
Never Forgotten - Multiverse Fanfic DROPPED


Bluntborne · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10 - This Isn’t The World I Expected

(Holy SHIT! I'm so sorry this took so long. I was originally only going to take like a month off but then Finals came and smacked me harder then Uraraka did to Izuku in the Entrance Exam. Thanks to Victor who sent me an email, find it in the synopsis, asking for when I would start releasing chapters again, which let me break my head out from Finals and finally iron out the details of how I'll proceed from here. Everyone say "Thanks Victor!".

Now, to the second thing. I'm still looking for some coverart for the story, if you'd like your fanart to make an appearanace and stay, feel free to send the email. I'll be doing a contest with everyone who sends there fanart in a makeshift chapter. In that chapter readers will vote for which one is best. The one that wins will become the coverart for this book.

FInal thing before the chapter starts, I feel like I've made too many companions way to early, so say goodbye to Ace, Sheath, and the Pokemon. They'll be added again if MC ever goes to their respective verses, Monsterverse, Pokeverse, and Destinyverse. I feel comfortable removing them because they played really minor roles in my opinion. I have added 2 new npc's though who'll be MC's main battle buddies. I also removed Ragnarok and Rashomon as they are I suck with writing them…

Anyways, sorry I took so long for a hiatus, I'm back now on a somewhat shaky schedule)

It's been 7 years since the raid (I think I did my math right?, the game lasted for 12 years and the raid happened in year 5). So much has changed… Ainz Ooal Gown is no longer the powerhouse it used to be. I walk into the guild hall which has fallen so far, 9 empty thrones sat around in a semicircle. The banners of multiple players fly in forgotten glory along the walls as the back wall flies the 9 biggest banners.

I walk forward to my throne, a throne of black iron entwined with charred branches. Above my head is my banner. It holds the Darksign and Hunter's Mark surrounded by the design of mistle from Code Vein with the sign of Queenslayer, which is also tattooed on my neck.

My armor changed a bit, the coat has been replaced with Nero's from DMC 5, and I removed my helmet while changing my chestpiece to look more like the Manticore School chestpiece from the Witcher 3 while my Kaneki Mask was replaced with Zora's Mask from Black Clover. My weapon has undergone the most changes. I scrapped Hollow Lost when it broke and created Revelation.

Revelation - EX


Personal (Sin) Devil Trigger



Growth Type


Red Queen -Main- (DMC 5)

Arbiter -Secondary- (DmC Reboot)

Osiris -Secondary- (DmC Reboot)

Though my status has also changed a lot, alongside my name.

[Player Status Page:

Name: Sekiro

Race: Soulborne

Title: Guardian Demon, Reaper of Nazarick

Level: 240


<Blacksmith: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Master Blacksmith: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Artificer: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Demon Hunter: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Devil Slayer: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Dragon Slayer: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Death Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Unholy Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Weapon Master: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Alchemist: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Cursed Knight: Job Class - Max lvl 10>

<Cursed Caster: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Sorcerer: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<War Wizard: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Runesmith: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Rune Master: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Summoner: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Dragoon: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Armored Mage: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Fallen Angel: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Soulborne: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>

<God Eater: Unique Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Fallen Hero: Unique Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Devil Trigger: Unique Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Abysswalker: Unique Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Queenslayer: Unique Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Primordial of Death: Unique Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Hell Lord of Cinder: Unique Class - Max Lvl 5>

Active Effects:

<Primordial of Death:

Necromancy - Passive:

Access to High Tier Death Spells

Aura of Death - Active:

Deal damage overtime to entities ¼ Player level in 15m radius>

<Hell Lord of Cinder: Blue Flames


Access to Unique Fire Magic


Access to Unique Ash Magic


Access to Unique Smoke Magic>

I look around the empty hall once again. The braziers lit and the walls still clean, as though the owners have only just left. That couldn't be farther front the truth. I'm the only one that comes on daily. Momon tries to get on at least twice a week while Pero, Buku, and Touch can only hop on once a month due to work. I look at the clock and see that the time for server shutdown isn't for another 6 hours and the party I invited my friends to isn't for another 2. I check the guild status and see that I'm the only one online.

