
chaper 1

I never thought I would fall in love until I met Danny. She was the most wonderful person in my life. Well let me start at the beginning. My name is Abigail and am 17 years old. I first met Dannabelle at the bowling alley when I ran into her at the snack bar. I thought that she was the most beautiful person I ever met. She stood about 5'8 with long dark brown hair, hazel eyes, sexy lips that I dream of biting on. The first time we touched each other was when we were grabbing a napkin from the napkin holder. I blushed and looked away from her fast, so she would not notice that my cheeks turned a bright red. I turned back to her and I introduced myself.

Sorry about that I said.

No worries she. My name is Dannabelle and I'm new in town. She said.

Hi my name is Destiny. I said.

I'll catch you later because I'm here with my family and it is a little boring. She said.

Okay I said.

As I watched her go back to her family. I walked away from the snack bar and went back to join my friends. Paul I met him in the first grade. I was crying because I dropped my lunch and he was happy enough to share his with me. Then their was Amber we met 4 years ago at summer camp. It was my first time being away from home and I was kind of shy. I was the new girl at camp and the first few days it was kind of hard to make friends with anyone. She noticed that I was a little sad because I really did not want to be at this summer camp and I hated my parents for sending me here. Next there was my kid brother James that I had to take with me everywhere I went.

I could stop think about Danny and my friends were trying to get my attention on what we should do next. All I keep thinking about is what it would be like if Danny was my girlfriend. Being that our bowling game was over. I thought it would be a good idea to go to the mall and that I should invite the new girl because she wanted a tour of our town. The best place to go would be is the mall because the was the crew's second home away from home.

I think we should go to the mall and invite the new girl I told the guys. Amber said that would be a good because she needed a new outfit for the party that was at out classmate Jake's house this weekend bring that his parents would be out of town. I walked over to Danny and I asked her if she wanted to go with us to the mall. She looked over at her parents to get their approval. They shook their heads yes because they wanted their daughter to make friends.

Her mom told her that she had to be home at 9pm because her first day of class is tomorrow and that she had to go to school early to get some paperwork. She said okay then asked her dad for some money so she could hang out with her new friends. Her dad stood up and pulled his wallet out his back pocket and gave her what looked like $450. She grabbed the money, kissed her mother on the cheek, thanked her father for the money and hugged her twin brothers and walked over to where we were standing.

After we left the bowling alley the five of us had to walk three blocks to the bus stop. Once we arrived at the bus stop i checked my phone to see when the bus was coming. And it looked liked we already missed the bus by ten minures, and the next bus was coming in thirty minures. As we waited we started to make small talk because there was nothing else for us to do.

Hey Dannabelle I said.

Yes she said.

Where did your family move from. I asked her.

I am from a small town in Ohio called Appleton. She said looking at me with a smile .

I smiled back at her as we continued the conversation.

When is your birthday? I asked.

August 8 and yours. She said.

March 21. Do you like horror movies. I asked

Not really I am more into comidey.

As we are talking the bus finally comes and we all get on and we ride seven stops to the mall. When the bus gets the stop where the mall is all five of us get off and we walk towards the mall. When we get inside the guys want to go to the Nike store to get something to wear to the party and they leave us three ladies to find some nice pants, shirts and shoes to wear to the party. Dannabelle tells us that she would like to wear dress to the party. I told her that this is just a house party and that she should wear pants that way she is confortable being that there would be a lot of people making out and stuff like that. She agreed with my statement and picked out. She told me that she still wanted to get the dress just in case she has a date. I went back to thinking as we were trying to figure out what store we wanted to go into. Danny said she wanted to go to Victoria's Secret so she could get something nice out of there. I hope it is something sexy that I could take off of her I thought. I wondered what she would look like if she had a matching bra set. As she was done and was heading to the cash register I knew the perfect place where Danny could buy this dress from and the was Nadine's Dress Emporium. Where she could find could find the dress of her dreams for her first date in her new town. When she was done and ready to leave I told Danny about the dress store and she said she was down to go.

As we walked out the Victoria's Secret and to the dress store. We walked down the hall towards the elevator. We took the elevator to the 4th floor. When we got off the elevator we walked to the middle of the floor and that where the store was located. As we walked into the shop. I never thought it would be like this when she asked me to help her while she was looking for this nice dress to wear. When she finally get the dress that she was looking for she asked me to help her put in on. She slipped out of her pants and her shirt. She had a sexy as body and I dreamed about me touching her. She made sure that I watched her every move as she unzipped this red dress that she found. She stepped into this red slim dress and she asked if I could help her zip it back up. When she turned around she smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile right back at her. Next thing I knew I was walking right towards her and kiss her on the lips. She kissed me back and then I backed away. I apologized over and over because kissing her was a mistake and I knew she didn't feel the same way as I did.

I ran out of the dressing room. I waited outside the store because I was ashamed at what just happened. How do so explain to her what just happened between us. I had to fund the guys and quickly find my brother James so we can leave. As I was looking for the guys Amber kept calling me on my phone and I didn't answer phone call for a while because I didn't feel like talking about what happened with me and Danny in the dressing room at the moment. All I wanyed to do was go home and never speak about it again. About 15 minutes has gone by since I kissed Danny and I still couldn't do fine James. So I called Paul and I asked him where him and James at. I grabbed my brother a and we left the mall.