
Never Love Again (BL)

I was living in an alternate world where once marked, the eyes turned red and the first to fall in love was you. I was marked when drunk. The person that marked me unknown, probably living a life of promiscuity. I was just a college student and the person I liked would never glance my way, not in this lifetime or the next. He was dating my sister. I learned my lesson before multiple times, starting a new relationship, dating then breakup.... They all ended the same way and I often ended up getting hurt. This was well proven well by my savior, my rescuer who hated me just as much as I despised him. Never will I ever love again *** DISCLAIMER: The picture used as the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement has been purposely intended. If you are the owner of this magnificent art and wish for me to take it down, I'll do so respectfully. Kindly reach me through my always open Dm. Additionally, you will also find my email address posted on my profile page. Thank you. I'm open to accept other book cover recommendations since I'm not great at digital art **sobs** Thank you again.

2Twinkle3 · Fantasy
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190 Chs

6. About To Burst

"Help me..." I begged and watched him stare at me without batting an eye. I was loosing control..I felt it slipping away rapidly and hated how it made me feel.

"Why should I do something as annoying as that? Or are you happy with just anyone, aren't you?"

This was embarrassing. I remember feeling like this before I blacked out at the party. This guy had thrown me in the tub and was splashing cold water on me but my body still felt hot. I could feel my eyes pull apart ... the tension in my chest suffocated me. Soon, the mark will take over me and I would lose complete control. The worst of it all is I'd remember everything. Why couldn't the marking just come with memory loss?

"You did this to me..."

"If I'd done that don't you think you'd be in love with me? You hate my guts just as much as I hate yours so calm the heck down and get it over quickly. I'm behind on my assignments and I need you out of here as soon as possible."

Damn it, I was feeling like I'm about to burst. I tried to get out of the tub and slid back in. It was too slippery to get out...and why was he still here?


"You can barely get up...what if you fall and slam your head on the floor or the door handle? Everyone would hold me responsible. Do you just go around causing trouble for everyone? You're such a burden to look at!"

"It hurts! It...really hurts!" I couldn't comprehend what I was feeling, from the cold water being splashed on my body or the throbbing pain in my lower abdomen. "It's too hot!"

I looked up at him. "Niel...Niel...Why do you look like him?"

He startled me when he aimed at my eyes with the nozzle. What had I just said?

"You kept calling me that too last time." He seemed displeased as he bent down to my eye level. "There are dogs that might be your friend and there are wolves that will gladly capture you and when you become like this, you won't be able to tell them apart."

I was relieved when he turned off the tap but then gripped the back of my hair and pulled me close to meet his eye. He was too close that I could hear him breathe.

"Isn't he your sister's presumed boyfriend? How dirty you are to yearn and pant for him at such a time knowing he is probably sleeping with her right now."

I felt him unzip my jeans then grabbed my hand, guiding it to hold onto my member. My hands were shook as soon as I felt the hardness of it.

"You can't even hold it, how pathetic..."

Every word he uttered hurt me to the core however, though I doubted I could focus on my anger when all I was craving for was release. I felt him loosen the grip on my hair as he put my head on his shoulder. My waist was moving towards him then his grip on my hand tightened in a brief moment before he started guiding my hand to rub onto my already pulsating erection.

"This is how you get your first release then you can do it yourself afterwards."

I don't know if him helping me rub myself off felt really good or him talking to my ear. He smelled so good too it was turning me on.

"You can think of him when you jerk off."

"Ah!" I moaned so loud it surprised me. My breathing grew more and more rapid as I felt myself loose balance. I used my other free hand to hold onto his back. It felt euphoric...I could feel my release coming closer and closer and I warned him to let me go but he didn't budge.

I knew he wasn't Niel, yet I still wanted him. I wished he was, I really wished he was as I called out his name, but this scent wasn't Niel's. It was stronger, much stronger that when I took it in, my waist started moving on its own again...I wanted more!

"Stop...you're making me angry..."

Why was he angry? Was it bad to want him? I don't care as long as I got release and as I finally let loose, my back arched further and further until I almost lost my balance. I felt him grab onto me to break my fall then pulled me towards him. His breathing was calm enough for me to hear my thudding heart, yet, I was still getting hard.

He let go of my hand that still held onto my erection as he whispered again. "With the first release, you have enough strength to do the rest ourself so think of your beloved Niel as you jerk yourself off."

He gently let me go and stood up then added, "or you can just think of me since it doesn't matter who does it as long as they let you off."

I saw the door slam behind him and felt disappointed that he'd left. Looking down at my erection, I started rubbing onto it as I closed my eyes, thinking to how he'd guided my hands. Oh, it felt really good! There was also that lingering scent of his. It was faint but I could still smell him.

I had been marked by an unknown person yet I was in love with my sister's boyfriend and here I was jerking off to the scent of someone else. I glanced at my lewd reflection in the mirror and saw the display of a lustful scene that only plunged me deeper and deeper into lust. My moans echoed in the bathroom and I couldn't help but call out Niel's name over and over again.

I wanted him...I needed him so bad!