That's not what I mean! Argh! You are so difficult. I'll just report you to Sam, I'll tell him that you're skipping meals." She said that made me close my eyes in defeat.

Damn, she won't stop.

I closed my laptop when she was about to say another word. "Fine, just shut up."

She grinned in victory and stood up. "I knew it, I'm so great."

I shook my head and grabbed my things before we left the room.

"Now, where's that Kate? Vince told me that the guys are already waiting in the cafeteria." She spoke. "Don't tell me that she's eating already? I'll definitely smack her."

"She went to the student council office." I simply answered.

"Alright, let's go and fetch her. I am not Kate, but I am starving."

I sigh.

As if I can do anything.

While we were on our way to their SC office, we heard Kate's voice not far from our position. When we reached the hall where the SC office was located, we saw her arguing with her boyfriend in front of the office

"I don't want to go! Why can't you understand that? Leave me alone!" Kate almost shouted.

She looks upset and irritated, while the guy looks furious with whatever they are arguing.

"What's happening here?" Andy asked as soon as we got closer at them.

We immediately got their attention. Relief could be seen on Kate's face as soon as she saw us. On the other hand, I saw shock from the guy's eyes especially when his eyes landed on me.

If this guy is still her boyfriend, I bet that he will be her ex-boyfriend in a few minutes from now.


Kate was about to walk towards us when her boyfriend suddenly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

I frowned.

"We are not done yet." The guy stated firmly.

"Yes, we are done, and we are done for good! Let me go and go back flirting around." Kate tried to pull her hand back, but the guy just tightened his grip that made her wince. "Huh! What are you doing?! Let me go!"

"She said, let her go," I stated coldly after I decided to intervene.

What is this guy thinking?

"This is none of your business." He almost shouted at us before he pulled Kate and quickly walked away from us.

"Hey!" Kate protested.

"Gosh, Kate! He's crazy."

I swiftly grabbed Andy's water bottle from her hand and threw it directly to the guy's head several meters from us before they could even walk far. The bottle is full enough to create an impact to make him stop and feel the pain.

"Hey! That's my water-"

I gave my things to Andy and immediately walked towards them and grabbed Kate from him while he was still off guard.

"Let her go when she told you so." I firmly said.

"Damn!" He tried to grab her again, but I pulled her behind my back away from him.

"Let's go, Kenz," Kate said but I stood firmly in front of this stupid guy. I know this type of man, he won't just stop and let this go.

"Tell me, Kate, is he your boyfriend or your ex already?" I ask Kate while still eyeing him.

He clenches his jaw while looking back at us.

"Ex, he's my ex at the moment I caught him flirting again just a few minutes ago."

"Ex," I repeated. "You heard that? You are already her ex. I shall remind you that you have no right to bring her anywhere you want or even touch her without her permission. If you want to explain and apologize, do it the right way, and not like this." I raised Kate's hand in front of him where there are evident red marks and prints from his grip a while ago.

"What? We're not yet done until I say so." He was about to reach for Kate again when I grabbed his hand and twisted his arm to his back pushing him against the wall.

"I said, hands-off." I started firmly as I pushed him harder against the wall when he tried to get loose. "Don't you ever treat women as your property. Once I heard that you mess with my friends again, this is not the only thing that could happen to you. Do you understand?

"Dammit, alright!"

"I'm not convinced."

He winces in pain as I twisted his arm harder. "Fine, fine, I understand."

"Good. Now, get lost." I said before releasing him. He quickly walked away while holding his arm.

"Come on," I told Kate before we walked back to Andy who is now grinning at us.

I grab my things back and head to the cafeteria.

"You picked the wrong guy again Kate." Andy laughed while we were eating in the cafeteria with the three guys after she told them what happened. Kate just made a face at her.

"I know, okay? You don't have to repeat it again and again." She said.

"Whatever, you owe me my water."

"Hey, that's just a water bottle and that guy was harassing me. Besides, Kenzie bought you another one." She pouted

I could not see any regrets and sadness from her, she is annoyed but not upset, fortunately. I presume that guy is just one of her flings. Kate is an intelligent, kind, innocent, and a quite childish person, but she doesn't know how to pick a guy to be in a relationship with. Many guys have been abusing her innocence. If no one is around to watch her, she might think that anyone who would tell her that they like her is telling the truth.

"You should have called us hon. We could assure that he will never bother you again." Vince grinned

"I was about to, but Kenzie kicked his ass off before I could even touch my phone."

"As always," Renz said. "Know what Kenz, you save my own cousin more times than I do." Renz said.

I did not answer. They were used to it, so I did not mind.

They continued talking while I just continued eating. I suddenly felt that I got out of the mood, I don't feel like talking. I felt tired to talk. I even lost my appetite.

After a few minutes, I felt that someone was looking at me. I looked up and saw Ace staring at me with observing eyes.

"What?" I frowned.

"We're just eating, but you're breathing quite heavily." He calmly said that made the others look at me.

That is when I realize that I am indeed breathing heavily.

I was looking at him when my vision suddenly got wobbly. I slightly shook my head and immediately tried to get back on my senses. Did I just get dizzy for a moment?

"Are you okay, Kenz?" Kate asked.

"I am just feeling a little hot, don't mind me." I simply answered at both of them before I put my attention back to my food.

Thank you all for reading my novel! Your comment and votes are genuinely hyping me up and keep me excited to post more updates. I'll try to give more updates soon, stay tuned!

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