
Ali was Born

The life after marriage was really hard for Ali's Mom as his dad was a carefree person he was always into gambling and drinking, His mom had to face lots of hardships in the family, She could not even go back to her parents as she had taken a decision to stand alone.

Now a Few years later it was the month of April and they got the news that a baby boy was born and he was named Ali. Ali was a luck charm for his parents, the life of his dad changed and he moved along side to a different country to make his living while Ali and his mom stayed in the home country living a simple life. His mom still used to teach children and earm money. His dad never took care of his expenses. while moving ahead his dad came back to his home country leaving his job and started a business of decoration with the name Ali's Electricals. The business boomed but this led his farther to a wrong path again not taking care of anything.

They use to earn huge profits but his father never saved a single penny he used the last penny for his fun. His mother used to be always worried about all this.

Yet everything continued and then his father asked his mother they will live alone getting a new house. And they moved on to a new home. now Ali was a charm for his parents and yet his mother also earned a handsome amount of money teaching students and she took care of all the expenses of the house.

They had to go to several hardships in the life, his Mother had to be very careful as she was always in short of money taking care of all the expences.

His mother always jestured his birth and loved him. While his dad was looking at him as a person who would get him fame.

Ali's mom was always worried about how Ali's father behaviour was he use to beat her harshly and also demanded money from him. She use to believe that one day she would be able to change him and this lead her to hold on. While she was also afraid of several other possibilities like the society as it was not active. And as she had left her parents house she could not turn around to them too.

That period was a long one which looked like it will never pass.