"So, this is what Momon felt in the original timeline. I understand that they all have to work, especially with how fucked the economy is, but still. I hope they can make it for one last goodbye before I'm isekai'd."

(I'm sorry, I just don't feel like writing in Buku anymore, sorry for any of those that wanted her to be a part of it.)

I watch as the time slowly clicks down before finally, an hour before the game ends and I leave this world. The four of them log on with 45 left. I perk up and get out of my throne as I watch them move throughout the halls, meeting up with each other before heading straight here.

Buku: "Seki-chan!" she jumps at me in a hug.

"Hey, Buku…" I give her a slight smile, one filled with pain as I return her hug, though it quickly falls, replaced with one of happiness at being able to see my few friends again, one last time.

"Pero, Touch, Momon… you all made it!" I grab them all in a tight group hug.

Touch: "Of course we did Seki."

Pero: "Yeah, you think we'd miss the end of the game that brought all of us together?"

Momon: "I wish I could stay longer, but sadly I have to leave again in 30." the rest nod as well, showing that they are also still 'on the clock' at their jobs.

"Alright, well, let's look around the guild base, one last time." What followed was the 5 of us walking around, taking one last look, for them, at the base we built up. But, all good things must come to an end. They all hit their shutdown buttons, one by one, until it's just Buku and I. At this point, I'm crying. She turns around, her hand just about to click the shutdown button.

Buku: "Hey don't worry, we'll all hang out again in real life right?"

What should I say? I don't want to lie to her, but I can't tell her the truth…

"I… I don't think that's possible, Buku."

Buku: "Well why wouldn't it be?"

"I'm dying," I say in a whispered voice, "Today is my last day in the world." 'it's for the best,' I think to myself, disgusted with lying to one of my greatest friends

Her eyes open wide as tears start to form in her eyes.

Buku: "What? Please, please no… please please please tell me it's just a sick joke! PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE KIDDING! SEKI! Please, don't joke about things like this!"

"I'm not joking Buku. Come tomorrow morning, I'll be dead. I didn't want to tell any of you because I didn't want to guilt you all into coming."

I look at the clock, 10 minutes left.

Buku: "What should I do then?!?! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW THAT I KNOW HUH?!?" I run up to her and give her a hug.

"Live for me then. Tell the other's I said goodbye." I hit her shutdown button, causing her character to disappear in a flash of pixelated light as I'm left all alone. When a player shutdown their NAI (Neural-Auto Interface or whatever the fuck it is they use in Overlord), it takes almost 20 minutes to completely turn it back on.

"Alone huh? But, never forgotten… 10 minutes left. Let's go change some settings." I run through the floors at my top speed, stopping at all the Guardian's and removing their extreme prejudice for humans, they'll still have slight prejudice, but not automatically hostile like in the show. Albedo's and Shalltears though, I stop at. I look at the clock. 7 minutes. Do I remove their not yet born will and force them to love me? 'You've already lied to your best friend, what's wrong with forcing them to love you? They're mindless right now, remember, there's nothing wrong with making a program.' Shut up. 5 minutes left. FUCK IT!

I change both of their settings to love me, but not in the crazy yandere way that Momon did in the original. While removing any sort of anger or hate they may hold for the rest of the guild for not being there. 1 minute left. I walk back to my throne where Yume and Io stand behind to the sides of it, Albedo is in front to the side just below the base of the thrones. I recall all of my creations. I created Yume, Io, Happy who is now known as Firdo and is the younger brother of Albedo, Nigredo, and Rubedo; Hunter who is now known as EF21897 'Hunter' and is the younger brother of CZ2128 'Delta', Willow Vasilla who is the younger brother Entoma Vasilissa Zeta. All of their statuses have been updated as well.

Name: EF21897 'Hunter'

Title: The Animatronic

Gender: Male

Lvl: 100


<Gunner: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Stalker: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Weapon Smith: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Weapon Master: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Sniper: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Guardian: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Golem: Racial Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Automaton: Racial Class - Max Lvl 10>


The younger brother of CZ2128 Delta, Hunter works alongside Willow and Mortem in protecting the 10th floor.


