
Never Judge

Cedric Reyes has a secret, he is the heir and eldest son of the rich and powerful Reyes clan. As tradition all heirs of their family have to go through a form of poverty training at the age of fifteen. They are left to fend for themselves with no contact and barely any money. Since leaving, he's gotten married to Adrianna Herandez, the Treasure of the Hernandez clan. Adrianna's family had always looked down at him due to his humble origins, but Adrianna has always stuck by him. Treated badly by his classmates in the past, and his in law in the present. They are about to encounter the shock of their lives. The Reyes Heir rules the country with his friends, the four princes, who are each from powerful and well respected families. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/PXnT6AcQWH Follow me: @wounded_warriorauthor on Instagram

wounded_warrior · Realistic
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1120 Chs

Chapter 450

"She reacted badly to whatever aphrodisiac she was given." Nicole told Cedric as she joined him in the living room.

"Is she doing better?" Cedric asked as he looked up at Nicole.

"Yes, Miguel administered some medication and Alexi's quick thinking helped cool her down." Nicole said with a nod as she sat next to Cedric. "The poor girl will be so confused when she wakes up. She had a unique one in her system, it's quite potent."

"I know it's not Alexi's fault Nicole." Cedric said with a frown. "If you're here on his behalf to convince me, I know it's not his fault."

"So why did you walk out?" Nicole asked with a puzzled look on her face. 

"I was just frustrated." Cedric said with a sigh. "We've done so much so that Jen wouldn't suspect that we knew about her and so that she would let her guard down around Alexi, then he goes and loses control."

"He was drugged." Nicole reminded Cedric.