Name: Willow Vassilsa

Title: Forest Guardian

Gender: Male

Lvl: 100


<Forest Stalker: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Druid: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Forest Mage: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<High Druid: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Shaman: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Insectomaster: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Master Tamer: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Dryad: Racial Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Treant: Racial Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Leshen: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>


The younger brother of Entoma Vasslisa Zeta, Willow works alongside Hunter and Mortem in protecting the 10th floor.


Name: Firdo

Title: Angel of Death

Gender: Male

Lvl: 100


<Medium: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Necromancer: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Master of Death: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Spirit Shaman: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Death Cleric: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Fallen Angel: Racial Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Elder Lich: Racial Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Overlord: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Ghost: Racial Class - Max Lvl 15>


The younger brother of Albedo, NIgredo and Rubeo. Works with Willow and Hunter in protecting the 10th floor.

(Firdo I took from the Arabic name Firdows which, according to the sites I visited, means immortal/everlasting paradise)

I also made two more NPC's, ones from Dark Souls, who are easily the strongest by themselves but act as my bodyguards. Artorias the Abysswalker and the Nameless King.

Name: Artorias

Title: The Knight | The Abysswalker | Sekrio's Bodyguard

Gender: Male

Lvl: 150


<Cursed Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Dark Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Champion: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Demon Hunter: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Evil Slayer: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Fighter: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Niflheim Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Warlord: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Paladin: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Unholy Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Sword Master: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Noble: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Arch Devil: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Zombie Warrior: Racial Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Nephilim: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>


Created by Sekiro to stand beside and protect him alongside his brother in arms Godwyn. Artorias was originally a knight who followed the Lord of Cinder Gwyn before being corrupted by the Abyss.


Name: Godwyn

Title: God of War | Nameless King | Sekiro's Bodyguard

Gender: Male

Lvl: 150


<Cursed Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Dark Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Champion: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Demon Hunter: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Evil Slayer: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Fighter: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Warlord: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Paladin: Job Class - Max Lvl 15>

<Unholy Knight: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Elementalist (Lightning): Job Clas - Max Lvl 15>

<Rider: Job Class - Max Lvl 10>

<Noble: Job Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Arch Devil: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>

<Nephilim: Racial Class - Max Lvl 5>


Created by Sekiro to stand beside and protect him alongside his brother in arms Artorias. Godwyn was originally the god of war, firstborn son to the Lord of Cinder Gwyn, he was cast out for siding with the drakes and his original name was struck from the annals of history and was gifted this name by his new creator.

I watch as the clock ticks down, and all of a sudden I feel my senses strengthen greatly, my body reinforced as great feelings of power entered my body and locked in naturally. I feel the air grow much better then it would've been in the old world. I look around, only to find time has frozen.

-Congratulations on completion of your first world! Your next world is BNHA/MHA! You are allowed 1000 points as a bonus of this being you're first 'jump', remaining points after choosing perks will be stacked into next world! Note: Each world gives 500 points as a base, choose wisely, and don't spend all in one place!

Points: 1000

<Double The Plot Armor - 400 Points:

Take the spot of the protagonist in the world.

Note: This will make you take the place of the protagonist at birth>

<I'm Waking Up - 50 Points:

You're body will be on autopilot until you're 4 years old, why? Cause fuck the baby years!

Note: You're body will portray emotions but it will be more like an android until you 'wake up'>

<It's Dangerous To Go Alone - 100 Points:

Take all of you're equipment

Note: Without this perk you'd only be able to take what you were carrying>

<Harem Aura- 100 Points:

The ladies swoon over you, as do erotic situations…

Note: Be careful of Yandere's>


"What? I thought I would go to the New World first, but… yeah, this is fine, I'm not sure what I'd do in the New World anyways… I'll take all of them I guess, so that poots me at 350 points left…"

Time begins to move before I'm asked to clarify who I want to bring…

"All of the NPC's of Ainz Ooal Gown…"


My vision fades to black before reforming in a blinding white office.

Doctor: "Sorry kid, you're quirkless…"

(I'm really sorry the hiatus lasted so long, I'm more or less back? I'll be trying to release a chapter once a week but my schedule is still kind of shaky... Thanks to all of you who stood by and kept the story in you're libraries, it means a lot to me!)

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